Registration Open!
Las Vegas, Nevada at the South Point Hotel and Casino, August 24-27, 2018.

Click Here for Online Hotel Room Reservations.
hotel room reservations also available by calling: (702) 797-8901 – mention Group Code DOC0823(Our group hotel rate is $60/night on Thursday and Sunday nights, and $90 on Friday and Saturday nights. Note that all Las Vegas Hotels now charge a resort fee. We have negotiated a $14/night “resort fee” instead of the South Point’s usual fee of $20/night. The fee includes guest-room WiFi, the airport shuttle, and other amenities.)
Here’s a preview of the exciting activities we are planning:
Friday, August 24, we are offering exclusive opportunity for meeting attendees to participate in a 1-day defensive pistol training class at the world-renown Front Sight Training Institute.
The retail one-day Front Sight rate with gun, belt and holster rental, ammo, ear protection, training, transportation, and lunch is $710, however DDP participants will get all of this for $199.00 per person.

Friday evening from 7pm to 9pm will be the evening welcome reception where you can eat, drink, meet and network with speakers and attendees.
Saturday and Sunday (Aug 25 & 26) will be two days full of informative talks.

Stay tuned for a full speaker lineup, but here is a preview of this year’s all-star faculty and topics:
- Gerald Pollack, PhD: “The Fourth Phase of Water” in biology, weather, energy, and more
- Willie Soon, PhD: “The Blue Sun: Solar Anomalies in the 1450s and 1460s
- Jerry Cuttler, DSc: “Treating Neurologic Disease with Low-Dose Radiation
- Joe Bastardi: “Forward into the Past: Using Past knowns in the Weather to Predict Future Unknowns”
- Gordon Claycomb: “The Saturn V Apollo Rocket: Synergism and Serendipity”
- Steve Goreham, MS, MBA: “Agricultural Miracles and Misconceptions”
- Paul Driessen, JD: “Three Visions of Sustainability”
- Christopher Farrell: Judicial Watch, Director of Research and Investigation.
- Donald Miller, MD: “The Day U.S. Military Superiority Ended”
- Steven Hatfill, MD: “The Latent Period in Radiation-Induced Leukemia”
- Joe Leimkuhler: “Update on Offshore Oil and Gas”
- Andrew Wakefield, MD: “The Sixth Extinction: vaccine immunity, escape mutants, and virgin soil populations”
- Arthur Robinson, PhD: “Vaccine Adjuvants”
- Ken Haapala: “How Russian propaganda plays to American fears created by group-think.”
- Fred Singer, PhD: “How the Greenhouse Gas CO2 also cools the planet”
- Toshiharu Kano: The last Hiroshoma survivor urges preparedness
Our group tour will be Monday, August 27 to the Nevada National Security Site, formerly known as the Nevada Test Site. The Nevada National Security Site is a United States Department of Energy reservation located in southeastern Nye County, Nevada, about 65 miles northwest of the city of Las Vegas. Also, formerly known as the Nevada Proving Grounds, the site was established on 11 January 1951 for the testing of nuclear devices, covering approximately 1,360 square miles of desert and mountainous terrain. The tour is now restricted to U.S. Citizens only. The tour will depart at approximately 7:30 a.m. and return at 4 p.m.
Email Jeremy Snavely at or call/text him at 520-270-0761.