As the world teeters on the brink of economic chaos, vast new resources offer the prospect of new jobs, revitalized manufacturing, and prosperity. The “Peak Oil” specter is being vanquished in North Dakota, Pennsylvania, and other places worldwide by releasing natural gas or oil from shale. Continue reading “Affordable Fuel: Salvation, or Existential Threat, Doctors Ask”
DDP 30th Annual Meeting — July 27-29, 2012
Meeting Location:
Long Island Marriott (Long Island, NY)
101 James Doolittle Blvd
Uniondale, NY 11553
(note Sunday’s rooms are sold out at our group rate. We are working on getting a larger room block. Stay tuned.)
Friday, July 27, 2012
Optional Tours. (scroll down for info)
7-9:30 pm Welcome Reception
Saturday, July 28, 2012
7:45 am Welcome. Jane Orient, M.D., DDP President
8:00 am Mercury Air Toxics Standards and the Extreme Punishment Agency (EPA). Willie Soon, Ph.D. Dr. Soon, an astrophysicist, authored The Maunder Minimum and the Variable Sun-Earth Connection.
9:00 am Statistical Follies and Epidemiology. William Matthew (“Matt”) Briggs, Ph.D. Dr Briggs is a professor and consultant in statistics, with an interest in philosophy of science and epistemology.
10:15 am Using Data Noise to Combat Political Noise. Howard Hayden, Ph.D. Dr. Hayden is professor emeritus of physics, University of Connecticut, and publishes The Energy Advocate.
11:15 am Energy Independence for the United States. Bonner Cohen, Ph.D. Dr. Cohen is a senior policy analyst for the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow. He authored The Green Wave.
12:15 pm Lunch: The Empire State Divided (Documentary on Fracking). Karen Moreau. Producer Karen Moreau is executive director of the New York State Petroleum Council.
2:00 pm Does Offshore Wind Energy Make Sense? John Droz, Jr. A physicist and environmental activist, Mr. Droz has extensively studied industrial wind energy.
3:00 pm Appropriate Radiation Level for Evacuations. Jerry Cuttler, D.Sc. Dr. Cuttler, retired from Atomic Energy of Canada, is an expert on the beneficial effects of low-dose radiation.
4:00 pm The Health Effects of Medical Radiation. Howard Maccabee, Ph.D., M.D. Dr. Maccabee is a nuclear physicist and radiation oncologist. He is a founder, past president, and a director of DDP.
6:30 pm Reception & Banquet. Common Sense 2012. Arthur B. Robinson, Ph.D. Dr. Robinson, editor of Access to Energy, is a congressional candidate in Oregon’s District 4.
Sunday, July 29, 2012
8:00 am Sustainability Realities—with Update from Rio. Paul Driessen. The author of Eco-Imperialism: Green Power, Black Death, Mr. Dressen discusses “sustainability” and human health.
9:00 am Obama “Skins the Cat” to Achieve Energy Rationing. S. Fred Singer, Ph.D. Dr. Singer, a pioneer in rocket and satellite technology, founded NIPCC, which opposes the UN IPCC.
10:15 am Alarming Global Warming: What Happens to Science in the Public Square. Richard S. Lindzen, Ph.D. Dr. Lindzen is Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Meteorology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
11:15 am Why “Climate Science” Isn’t About Science. Rael Jean Isaac, Ph.D. Dr. Isaac, a sociologist, authored Roosters of the Apocalypse, The Coercive Utopians, and Madness in the Streets.
12:15 pm Lunch: Inside an ICBM Squadron During the Cuban Missile Crisis. Gordon Claycomb. Mr.Claycomb worked at the Skunk Works for 20 years.
2:00 pm Myths and Facts Concerning Biological Agents in Warfare. Steven Hatfill, M.D. Dr. Hatfill is an instructor in tactical combat casualty care for specialized units of the U.S. armed services.
3:00 pm Using the Freedom of Information Act and Federal Open Data Laws. Andrew Schlafly, Esq. Mr. Schlafly is general counsel for the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS).
4:00 pm An Inconsistent Truth (video) Phil Valentine. Mr. Valentine is a radio talk show host based in Nashville, Tenn., and an author of weekly newspaper commentaries.
5:30 pm Adjourn
Tour Info
We will have a group tour of Brookhaven National Labs on Friday, July 27. Group size is limited to 20 people. This tour is FULL.
Our alternate activity available for those who wish to participate will be a trip to the Cradle of Aviation – Long Island’s Air & Space Museum.
Vaccination and the Herd
DDP Newsletter March 2012, Volume XXX, No. 2.
Like clean water and clean air, a low incidence of infectious disease is a very good thing. But removing smaller and smaller traces of pollution, or the last cases of measles, becomes increasingly difficult and costly. Zealotry is a problem in and of itself. And at some point, efforts become counterproductive. “Clean” technology such as wind turbines may lead to more net pollution. What if more vaccines produce more net sickness? Continue reading “Vaccination and the Herd”
Steve Jones Promotes Civil Defense on Cross-Country Bike Ride
Gaps: Gigatonnes and Megawatts
DDP Newsletter January 2012, Volume XXX, No. 1.
After the UN climate conference in Durban, South Africa, the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) issued a report on the “gigatonne gap” between current emission reduction pledges and the actual emission reductions needed to maintain a good chance of keeping global warming to two degrees Celsius, as estimated by IPCC models. Continue reading “Gaps: Gigatonnes and Megawatts”
Resistance to Vaccination Grows
DDP Newsletter November 2011, Volume XXIX, No. 6.
Public health officials are concerned that more parents are requesting exemptions from childhood vaccines. In some states, as many as 1 in 20 public school kindergartners have skipped one or more of the required immunizations (AP 11/29/11). Continue reading “Resistance to Vaccination Grows”
Modeling Trumps Data
DDP Newsletter September 2011, Volume XXIX, No. 5.
The official faith of America is in Science. This idol is an erroneous construct of what the scientific quest for truth really is. When officials say that “the Science has spoken,” these days they generally mean that white-coated priests are interpreting the oracular conclusions derived from a mathematical model or a computer program. Continue reading “Modeling Trumps Data”
Enhanced Defense
Suppose that we had a readily available, affordable, broad-spectrum, extensively researched, well-tolerated modality that could treat serious disease and also prevent future problems such as cancer, at very low risk, by stimulating the body’s own defenses?
DDP Newsletter July 2011, Volume XXIX, No. 4.
Suppose that we had a readily available, affordable, broad-spectrum, extensively researched, well-tolerated modality that could treat serious disease and also prevent future problems such as cancer, at very low risk, by stimulating the body’s own defenses? Should we want to have these facilities in shopping malls and pharmacies, as vaccines are now? Continue reading “Enhanced Defense”
Immunity and Pre-Emptive War
The human body is constantly besieged by pathogenic organisms, environmental as well as internally generated toxins, and trauma. To survive, it must have robust, highly adaptable immune and repair mechanisms. But they must be discriminating—they must be able to distinguish self from not-self, and know when to stop growing new tissue.
DDP Newsletter January 2011, Volume XXIX, No. 1.
The human body is constantly besieged by pathogenic organisms, environmental as well as internally generated toxins, and trauma. To survive, it must have robust, highly adaptable immune and repair mechanisms. But they must be discriminating—they must be able to distinguish self from not-self, and know when to stop growing new tissue. Continue reading “Immunity and Pre-Emptive War”
S. Fred Singer, Ph.D.: The Collapse of IPCC: NIPCC, Copenhagen, ClimateGate, and the Rest.
Internationally known for his work on environmental issues, Dr. Singer pioneered rocket and satellite technology. From DDP 28th Annual Meeting, June 12, 2010 – Orlando, FL