Climate Watch: Are Temperatures Constantly Increasing?

I hope you are able to stay cool, without resorting to the limited “cooling centers” some towns like Tucson make available. It has been hot, but is it a record and an ominous trend?

We might dismiss the high temperatures in the 1930s as mere anomalous “weather,” but are we now in a climate warming trend?            

According to this graph from the 1975 National Academy of Sciences, the 1930s were at the peak of a warming trend that began around 1890, before the great increase in burning fuels like coal, and began to decrease as fuel use increased.

Alternating this graph with one prepared by the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration             (NOAA) by manipulating the data, one can see the effect of erasing the Northern Hemispheric warmth from 1890 to the mid-1950s and reducing the warmth of 1938 by nearly half a degree Celsius. Climategate emails show that erasure of the prior warmth was a coordinated effort to “hide the decline.”

 Politicians’ proposals to “address” the climate threat are based on this data.

Additional information:

Climate Watch: Is There Any Climate Good News

As the election campaigns shift into high gear, we expect to hear a lot about climate change. Last year, at the United Nations global climate summit in Dubai, Kamala Harris told world leaders that the climate clock “is no longer just ticking, it is banging. And we must make up for lost time.”

One of the predicted horrors of climate change is drought, although flooding is also a possibility. At the time of the top graph, 80% of the U.S. was experiencing severe or extreme drought.  At the time of the lower graph, only 5% of the U.S. is experiencing severe or extreme drought.

The top graph is from August 1934; the lower one is from July 2024—when the atmospheric CO2 has increased. And the burning of coal, oil, and natural gas has also increased.

Raising the CO2 level and driving SUVs did not cure drought. But it obviously didn’t cause it either. Many complex natural factors interact to cause climate or weather events, including the amount of precipitation.             Politicians should be challenged to explain how the Green New Deal will improve the climate.

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Climate Watch: Unprecedented High Temperatures?

I hope you are able to find a respite from the heat. We’ve had “excessive heat” warnings in Tucson for several days straight.

But as the graph shows, it is not unprecedented. U.S. maximum temperatures in June 1933 were higher. Of course, one can argue that it was just “weather” then, owing to Dust Bowl conditions, but it is “climate change” now. (Note that connecting two points, as in the graph, does not make a trend. The direction of a trend depends on the starting and stopping points. If we started in 1776, near the end of the Little Ice Age, it is definitely warmer now.)

The mean of maximum U.S. temperatures as guesstimated by NOAA has been fluctuating between about 78 and 86 degrees F. Many factors contribute to these differences of about 8 degrees. The gradual small rise in the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide has nothing to do with them.

Heat waves are a serious problem for people who live in cities. The urban heat island (UHI) effect can raise temperatures 10 or more degrees above what they would be in the countryside. Increasing urbanization likely accounts for 40 percent of reported warming. The ways to mitigate it do not involve reducing “carbon footprints.” Increasing green spaces, rooftop gardens, reflective roofing materials, and permeable pavements are helpful measures.

Looking at global rather than U.S. temperatures in the graph below, we see that there is a big spike in 2024. This is explained by the 2022 eruption of the underwater volcano Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai, which injected an unprecedented amount of water vapor, from 146 trillion grams (40 billion gallons) of water, into the stratosphere. This is equal to about 10 percent of the water vapor normally present there. Water vapor is by far the most important “greenhouse gas.”

Local factors and natural phenomena affect the weather and the climate—while the mainstream media only reports  about carbon dioxide, which is at most a minor contributor.

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WW III: Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD) Doctrine Being Tested

Over the noise about the Trump guilty verdict, have you seen any reports about developments in the Russia/Ukraine war?

As Russia continues to make slow progress on the ground, longer-range weapons are being supplied to Ukraine, along with proposals to strike targets within Russia. The defense minister of the Netherlands said that Ukraine could use the F-16s it sends in any way it likes.

The top map shows the location of Russian early warning system (EWS) radars and the area over which they can detect an incoming ballistic missile. The lower one shows the area covered by two installations that were reportedly attacked. At least one is said to be out of action awaiting repairs.

A degraded EWS leaves a country subject to a decapitating strike. Cold War doctrine calls for a devastating response, which has so far not materialized. But against what? NATO is maintaining plausible deniability.

Ascending the escalatory ladder without dire consequences so far “has led to a situation where many western decision-makers sincerely believe they can act with impunity, totally disregarding Russian warnings, while considering the likelihood of nuclear war an impossibility.”

The U.S. has no system to destroy nuclear warheads about to impact an American city. The batteries of Nike missiles that used to ring cities in the 1950s (the Nike-Hercules was nuclear-tipped) were all decommissioned.

The Soviet Union did not abandon anti-ballistic missile defense using nuclear warheads. In 2001, Russia was said to have a de facto missile-defense network with at least 8,000 modern interceptors, tipped with small nuclear warheads that do not require bullet-hitting-bullet accuracy. As of 2020, there were plans to double the firepower capabilities of the system defending Moscow.

There are many unknowns about Russian and U.S. capabilities, and the long-lasting MAD doctrine credited with keeping the peace for decades is being challenged.

Presidential candidate Donald Trump said that nuclear annihilation is the real threat, in commenting on President Joe Biden’s recent speech, in which he said global warming posed the “greatest existential threat to our country.” Neither candidate is talking about strategic or civil defense. The Biden Administration has authorized Ukraine to use U.S. weapons for “limited” strikes within Russia.

Additional Information: D.I.Y. Civil Defense

WW III: Is Nuclear Escalation Imminent?

I hope you are having a nice Memorial Day, celebrating the beginning of summer.  But do not forget that Memorial Day is about those who fell in war.

Americans tend to think that war is “Over There.” And that nuclear war is unthinkable, but if it happened, they erroneously think that it would inevitably wipe us out so there is nothing to do.

Some current events to consider:

On another front, there is grave concern that Iran could develop a nuclear weapon “in a few years.” What if it already has a few? It has nuclear friends—and no one knows for sure what happened to all of the Soviet stockpile. It’s possible that the threat of exploding a nuke hidden in a world capital is a deterrent strategy.

Some use of a nuclear weapon, by accident or design, appears likely. No matter where it happens, worldwide radiation panic could ensue. Inform yourself about radiation effects. It’s best to have your own radiation monitor. The safe/not safe radiation detector card—retail price $45—will  be unobtainable once the panic starts. The best use for limited supplies is to equip first responders NOW. Ten can be obtained free for first responders who request them on organization letterhead (

Additional information:

WW III: Ground Zero. Population: 5

Are you more worried about climate change than nuclear war? In a Washington Post op-ed, George Will observes that negligible public anxiety accompanies the intensifying danger of global incineration from nuclear war.

Like most commentators, Will assumes that the only possible outcome after the first salvo is global extinction. He refers to journalist Annie Jacobsen’s March 2024 book Nuclear War: a Scenario. This revives the 1980s climate catastrophe theory of nuclear winter.

Continue reading “WW III: Ground Zero. Population: 5”

War vs. Peace: Historical Pointers

DDP Newsletter Vol. XXXIX, No. 4

In these days of forever wars, we face rising threats to our way of life. Will we live under a system of freedom and prosperity, or will we be ruled over and our liberties treated as “privilege” that can be given or taken based on the judgment of a ruling class?

In trying to identify good guys and bad guys, friends and foes, some little-known historical events, and facts on some important persons, may provide helpful insight.

Key issues include slavery and control of the levers of power.

Continue reading “War vs. Peace: Historical Pointers”

DDP 2024 Annual Meeting

42nd Annual Meeting 
Doctors for Disaster Preparedness

Are We in a Hybrid War on Science and the West?

El Paso, Texas at the Marriott El Paso, July 5-7, 2024.

Meeting Registration:

Hotel Reservations: (Group Rate $139/night, reservation cutoff date 6/15)
Saturday and Sunday (July 6-7) will feature two days full of presentations you won’t want to miss!  (See agenda below.)

Friday evening (July 5) from 7pm to 9pm will be the evening Welcome Reception where you can eat, drink, meet, and network with presenters and attendees.


Friday, July 5.

Optional Group Outing (details below). Welcome Reception 7-9 pm.       
Saturday, July 6
7:45 am      
Welcome. Jane Orient, M.D., DDP President

8:00 am        
Scientific Challenges of Detection and Attribution of Global Warming
Willie Soon, Ph.D.

Dr. Soon, an astrophysicist, authored The Maunder Minimum and The Variable Sun-Earth Connection.

 9:00 am        
Using Weather Balloon Data to Test Assumptions of Computer Climate Models.
Michael Connolly, Ph.D.
The son and father Connolly team use radiosonde balloon technology to study atmospheric chemistry and physics.

10:15 am       
How COVID Health Policies Neglected the Disease, the Patient, and the Physician.
Ronan Connolly, Ph.D.

Dr. Connolly is an independent scientist and environmentalist, who works with CERES (Center for Environmental Research & Earth Science).

11:15 am       
The Puppeteers of Perception: How AI Systems Are Designed to Mislead.
Jonathan Cohler

A master clarinetist, Mr. Cohler has an undergraduate degree in physics. Current interests include AI and the JFK assassination.

12:15 pm       
Water and the Engines of Life.
Gerald Pollack., Ph.D.

Dr. Pollack, author of The Fourth Phase of Water, .has received the NIH Director’s Transformative Research Award and many other honors.

2:00 pm        
The View from the Border.
Christopher Farrell

Mr. Farrell is director of investigations & research for Judicial Watch. He specializes in unconventional warfare and terrorism.  

3:00 pm        
Defeating the Green Agenda.
Craig Rucker

Mr. Rucker is cofounder and current president of CFACT.

4:00 pm        
To-Do Priorities in World War III.
Shane Connor

Mr. Connor is owner of KI4U, which supplies civil defense equipment. He authored “The Good News about Nuclear Destruction.”

6:30 pm         
Saving the Planet from Radical ‘Environmentalism.’
Patrick Moore

Greenpeace co-founder & author of Confessions of a  Greenpeace Dropout, Moore has been a leader on environmental issues for 40 years.

Sunday, July , 7 2024

 8:00 am        
The Weaponization of Climate Scare and Shame to Topple America.
Larry Bell

Best known for pioneering space architecture, Professor Bell writes regular columns for Newsmax on environmental and political issues.

 9:00 am        
The Hockey Stick and Other Scientific Travesties.
Stephen McIntyre

A former mining exploration director and statistical analyst, Mr. McIntyre is a founder and editor of Climate Audit.

10:15 am       
Climate Policy: When Emotion Meets Reality.
Ross McKitrick, Ph.D.

Dr. McKitrick is a professor of economics at the University of Guelph, and a senior fellow of the Fraser Institute.

11:15 am       
Shifting Sands: Using P-Value Plotting to Test Reproducibility of Research.
Warren Kindziersk, Ph.D.  

Dr. Kindzierski headed Chemical Risk Assessment for the Alberta Department of Health and is adjunct professor at the Univ of Alberta.

12:15 pm       
There Is NO Climate Emergency. John Clauser, Ph.D.
Dr. Clauser received the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics for contribution to the foundations of quantum mechanics.

2:00 pm        
AAAS and Science Magazine Promote Anti-Science.
James Enstrom, Ph.D., M.P.H.

Dr. Enstrom, an epidemiologist, is a retired research professor at UCLA and founder of the Scientific Integrity Institute.

3:00 pm        
How to Resist and Abolish Child Murder-for-Hire and its Trafficking.
Norbert Rempe

Mr. Rempe, a retired geologist, has engaged in pro-life and abolition activism for more than 40 years.

4:00 pm        
Arthur Robinson, Ph.D.

Art Robinson is founder of the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine, and serves in the Oregon State Senate.

5:00 pm        

Optional Group Tour, Friday July 5:

Tour El Paso’s Iconic Places,
 Including the World’s Largest Inland Desalination Plant: (Departs Hotel at 8:30am and Returns by 4:30pm) 

Group Tour Details: Adair Margo, founder of the Tom Lea Institute, will take us on a guided walking/bus tour of iconic places across El Paso!

The morning walking tour of downtown El Paso will include the Pass of the North Mural-Tom Lea’s favorite mural, Los Lagartos by Luis Jemenez in San Jacinto Plaza, Mountain Lion recycled trash mural, Fray de Garcia monument, The Southwest – Tom Lea’s last mural, Various Henry Trost architectural gems.

Following the walking tour we will enjoy lunch at a local Mexican restaurant.

The afternoon will include a bus drive tour of additional highlights of El Paso like, the historic neighborhood of Sunset Heights, Bhutanese architecture at The University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP). the geographic location of the binational “Paso del Norte”, Scenic Drive panoramic view of El Paso Juarez and Fort Bliss. We will wrap up the day with a tour of the Kay Baily Hutchison Desalination Plant.

We hope to see you in July!

Climate Watch: Causes of Climate Change

I hope that your spring is delightful, but are you worried about approaching summer heat? Do you plan to turn on air conditioning?

Many localities are pressing on with costly “green” initiatives, based on the alleged certainty of impending man-made warming crisis. The experts are claiming, with great confidence, a sudden increase in our understanding of climate, as the graph shows.

Climate change is not new, but has occurred throughout earth’s history, with dramatic changes in recorded history that had profound effects on human civilization. The graph shows reconstructions from a Greenland ice sheet. Of course, this is from just one location.

Al Gore and others present graphs of temperature together with carbon dioxide concentrations. They both go up and down. If we assume that a CO2 increase caused a temperature rise, an obvious question is: What caused the change in CO2? All the “don’t knows” could apply to that question. What we DO know is that it was NOT from burning coal or driving gasoline or diesel-powered vehicles before the Industrial Revolution.

It is a fact that more CO2 dissolves in cold water than warm water. Watch your carbonated beverage outgas as it warms. The changes in CO2 observed from ice cores agree with the amount expected from calculations of ocean outgassing with warming. Also, the rise in temperature comes BEFORE the increase in atmospheric CO2 levels. Hence, the causal connection is that increasing temperature leads to increasing CO2, not the other way around.

What caused the rise in temperature in Greenland? Don’t know.

Have the natural forces (solar irradiance, orbital changes, ocean currents, etc.) that caused past warming become irrelevant, so that changing the human-caused CO2 emissions thermostat will be the only decisive factor? I don’t think so, and neither do 32,000 other scientists.

Do you know what will happen to global temperatures and hurricanes and other weather events if you refrain from using A/C or driving your ICE (internal combustion engine)? Exactly nothing. What would happen if everybody in the world lived as virtuously as UN Agenda 2030 demands? Don’t know? Or exactly nothing? It is a purely hypothetical question.

We DO know what the Green agenda would bring: mass poverty and starvation. That is not hypothetical.

Additional information:


DDP Newsletter Vol. XL, No. 1

After a disaster, it is critical to do a “post-mortem” analysis for lessons learned—or the equivalent of an M&M (Mortality and Morbidity) conference for surgical outcomes.

The COVID-19 emergency is officially over, although one sees occasional masks, and “booster” shots are constantly recommended. Already there is talk of “Disease X,” which might be “20 times worse.”

The first lesson might be the need for post-mortems (autopsies) of early deaths. After a delay of many months, a dozen autopsies revealed the importance of inflammation and blood clots. Thousands of deaths might have been caused by rigid hospital protocols, with overly aggressive sedation and ventilation, and failure to use anti-inflammatories, such as steroids, and anticoagulants in the second and later phases of disease (see McCullough Protocol, as at

Discussion of these issues and many others was prevented by unprecedented censorship of anything that disagreed with the lavishly funded fear campaign. The common sense of intelligent lay people occasionally overcame it.

YouTuber Gonzalo Lira said that at first he was very afraid, and wondered whether he should buy a couple of ventilators, in case his family should need them in a medically impoverished country (Ukraine). But while traveling in Amsterdam, he conversed with homeless (but not unintelligent or uneducated) junkies, and noticed that this vulnerable population was not dying. When the vaccines were released, he recalled that when he was 5 years old he had seen children with flaps for limbs, because of “safe and effective”—but inadequately tested—thalidomide. He decided to wait to see whether girls born to vaccinated mothers had normal fertility (, 21 min.).

Lira, an American citizen, got the harshest form of censorship—imprisonment, torture, and death due to refusal of medical treatment in a Ukrainian prison. The U.S. Department of State did nothing while he languished without trial for 7 months.

(Lira’s offense involved posting YouTube videos from an apartment in Kharkov, with incisive commentary about the war in Ukraine, Western culture, and world affairs, with many interesting interviews. He clearly was not a “Russian asset,” but was very critical of U.S. policy. The most intolerable posting might have been his commentary on U.S. Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland and her role in the Russia-Ukraine war ( Postings by and about Lira can still be found by searching, including Tucker Carlson’s interview of his father ( Like Carlson, Lira asserted that Ukraine was not winning the war.)

Censorship of scientists and physicians who disagree with the official narrative on pandemic control measures or treatment protocols has so far been limited to attacks on their livelihood. Yet as with “climate deniers,” “COVID deniers” or “vaccine deniers” have faced public demands to exclude them from participation in life, or even to imprison or to “gas” them (

Incalculable losses include ruptured family ties and friendships; grief, anxiety, and depression because of separation from dying family members or cancelation of important events such as graduations; cognitive losses owing to school closures, masking, and other measures; trauma from overzealous law enforcement; and loss of freedom.


JAMA estimated the cost of the COVID-19 pandemic at $16 trillion in the Oct 20, 2020, issue. That is 90% of the U.S. GDP, more than twice the cost of all wars the U.S. has fought since 2001, and four times the lost output in the Great Recession. Since the onset of COVID-19 in March, 60 million claims for unemployment had been filed, greater than 1 million per week. The prior record was 695,000 in the week of Oct 2, 1982.

A survey of 10,000 persons in May 2020 showed that about half reported losses of income and wealth, an average of about $5,000 and $33,000, respectively ( Federal spending meant to mitigate lockdown effects led to the “hockey stick” pattern of federal debt ( This is on top of what Prof. Peter St Onge calls the “greatest credit bubble in history,” which “despite bank failures and commercial real estate collapse has not yet begun to pop” (

Based on modeling and numerous assumptions, some calculated a cost of $90 million per life saved by measures such as “social distancing” and lockdowns ( (It is now being admitted that the 6-ft distancing was based on nothing.)  

In the COVID response, “we have reached the bottom of human baseness,” write Tom Jefferson and Carl Henegan (“The Rule of Terror and Empty Vessels,” The government “managers” and the media lured the populace into a state of panic, in order achieve control. Vital records have systematically been erased to cover corporate backs and avoid the nuisance of Freedom of Information requests. “The unedifying…show among politicians and their cliques continues, laid bare by the WhatsApp messages surviving the nightly cull. In archaeology, they would be known as ‘residual deposits surviving later disturbance,’ meaning what’s left of documentable and verifiable evidence after thieves, robbers and demolition squads have taken their toll.” Because of their stance, they write, “we have been subject to personal attacks, University investigations, spying, ostracism and loss of jobs.”

The public-health control measures were supposed to be a stopgap until we had the miraculous vaccine, but control was relinquished reluctantly, if at all. Many vaccinated persons had so little confidence in vaccine protection that they continued to mask. Indeed, protection was partial and quickly waned, and was never shown to interrupt transmission. Adverse effects, if acknowledged at all, were said to be “rare” (

At least 9 million Americans probably lost their jobs (—likely including many of our most skilled, experienced, and irreplaceable workers—for refusing the shot. How many young, apparently healthy working people died unexpectedly from adverse reactions? Cancers seemingly are increased in frequency and aggressiveness ( Disability claims are up 33% after the vaccine rollout ( Delayed adverse effects may take years to manifest. The final tally might show the worst public health disaster in history.


Our annual meeting w ill be held in El Paso, TX, on July 5-7th. A group outing to the world’s largest inland water desalination plant will be held on Friday, July 5. Watch for agenda and on-line registration.