Vaccination and the Herd

DDP Newsletter March 2012, Volume XXX, No. 2.

Like clean water and clean air, a low incidence of infectious disease is a very good thing. But removing smaller and smaller traces of pollution, or the last cases of measles, becomes increasingly difficult and costly. Zealotry is a problem in and of itself. And at some point, efforts become counterproductive. “Clean” technology such as wind turbines may lead to more net pollution. What if more vaccines produce more net sickness? Continue reading “Vaccination and the Herd”

Gaps: Gigatonnes and Megawatts

DDP Newsletter January 2012, Volume XXX, No. 1.

After the UN climate conference in Durban, South Africa, the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) issued a report on the “gigatonne gap” between current emission reduction pledges and the actual emission reductions needed to maintain a good chance of keeping global warming to two degrees Celsius, as estimated by IPCC models. Continue reading “Gaps: Gigatonnes and Megawatts”

Resistance to Vaccination Grows

DDP Newsletter November 2011, Volume XXIX, No. 6.

Public health officials are concerned that more parents are requesting exemptions from childhood vaccines. In some states, as many as 1 in 20 public school kindergartners have skipped one or more of the required immunizations (AP 11/29/11). Continue reading “Resistance to Vaccination Grows”

Modeling Trumps Data

DDP Newsletter September 2011, Volume XXIX, No. 5.

The official faith of America is in Science. This idol is an erroneous construct of what the scientific quest for truth really is. When officials say that “the Science has spoken,” these days they generally mean that white-coated priests are interpreting the oracular conclusions derived from a mathematical model or a computer program. Continue reading “Modeling Trumps Data”

Enhanced Defense

Suppose that we had a readily available, affordable, broad-spectrum, extensively researched, well-tolerated modality that could treat serious disease and also prevent future problems such as cancer, at very low risk, by stimulating the body’s own defenses?

DDP Newsletter July 2011, Volume XXIX, No. 4.

Suppose that we had a readily available, affordable, broad-spectrum, extensively researched, well-tolerated modality that could treat serious disease and also prevent future problems such as cancer, at very low risk, by stimulating the body’s own defenses? Should we want to have these facilities in shopping malls and pharmacies, as vaccines are now? Continue reading “Enhanced Defense”

Immunity and Pre-Emptive War

The human body is constantly besieged by pathogenic organisms, environmental as well as internally generated toxins, and trauma. To survive, it must have robust, highly adaptable immune and repair mechanisms. But they must be discriminating—they must be able to distinguish self from not-self, and know when to stop growing new tissue.

DDP Newsletter January 2011, Volume XXIX, No. 1.

The human body is constantly besieged by pathogenic organisms, environmental as well as internally generated toxins, and trauma. To survive, it must have robust, highly adaptable immune and repair mechanisms. But they must be discriminating—they must be able to distinguish self from not-self, and know when to stop growing new tissue. Continue reading “Immunity and Pre-Emptive War”

Richard Alan Keen, Ph.D. – It’s the Data, Stupid: What’s Wrong with Global Warming.

Dr. Keen has written 8 books about weather and climate, and teaches at the University of Colorado in Boulder. From the 28th Annual Meeting of the Doctors for Disaster Preparedness, held June 12, 2010 in Orlando, Florida.