Peak Debt

DDP Newsletter, January 2014 Vol. XXXII, No. 1
[published April 2014]

Although the Obama Administration and its loyal press organs speak of the “economic recovery,” it is the weakest since World War II.

In 2013, the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) revised the manner of calculating the gross domestic product (GDP). The adjustments make the Obama recession look milder, and the recovery stronger (WSJ, 7/31/13, Continue reading “Peak Debt”


DDP Newsletter, July 2013, Vol. XXXI, No. 4
[published April 2014]

The current regime and its media acolytes use the term “denialists” to refer to serious scientists who deny the trumped-up apocalyptic man-made “climate change” scenario after examining it and refuting it. Meanwhile, real and profound denial of existential threats pervades our society—and those who sense the coming crisis but are not sure enough of themselves to take action are easily squashed by the professional deniers, writes Stephen Jones. “Those guardians of the gate of public safety and national defense have been bought off and paid to assure us that all is well while the enemy is climbing our walls and nearly upon us.”

“I no longer wonder what it was like to live before the buildup of WWI and WWII, or in Hitler’s Germany in the 1920s and ’30s. I understand Cassandra of Troy and am aware that no great or small catastrophe has occurred without ample and specific warnings that were ignored,” Jones writes. Speaking of rats leaving a sinking ship, “J.P. Morgan may be moving its headquarters to Salt Lake City.” Continue reading “Denialism”

DDP 32nd Annual Meeting

Register TODAY!

DDP 32nd Annual Meeting

An American “Reset” on Science and Defense?
July 25-28, 2014
Crowne Plaze Knoxville
401 W. Summit Hill Drive · Knoxville, Tennessee

Group rate $99/night

CALL (865) 522-2600 and mention DDP to get the group rate.


cosponsored by:
Access to Energy
Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine
Physicians for Civil Defense

Friday, July 25, 2014

9 am-4 pm. (optional) Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Oak Ridge, TN

ORNL is a leader in materials research, global security threats, supercomputing, and neutron science. (Includes Lunch.)

7-9:30 pm. Welcome Reception

Saturday, July 26, 2014

7:45 am
Welcome.  Jane Orient, M.D., DDP President

8:00 am        
False Rejection of Sun-Climate Connection by IPCC’s “Gangster Science.” Willie Soon, Ph.D.
Dr. Soon, an astrophysicist, authored The Maunder Minimum and The Variable Sun-Earth Connection.

9:00 am        
Hormesis: Its Scientific Foundations and Biochemical Regulatory Applications. Edward Calabrese, Ph.D.
For 20 years, Dr. Calabrese’s research has focused on the dose response to drugs and pollutants in the low-dose range.

10:15 am       
LNT Theory: How the NAS Misled the World on Cancer Risk Assessment. Edward Calabrese, Ph.D.
The Linear-No Threshold theory, which dominates radiation regulatory policy, is based on fraud and misrepresentation.

11:15 am        
The Denizens of the Climate Zoo. Willis Eschenbach.
Mr. Eschenbach, an independent climate researcher, was the first person to file a FOIA request for data from the Univ East Angliia CRU.

12:15 pm
Lunch: Some Unclassified Lockheed “Skunk Works” Activities/Events. Gordon Claycomb.
An aeropace engineer, Mr. Claycomb worked at the Skunk Works for 20 years on the F-35A Lightning II stealth fighter and other projects.

2:00 pm        
NIPCC Wipes out IPCC: the End of Climate Scares. S. Fred Singer, Ph.D.
Dr. Singer, a pioneer in rocket and satellite technology, founded NIPCC (Non-governmental IPCC), which opposes the UN IPCC.

3:00 pm        
“Sustainability”: a Path to the Hunger Games? Charles Battig, M.D.
Dr. Battig is an anesthesiologist and biomedical engineer, who worked in support of the Apollo Moon Mission at North American Aviation.

4:00 pm
Energy Security. Kenneth Haapala.
Mr. Haapala is executive VP of SEPP (the Science and Environmental Policy Project), which has challenged the Endangerment Finding.

6:30 pm
Reception and Banquet. Appreciating Freedom: Surviving China’s Cultural Holocaust. Ming Wang, M.D., Ph.D.
Dr. Wang performs innovative 3D laser eye surgery and developed the amniotic membrane contact lens. He holds a Ph.D. in laser physics.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

8:00 am        
Consensus Physics for More than a Century: Don’t Contradict Einstein. Howard Hayden, Ph.D.
Dr. Hayden is professor emeritus of physics, University of Connecticut, and publishes The Energy Advocate.

9:00 am         
The Politics of Energy and the Economic Impact. Marita Noon.
Ms. Noon, author of 20 books, is the executive director of Energy Makes America Great and the Citizens’ Alliance for Responsible Energy.

10:15 am       
The Technology of the Apollo Flights and the Study of Climate Change. Jim Peacock.
Mr. Peacock is webmaster and member of The Right Climate Stuff (TRCS) research team of retired NASA Apollo Program veterans.

11:15 am        
Civil Defense and Emergency Management in Madison County, Alabama. Jared Cassidy.
Mr. Cassidy is emergency plans coordinator for Huntsville-Madison County Emergency Management Agency.

12:15 pm
Lunch: The Eurasianist Threat: Alexander Dugin and the Russian Spring. Robert Zubrin, Ph.D. 
Aerospace engineer Zubrin authored The Case for Mars, First Landing, How to Live on Mars, Energy Victory, and Entering Space.

2:00 pm        
Working toward Fulfillment of the Rad Resistant Cities Initiative Task 5. Philip Smith.
Mr. Smith developed the NukAlert ER, the basis for a rooftop system of continuous radiation monitoring.

3:00 pm        
A Template for Civil Defense. Stephen Jones.
Jones is special projects director for Physicians for Civil Defense.  He has ridden more than 3000 miles by bicycle to inform first responders.

4:00 pm
Energy and the Prognosis for America. Arthur Robinson, Ph.D.
Dr. Robinson is founder of the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine and editor of Access to Energy.

5:00 pm         Adjourn

Monday, July 28

9 am-3 pm. (optional) Mass Casualty Care Course by Steven Hatfill, M.D.   (course is $100/person. Includes Lunch.)


Monday, July 28, 2014  9 am-3 pm. Course by Steven Hatfill, M.D., on mass casualty care includes hemorrhage control, rapid airway management, emergency management of penetrating chest injury, shock, and hypothermia. Any of us could be a first responder and save lives using these techniques. No previous medical training required.

Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Professional Tour ($50/person) on Friday, July 25. 9am to noon. Oak Ridge is the site where expedient civil defense was developed.  It is a leader in materials research, global security threats, supercomputing, and neutron science.


The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) will supply a certificate of participation for up to 5 hours of CME credit for Monday’s course and 15 hours for the meeting. This is not accredited as AMA/ACCME “Category 1,” but is accepted in some states for at least part of the CME requirement for license renewal.

Registration Fee:  $250 for the entire seminar includes a welcome reception, a banquet, and two luncheons ($200 for each additional family member). The mass casualty course led by Steven Hatfill, M.D., (3 hours of lecture and 2 hours practice), on Monday is $100 per person. (You need not be a physician to attend.) Oak Ridge Lab tour is $50 each.


The Crowne Plaza Knoxville is 15 miles from the McGhee Tyson Airport (TYS).
The 20-minute taxi ride will cost $30.

Driving directions from the airport: Take 129 North to 1-40 East Take exit 388A-James White Parkway. Take Summit Hill Dr exit off of parkway. Turn right at stoplight. Go through 3 stoplights. Hotel will be on the right.

Cuban Missile Crisis Without the Public Awareness

DDP Newsletter, March 2014, Vol. XXXII, No. 2

At the time of the Cuban Missile Crisis, Americans started digging in their back yard, and all attention was focused on the world situation.

The situation in the Ukraine is said by some to be more dangerous than the Cuban Missile Crisis, but most people are preoccupied with personal affairs (many, with loss of their health insurance). They are not depleting the thin inventories of radiation monitoring instruments, mobbing grocery stores, or stockpiling needed medications. Continue reading “Cuban Missile Crisis Without the Public Awareness”

No Policemen Died in Nagasaki

DDP Newsletter, November 2013, Vol. XXXI, No. 6

When he visited Hiroshima and Nagasaki recently, Stephen Jones found his motivation to work for civil defense rekindled, despite decades of rejection by Americans.

In the Hiroshima Museum, he saw a poster on display that says that no policemen died in Nagasaki. The reason is that a policeman who survived Hiroshima (one of some 165 “double survivors”) carried a message to his fellow police in Nagasaki, which was hit 3 days later. Although the Japanese knew nothing about the atomic bomb, the policeman told them that a bright light would be followed within seconds by a deadly shock wave. Tsutomo Yamaguchi,a surviving ship designer for Mitsubishi, also brought this message from Hiroshima to his company in Nagasaki, and many in his section were saved from serious injury from flying glass ( He died at age 93. Continue reading “No Policemen Died in Nagasaki”

Peak Money

DDP Newsletter, May 2013, Vol. XXXI, No. 3

The world is not running out of oil or other fuels. But it is running out of money. Money is credit, and credit relies on confidence. “There is not enough confidence in the financial system to supply the world with the money it needs. Since the credit crash of 2008, “credit and money have been withdrawn from the system in such staggering amounts that international trade can no longer grow,” writes “Numerian” on Jan 2, 2012 (

“The world’s central banks are playing a rear guard action by acting as lender of last resort to banks that no longer trust each other and have stopped lending in the interbank market. As liquidity flows out from the system, the rottenness that has corrupted the foundations of global finance is now exposed for all to see.” Continue reading “Peak Money”

Upside Down on Radiation Dangers

DDP Newsletter, September 2013, Volume XXXI, No. 5

The Fukushima containment vessels for radioactive water are leaking. This is a news hook for alarmists who have been warning of dire consequences, including a “mass extinction event” and the potential death of “billions” of people, ever since the tsunami occurred in March 2011. For example, Christina Consolo (@RadChick4cast) warns of an “apocalypse” that could make “at least the northern half of Japan uninhabitable” if it isn’t already ( 8/19/13, reprinted by She also warns that North America is in “huge trouble.” Her credentials: she’s an “award-winning biomedical photographer and host of Nuked Radio” ( 5/1/12). Continue reading “Upside Down on Radiation Dangers”