The 43rd Annual Meeting of Doctors for Disaster Preparedness will be held in Tucson, Arizona at the Doubletree Reid Park, July 4-6, 2025.
Online registration and hotel reservations will be available soon.
Friday evening (July 4) from 7pm to 9pm will be the Welcome Reception where you can eat, drink, meet, and network with presenters and attendees. Saturday all dayand Sunday morning (July 5-6) will feature presentations you won’t want to miss! Stay tuned for an announcement of the all-star speaker lineup.
This year, the presentations portion of the meeting will adjourn at noon on Sunday. Sunday afternoon, a group outing will be offered.
We hope to see you in July!
Expect an email from us with updated details and links for meeting registration and hotel reservations.
Are you or your children convinced that the world will soon end, and there’s no use preparing—or working, or planning for the future, or starting a family
Today, some 75% of young persons (age 16-25) in 10 countries report finding the future frightening because of climate change. The media is saturated with news about “climate change,” greatly exceeding coverage of other stories, as the graph shows.
There are scare stories that some humans are creating weather disasters as by steering hurricanes, and the prevailing narrative that human civilization is destroying the planet by burning hydrocarbon fuels. What to do? “VOTE” [for Kamala], says Bill Nye, “the Science Guy,” and for local authorities who are more quietly implementing “Net Zero” initiatives.) And prepare to give up your car, your freedom to travel, your large home and yard, etc.)
In fact, humans’ most powerful works are puny in comparison with the forces of nature that determine weather and climate (such as the sun and ocean currents). The energy in a hurricane is the equivalent of 10,000 nuclear bombs. If humans disappeared, the climate would keep changing.
Human-caused nuclear war, however, is a growing threat. Biological warfare has even greater potential to wipe out humanity. Some see artificial intelligence (AI) as an existential threat, at least in the future. At present, it is helping to keep control of the narratives. All of these threats (including the response to purported human-caused climate change, not the weather itself) could cause vast depopulation, and some say that is their purpose.
Preparedness is not futile. Communications, weather forecasting, a full gas tank, a go-kit, prudent stockpiling of supplies, knowledge of nuclear weapons effects, maintaining your health and immune system, and early treatment with repurposed drugs would greatly diminish casualties.
Faith, hope, and love remain a necessary foundation.
“My Carbon” apps are under development. The World Economic Forum states: “Finally, it is significant that all stakeholders across the value chain come together and contribute towards achieving a net-zero future by leaving no one behind.”
Major medical journals urge physicians to consider the climate, as in choosing what kind of anesthesia to give you.
As shown in the graph, atmospheric CO2 is indeed approaching a red line.
In his film An Inconvenient Truth, Al Gore acknowledged that CO2 levels have been much higher—ice cores provide indisputable evidence. He did not say where it came from before there were humans burning coal, oil, and natural gas, or why the extremely high levels did not cause the oceans to boil.
Greenpeace cofounder Patrick Moore explains where it went: into ocean sediments in the calcium carbonate shells of marine organisms that sank when the organism died: natural sequestration.
Detailed analysis of recent papers on atmospheric CO2 and temperature by Willis Eschenbach and others concludes: “For the past 66 million years, atmospheric CO2 can be understood as a neutral spectator molecule, right up through the present.”
Why then would we want, at great expense, to remove CO2 and get closer to the red line of death?
Al Gore and Barack Obama, with their expensive beachfront property, do not seem to be worried.
Models predict an acceleration in sea-level rise, but so far measurements from tide gauges do not show it. In some local areas, the level is higher because of land subsidence, which has nothing to do with CO2 or climate change.
Current artificial intelligence (AI) systems constantly refer to satellite data or tide-gauge data that has been modified by satellite data in their efforts to prove human-caused acceleration even when you ask specifically about tide gauge data alone. In a lengthy conversation with Gemini, Jonathan Cohler eventually got the system to admit: “There is no acceleration apparent in any tide-gauge data.” Further, he asked: “Now, why did it take you so long to admit the simple fact?” Gemini responded: “I initially prioritized providing information aligned with scientific consensus rather than focusing on raw tide-gauge data.” Gemini also admitted that it had been programmed to lie and that it had been trained using heavily biased training data.
Those who are using AI to do their research need to understand that the public-facing interface is pre-programmed to heavily favor the conclusions the developers want people to reach, especially on Covid, climate change, and other controversial subjects. Here is some nonprogrammable evidence pertaining to sea-level rise:
I hope you are able to stay cool, without resorting to the limited “cooling centers” some towns like Tucson make available. It has been hot, but is it a record and an ominous trend?
We might dismiss the high temperatures in the 1930s as mere anomalous “weather,” but are we now in a climate warming trend?
According to this graph from the 1975 National Academy of Sciences, the 1930s were at the peak of a warming trend that began around 1890, before the great increase in burning fuels like coal, and began to decrease as fuel use increased.
Alternating this graph with one prepared by the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) by manipulating the data, one can see the effect of erasing the Northern Hemispheric warmth from 1890 to the mid-1950s and reducing the warmth of 1938 by nearly half a degree Celsius. Climategate emails show that erasure of the prior warmth was a coordinated effort to “hide the decline.”
Politicians’ proposals to “address” the climate threat are based on this data.
As the election campaigns shift into high gear, we expect to hear a lot about climate change. Last year, at the United Nations global climate summit in Dubai, Kamala Harris told world leaders that the climate clock “is no longer just ticking, it is banging. And we must make up for lost time.”
One of the predicted horrors of climate change is drought, although flooding is also a possibility. At the time of the top graph, 80% of the U.S. was experiencing severe or extreme drought. At the time of the lower graph, only 5% of the U.S. is experiencing severe or extreme drought.
The top graph is from August 1934; the lower one is from July 2024—when the atmospheric CO2 has increased. And the burning of coal, oil, and natural gas has also increased.
Raising the CO2 level and driving SUVs did not cure drought. But it obviously didn’t cause it either. Many complex natural factors interact to cause climate or weather events, including the amount of precipitation. Politicians should be challenged to explain how the Green New Deal will improve the climate.
Additional information:
Climate silence during campaign; bold action planned in office.
Have you noticed an increase in your utility bills?
Hopefully, you are not in the position of having to choose whether to heat or eat, as so many are, especially in Europe.
Part of the increased bill is the deteriorating value of the dollar (inflation). But there is an increasing component from replacing abundant, affordable energy with supposedly clean, green “renewables,” as shown in the graph.
How can this be? Aren’t sunbeams and breezes free? Of course, they are, but the technology needed to collect the energy and transmit it where it is needed is very costly. Promises to save money and create good jobs were false. The initial low costs depended on government (taxpayer) subsidies. Promoters such as Al Gore have gotten very rich. But when the subsidies run out, companies go bankrupt. Solyndra is only one example.
Solar panel start-up Solyndra was the first company to get government-backed loans from the 2009 stimulus bill—the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), collecting $535 million and receiving a $25 million tax break from California’s agency for alternative energy, according to Forbes. Auditors at compiled a list of many others.
New York offshore wind projects are being scrapped, and Siemens, the world’s second-largest turbine manufacturer has been declared “uninvestible,” according to NetZero Watch. The idea of 66,000 MW of offshore wind capacity in the US and UK by 2030 has been called “an expensive fantasy.”
Medical organizations need to include the increased costs of energy in the Social Determinants of Health (SDOH).
The Washington Post reports that “a rapid surge in global ocean temperatures in recent months is raising the specter of a climate pattern shift that could accelerate planetary warming and supercharge trends that already are fueling extreme storms, deadly heat waves, and ecological crises on land and sea.”
There was a “spike” in global average surface ocean temperatures since early March—of about 0.2 °C. We “just know” that as atmospheric greenhouse gases increase, “the planet will continue to set new climate and weather precedents, and oceans will grow ever hotter,” said Michael McPhaden, a senior scientist at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
When the earth was ice-free, the deep ocean temperature was up to 16 °C warmer than now. We have been in a global cooling trend since the Eocene Thermal Maximum 50 million years ago, when the ancestors of all existing species lived, states Patrick Moore.
What caused these tremendous changes? Not prehistoric combustion of “fossil fuels”! Transfer of heat by ocean currents was colossally changed by tectonic shifts that rearranged continents and blocked currents, as explained by geoscientist Tom Gallagher. There have been two states of climate on earth: the default condition: dry, dusty, cold, and glacial, and the current condition: wet, warm, non-glacial times when vegetation and civilization thrive.
There have been recent variations in ocean temperature, though it is difficult to distinguish cyclical from secular trends when there is very little reliable direct measurement data until quite recently. There was major heating of the oceans early in the 20th century. Then they cooled, and now we’re barely back to 1950s levels.
Could this warming have been caused by slight differences (< 1 °C) in atmospheric temperature? That is absurd. Water has a very high heat capacity. The heat content of the oceans increased by 400 zetajoules (zeta means 1021) over 50 years. Over that period, human consumption of energy was 22 ZJ. The estimated energy of the world’s total fossil-fuel reserves as of 2010 was only 40 ZJ, as pointed out by Willie Soon (see video from Doctors for Disaster Preparedness 41st annual meeting at about 7:49 minutes).
Compared with natural forces, human production of CO2 and its possible effect on climate is negligible. Regulating meat eating, methane production by cows, nitrogen release from farming, transportation fuels, and electricity production will devastate human populations and living standards—with zero impact on ocean temperature.
We are not “boiling the oceans,” despite Al Gore’s claim at the World Economic Forum in Davos in January 2023.
Additional information:
“The Week That Was,” Science and Environmental Policy Project,
The 40th annual meeting of Doctors for Disaster Preparedness will be in Las Vegas, NV at the South Point Hotel and Casino located at 9777 S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89183, August 14-16, 2022.
You may register for the meeting HERE Make your hotel reservation HERE
Deadline for this group rate ends July 15.
Monday and Tuesday (August 15 & 16) will be two days full of presentations you won’t want to miss, from an all-star lineup of speakers. (Click here for a draft of the program agenda.)
Sunday evening (August 14) from 7pm to 9pm the meeting will officially kick off with the welcome reception where you can eat, drink, meet, and network with speakers and attendees. The meeting will adjourn by 5pm on Tuesday, August 16.
Please take note that we are deviating from our normal Saturday & Sunday meeting format to take advantage of significantly lower hotel room rates in Las Vegas during the week.
Virtual registration option: This year we will also offer a virtual attendance option (via Zoom). All registrants (both in-person and virtual) will receive access to archived video of the meeting presentations for 1-month following the event. For registration options, visit our meeting sign-up form.
Group tour: We are not arranging an optional group tour in conjunction with the meeting this year.
Hotel room rates: The room rate for the DDP annual meeting room block is $65 on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. A few rooms are available Saturday for $125 and for $80 Wednesday and Thursday. The discounted $14 daily “resort fee” includes free WiFi, fitness center, coffee maker, and complimentary airport shuttle. To make your room reservation online, click here. If you prefer to call hotel room reservations, dial (866) 791-7626 and mention code DOC0811.
Hon. Ron Johnson U.S. Senate 328 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510
Dear Senator Johnson:
We are very grateful for your heroic work on informing Americans about early treatment for COVID-19 and safety concerns about COVID-19 vaccines.
We are sure you are aware of the controversy concerning the alarming reports of enormous increases in serious illness in our military forces, followed by the statement that prior years’ statistics understated the risks, so that comparisons may be invalid.
Our immediate concern, however, is for the health of our servicemembers. Might they be harboring subclinical disease that could cause serious consequences, especially if the member is deployed? Early discovery might permit preventive treatment.
As part of fitness-for-duty assessments, we urge that servicemembers have screening blood tests for abnormalities that may presage conditions that have apparently increased. We suggest inclusion of D-dimers, C-reactive protein, and troponin levels, to check for signs of blood clotting and inflammation. Additionally, a significant fraction of members, particularly pilots and divers, should have a cardiac ultrasound to check for signs of peri- or myocarditis. Summary statistics should be made available to the public promptly.
Such a program could be implemented immediately at minimal expense and could result in tremendous medical benefits as well as cost savings from preventing serious disability or illness.
Doctors for Disaster Preparedness is an organization of physicians and scientists, founded in 1984, to provide life-saving information concerning natural and man-made disasters. We recently filed an amicus brief in the SCOTUS cases challenging vaccine mandates.
Thank you for your consideration.
Jane M. Orient, M.D. President, Doctors for Disaster Preparedness