Dr. Orient kicks off the 31st Annual Meeting of DDP
Is War Imminent?
DDP Newsletter, March 2013, Volume XXXI, No. 2
North Korea has published images in local newspapers with a missile strike plan against the U.S. mainland in the background, and claimed on the BBC that it has rockets poised to attack U.S. targets (http://tinyurl.com/d65c45a; http://tinyurl.com/d3m4abo). It has cut off its “hotline” with South Korea, moved ballistic missiles to the coast, and warned foreigners to evacuate both Pyongyang and South Korea. Continue reading “Is War Imminent?”
DDP 31st Annual Meeting
Science and Common Sense v. Alarmism and Disaster
July 12-15, 2013 – CLICK HERE for speaker bios
Houston Marriott South at Hobby Airport
9100 Gulf Pkwy · Houston, Texas
Group rate $84/night
or CALL (713) 943-7979 and mention DDP to get the group rate.
cosponsored by:
Access to Energy
Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine
Physicians for Civil Defense
The Houston Marriott South is near Hobby Airport – HOU – (NOT Bush Intercontinental Airport) and offers a free airport shuttle from Hobby only. AirTran, American, Southwest, Delta, and Jet Blue provide service into Houston Hobby.
Friday, July 12, 2013
9 am-3 pm. (optional) Mass Casualty Care Course by Steven Hatfill, M.D. (course is $100/person. Includes Lunch.)
7-9:30 pm. Welcome Reception
Saturday, July 13, 2013
7:45 am
Welcome. Jane Orient, M.D., DDP President
8:00 am
Five or More Failed Experiments in Measuring Global Sea Level Change. Willie Soon, Ph.D.
Dr. Soon, an astrophysicist, authored The Maunder Minimum and The Variable Sun-Earth Connection.
9:00 am
Planning and Design of Habitats in Space and Other Extreme Environments. Larry Bell, Ph.D.
Author of Climate of Corruption, Dr. Bell is a professor of space architecture at the Univ. of Houston. He founded several high-tech enterprises.
10:15 am
Three False Foundations of Sustainable Development. Steve Goreham.
Goreham is executive director of the Climate Science Coalition of America and author of The Mad, Mad, Mad World of Climatism.
11:15 am
The Ten Tests to Determine Whether You Should Be Concerned about Global Warming. Anthony Watts.
A broadcast meteorologist and Al Gore target, Watts edits the world’s most popular global warming website, wattsupwiththat.com.
12:15 pm
Lunch: Pursuing the Truth on the Kennedy Assassinations. Donald W. Miller, M.D.
Dr. Miller teaches cardiac surgery at the University of Washington School of Medicine and frequently contributes to LewRockwell.com.
2:00 pm
Bioweapons: The Bad and the Ugly (There Is No Good). Lee D. Hieb, M.D.
Dr. Hieb practices orthopaedic surgery in Iowa, specializing in spine surgery, and is a past president of AAPS.
3:00 pm
EPA Exposed: the Economic Predation Administration. Howard Maccabee, Ph.D., M.D.
Dr. Maccabee earned a Ph.D. in nuclear physics and practices radiation oncology. He is a founder and past president of DDP.
4:00 pm
How Commercial Jets Are Made Safer (and Improving Your Own Safety and Comfort). Gordon Claycomb.
An aerospace engineer and commercial pilot, Mr. Claycomb worked at Lockheed’s Skunk Works for 20 years and consulted for 5 more yrs.
6:30 pm
Reception and Banquet. Mars in 39 Days?: the VASIMR Plasma Engine. Franklin Chang-Diaz, Ph.D.
Astronaut Chang-Diaz has been launched into space 7 times. He is President and CEO of the Ad Astra Rocket Company.
Sunday, July 14, 2013
8:00 am
Evidence-Based Forecasting for Global Warming. J. Scott Armstrong, Ph.D.
Dr. Armstrong is professor at the Univ. of Pennsylvania, author of Principles of Forecasting, and creator of forecastingprinciples.com.
9:00 am
Why “Clean” Energy Won’t Reduce CO2 Emissions by Much. Herbert Inhaber, Ph.D.
Dr. Inhaber is president of Risk Concepts, a fellow of the American Nuclear Society, and author of 8 books and more than 150 articles.
10:15 am
NIPCC to IPCC: Why Does Obama Continue to Prioritize Climate Change? S. Fred Singer, Ph.D.
Dr. Singer, a pioneer in rocket and satellite technology, founded NIPCC (Non-governmental IPCC), which opposes the UN IPCC.
11:15 am
Vulnerabilities in the U.S. Financial System. Kevin D. Freeman, CFA.
Freeman is founder of Freeman Global Holdings and author of Secret Weapon and other works on economic terrorism.
12:15 pm
Lunch. Merchants of Despair: Radical Environmentalism and the Cult of Anti-Humanism. Robert Zubrin, Ph.D.
Aerospace engineer Dr. Zubrin authored The Case for Mars, First Landing, How to Live on Mars, Energy Victory, and Entering Space.
2:00 pm
Expanding “Depletable” Resources: Julian Simon Lives! Robert L. Bradley, Jr.
Dr. Bradley is CEO and founder of the Institute for Energy Research in Houston and the author of 7 books.
3:00 pm
The Nuclear Energy Future: Thorium Reactors? Matthew Robinson.
Matthew Robinson is a Ph.D. candidate in nuclear engineering.
4:00 pm
Quashing Fake Silicosis and Lupus Epidemics and Putting out Huge Fires. Harrison Brundage.
Mr.Brundage, a retired geologist and technical writer, is recognized in Louisiana as an expert witness in geology.
5:00 pm Adjourn
Friday, July 12, 2013 9 am-3 pm. Course by Steven Hatfill, M.D., on mass casualty care includes hemorrhage control, rapid airway management, emergency management of penetrating chest injury, shock, and hypothermia. Any of us could be a first responder and save lives using these techniques. No previous medical training required.
Ship Channel Tour ($25/person) of the port of Houston, one of the world’s busiest industrial ports, handling 7,700 ship calls per year, Tour departs Sam Houston Boat Pavillion at 2:30 p.m. Friday. Bus will leave hotel at 1:15pm for Boat Pavillion . Photo ID required. Experience an unforgettable waterborne voyage through one of the busiest ports in the world and learn about the industrial development on the Houston Ship Channel.
Ad Astra Rocket Factory, Professional Tour ($50/person) on Monday, July 15. 8:15am to 11:30am. Limit is 25 persons, so reserve early! See the VASIMR plasma rocket engine, advanced superconductors, one of the world’s largest vacuum test chambers, and animations of future space exploration missions. You need not be a U.S. citizen, but the company needs to know your name and citizenship in advance. We will depart hotel at 8:15am and will be back at the hotel no later than 11:30am.
The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) will supply a certificate of participation for up to 5 hours of CME credit for Friday’s course and 15 hours for the meeting. This is not accredited as AMA/ACCME “Category 1,” but is accepted in some states for at least part of the CME requirement for license renewal.
Registration Fee: $250 for the entire seminar includes a welcome reception, a banquet, and two luncheons ($200 for each additional family member). The mass casualty course led by Steven Hatfill, M.D., (3 hours of lecture and 2 hours practice), on Friday is $100 per person. (You need not be a physician to attend.) Houston Ship Channel cruise and Ad Astra Rocket Company tours are $25 or $50 each, respectively.
2013 Forecasts
DDP Newsletter, January 2013, Volume XXXI, No. 1
It is difficult for the Met to predict precipitation in the UK because it can’t tell what the jet stream is going to do. It is impossible to make reliable predictions on the economic or political front because of the vagaries of human behavior. Yet fundamental laws will not be defied with impunity. First, let’s attempt to identify key questions. Continue reading “2013 Forecasts”
Lessons from Superstorm Sandy
DDP Newsletter, November 2012, Volume XXX, No. 6
For more than a decade, scientists and engineers at Stony Brook University in New York had argued for building storm-surge barriers in New York. When a 4.2-meter-high wall of salt water hit the city on Oct 29, all their predictions came true (Nature 11/8/12). Continue reading “Lessons from Superstorm Sandy”
Reality Check
DDP Newsletter, September 2012, Volume XXX, No. 5
The Green religion constantly issues apocalyptic prophecies and proclaims dogma. Ice will melt, seas will rise, green is clean, and their policies will lead to health, prosperity, and the salvation of the Planet as well as humanity.
But without a Memory Hole, these false prophets cannot prevail. Continue reading “Reality Check”
The “Anthropocene”?
DDP Newsletter, July 2012, Volume XXX, No. 4
Reporting on the Rio +20 conference, Lord Christopher Monckton writes: “The walls of the conference center were festooned with disturbing images, many painted by children under the rubric, ‘children teaching their parents.’
“In one painting, a child painted the sun, dressed as a doctor taking the temperature of the earth. The diagnosis: ‘I’m sure you have humans!’” Continue reading “The “Anthropocene”?”
Energy Independence for the United States. Bonner Cohen, PhD
Petr Beckman at 1992 DDP Meeting
[display_podcast] Founder of Access to Energy Petr Beckmann speaks at the 10th Annual DDP meeting held July 11, 1992 in Costa Mesa, California on “Dangers of the (Green) Established Church.”
DDP Newsletter, May 2012, Volume XXX, No. 3
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) may cite numbers of human lives theoretically saved by its regulations, but the Green agenda is clearly the protection of Nature or the Planet. The effect of a technology on the environment may not even be the issue. The fact that it promotes prosperity may be the Greens’ main objection to it. Continue reading “Anti-Humanism”