Dr. Soon is Chief Science Researcher at the Science and Public Policy Institute and author of The Maunder Minimum. From DDP 28th Annual Meeting, June 12, 2010 – Orlando, FL.
Richard Alan Keen, Ph.D. – It’s the Data, Stupid: What’s Wrong with Global Warming.
Dr. Keen has written 8 books about weather and climate, and teaches at the University of Colorado in Boulder. From the 28th Annual Meeting of the Doctors for Disaster Preparedness, held June 12, 2010 in Orlando, Florida.
Climate Change: Censorship and Fraud
DDP Newsletter November 2009, Vol. XXVI, No. 6
In reaching its endangerment finding about the staff of life (CO2), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) quashed a 98-page paper by its own analyst, Alan Carlin, because it “does not help the legal or policy case” for its controversial decision. Carlin is “not a scientist,” official said. Continue reading “Climate Change: Censorship and Fraud”
Novel Influenza: Global Agenda, Many Unknowns
DDP Newsletter September 2009, Vol. XXVI, No. 5
There are young adults on ventilators with a diagnosis of novel H1N1 influenza. There are discussions about how to ration hospital beds and ventilators. The first doses of vaccine are available, and people are lining up–in crowds–to receive it. At the same time, there is growing resistance to vaccine mandates. People ask, what should they do? Continue reading “Novel Influenza: Global Agenda, Many Unknowns”
H1N1 Influenza Emergency?
DDP Newsletter July 2009, Vol. XXVI, No. 4
In 2002, there was a push to get states to pass the Model Emergency Health Powers Act (MEHPA), giving public health authorities expansive powers in the event of a declared public health emergency. Maine was one state to pass portions of this act, and its governor has now found an occasion to declare a statewide civil emergency: H1N1 influenza. Continue reading “H1N1 Influenza Emergency?”
Is There One More Chance for Defense?
DDP Newsletter May 2009, Vol. XXVI, No. 3
The seismic shock detected in Texas on Memorial Day was just a test. The magnitude of the tremor from the underground test of a North Korean 1.5 KT nuclear weapon registered 4.6, compared to 4.1 from the detonation in October, 2006. The strength of the Chinese response (“resolutely opposed”) was about the same. Continue reading “Is There One More Chance for Defense?”
Caps, Quotas, and Central Planning
DDP Newsletter March 2009, Vol. XXVI, No. 2
A “hard cap on all carbon emissions.” A “25% federal renewable portfolio standard (RPS) to require that 25% of electricity consumed in the U.S. is derived from clean, sustainable energy sources, like solar, wind, and geothermal by 2025.” A goal of “making all new buildings carbon neutral (that is, producing zero emissions) by 2030.” Within six years, “one million 150 mile-per-gallon plug-in hybrid cars on our roads.” These are promises from the I-can-and-I-will President. Continue reading “Caps, Quotas, and Central Planning”
Global Warming Tyranny
DDP Newsletter January 2009, Vol. XXVI, No. 1
As Al Gore has said, global warming is a “moral issue,” one that “affects the survival of human civilization.” And indeed the “solutions” raise moral questions.
The government of Chad has banned charcoal, in an effort to stop tree-cutting to stave off desertification. Imports have been halted, and existing supplies confiscated. Charcoal is the only source of fuel for 99% of Chadians. Continue reading “Global Warming Tyranny”