Climate Watch: Should We Worry about Heat Deaths?

I hope you are staying well-hydrated and protecting your skin from excess sun exposure. There are real dangers from heat exhaustion and skin cancer.

A graph published in the Lancet warned of the dangers of heat waves—but distorted the comparison between hot and cold temperatures by changing the units on the axis. There’s not unprecedented heat, so why the fearmongering?

If you are not able to sweat normally, there is an increased risk of heat exhaustion. Causes include skin or nervous system disorders, connective-tissue disease, and certain drugs, such as antidepressants and opioids.

Of course, you should wear protective clothing or use sunscreen if you will be heavily exposed to sunlight to reduce the risk of skin cancer. But some exposure is needed to make vitamin D.

Achieving “climate goals” such as increasing electric vehicles will not help. If every country in the world did this, the predicted decrease in average global temperature would be 0.0002 °F.

The calculation may not include increased carbon dioxide emissions from fires, such as the huge cargo ship fire in the North Sea caused by an EV. Some apartment buildings won’t allow you to park your EV in an underground garage. Such fires are extremely hard to control.

Pay attention to the other side of the graph: deaths from cold. Winter is coming!

If you are in an area where electrical outages may occur, do you have a generator? Note that new Biden regulations may make portable generators unaffordable or impossible to obtain. Do you have emergency blankets or sleeping bags, at home and in your car?

Preparations need to be made in advance. Remember that weather-dependent electrical generators don’t work in bad weather.

Additional information:

Improvised Clothing and Protective Gear. Chapter 15 in Nuclear War Survival Skills.

Climate Watch: Which Heat Record Should We Look at?

I hope your electric grid is able to meet the demand in this heat.

In response to my last dispatch, it was said “well it’s only one day” and “the increase is cumulative.” More graphs from Tony Heller’s exhaustive data set of dates and places:

Every temperature over 100 °F ever recorded at Yosemite National Park

Here’s a comparison of heat waves in 1936 and 2023:

And for a really long historical perspective from long, long before the Industrial Age:

Additional information:

The Environmental Effects of Increased Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide, the petition signed by more than 31,000 scientists, and a searchable list of signatories:

Climate Watch: Are We Having Record Heat?

I hope you have electricity flowing to your air conditioner.

It’s summer, and it is hot in Tucson.

But as the graph shows, the summer of 2023 is cooler than usual.

Nonetheless, the climate change chorus claims that this summer is worse “in profound ways,” and there are computer models about hypothetical climate “tipping points”—not “documentation” of actual occurrence.

For perspective, Phoenix had 18 consecutive days of 110° temperatures in 1974, and Death Valley hit 134° in 1934. The six hottest July 19ths in the U.S. occurred in 1934, 1932, 1936, 1930, 1926 and 1901—when almost half of the US was over 95 °F (35 °C). Atmospheric CO2 levels were much lower then.

Every day, a new record is being set somewhere. If you have temperature stations at 10,000 locations and they have an average length of 100 years, then during a 100-day-long summer, you would expect to get about 10,000 daily maximum temperature records set.

What will happen to the climate if we spend trillions of dollars and turn off 80 percent of the world’s energy supply (“fossil fuels”)? Will the constantly postponed predicted climate crisis be averted? Will the global average temperature drop a fraction of a degree, as computer models predict? Will you feel cooler at 109.9 than at 110°?

What will happen to you without adequate electricity to cool—or heat—your home? Or without gasoline or diesel-powered vehicles? (Note that heat waves can cook electric car batteries too.)

Additional information:

WW III? U.S. Troops Ordered to Europe

President Biden previously promised that American sons and daughters would not be sent to fight and die in Ukraine. But today he authorized sending 3,000 troops to Europe as part of Operation Atlantic Resolve.

The NATO summit in Vilnius, Lithuania, has just concluded. Ukraine president Zelenskyy was disappointed that Ukraine won’t be admitted to NATO just yet. Some members object because there is an ongoing war. Yet, the participants’ declaration read: “We reaffirm the commitment we made at the 2008 Summit in Bucharest that Ukraine will become a member of NATO, and today we recognize that Ukraine’s path to full Euro-Atlantic integration has moved beyond the need for the Membership Action Plan”—despite Russia’s repeated warnings that this is a Red Line.

The much-awaited Ukrainian counteroffensive is floundering. Its troops have not yet reached even the first of three lines of entrenched Russian defenses, but are taking horrendous casualties in the “crumple” zone ahead of the defensive lines. Former UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter states that they have already lost 20–40 percent of the NATO-trained capability prepared for the offensive. Reportedly 8 to 10 times as many Ukrainians as Russians have died.

If the Russians have 180,000 troops in reserve, what can 3,000 Americans do? If NATO cannot win a conventional ground war, will it resort to nuclear weapons?

Americans are now supplying cluster bombs (dual-purpose improved conventional munition, DPICM) reportedly because we are out of other artillery ammunition. These munitions are outlawed all over the world because “duds” may explode long after the war, killing and maiming civilians.

Zelenskyy has been pleading for F-16s. White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said that they will be delivered. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said that Moscow can’t ignore the nuclear capability of these aircraft.

The risk of nuclear war has never been greater. Yet, according to Gilbert Doctorow, there are some signals that negotiations to end the war may begin.

Have you thought about what to do if there’s a nuclear event, and how to prepare for the event and the aftermath? Our families and communities depend on us!

You are very unlikely to be in the zone of complete destruction. Don’t plan to die!

Some resources:

WW III? Should We Worry about the Zaparozhye Nuclear Power Plant?

So far, the world has avoided an exchange of nuclear bombs, but what about the Zaparozhye nuclear power plant (ZNPP) in Ukraine, the largest nuclear generating station in Europe? Could there be another Chernobyl?

The ZNPP is currently under Russian control. The reactors are shut down. Cooling water is still needed for the six reactors and the spent fuel storage pond. The destruction of the Kakhova dam caused the loss of its main water supply and also of the Kakhova hydroelectric generating facility. The power supply needed for safety features is imperiled, states the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), which is on site.

Ukrainian president Zelensky has released videos stating that Russia is plotting a massive terrorist attack at ZNPP. Ukraine’s spymaster Kyrylo Budanov released a video alleging that Russia has mined the ZNPP basement. A day later, U.S. Senator Lindsay Graham put forth a resolution that  specifically quotes the “destruction of a nuclear facility” and “dispersing radioactive contaminates [sic]” as an attack on NATO itself, “requiring an immediate response, including the implementation of Article V of the North Atlantic Treaty.” Simplicius writes that this is a coordinated plan for a false flag attack on ZNPP by Ukraine to get NATO directly involved in the Ukraine conflict.

The prospect of an attack on ZNPP evokes images of Chernobyl, with a plume of radioactive materials spreading worldwide. A Chernobyl-type explosion is impossible here. The Chernobyl reactor was inherently unsafe—its design permitted production of weapons-grade plutonium as well as electricity. Its “positive void coefficient” accelerated the nuclear chain reaction and power output if the reactors lost cooling water. A steam explosion blew the top off the reactor, exposing the core to the environment, as it lacked a containment building. A fire that burned for 10 days released a large amount of radioactivity to the environment. Thirty-one people were killed immediately, and up to 20,000 later cases of thyroid cancer were attributed to environmental contamination.

Casualties from Chernobyl were mostly caused by panic and overreaction—as at Fukushima. As many as 200,000 healthy babies were aborted in Western Europe because of unwarranted fear.

According to Simplicius, “we should not ignore the fact that it doesn’t matter how bad the disaster actually is, the West will ‘manufacture’ the scale which suits them.”

What should you do if ZNPP is attacked and there is a radiation “release”?

Insist on learning the actual dose and the unit of measure, not as a multiple of “normal,” and do not be deceived by apparently huge doses measured in tiny units (e.g., 100,000 microsieverts is the equivalent of about 10 rads—most people have no symptoms below 200 rads). Research the clinical significance—see the article on Fukushima linked above for a start. Do not panic.

Be aware of the massively greater risk from war. One consequence is shortages of essentials.

For suggestions on emergency medical items, see Even without a hot war, we are experiencing shortages of common antibiotics. You might want to ask your doctor for prescriptions to have on hand, just in case, although you should use them only on qualified medical advice. Potassium iodide for keeping the thyroid from taking up radioactive iodine is available over the counter and at—which also offers radiation monitoring instruments.

Medical News Discussion Group, May 2023

  • Chemical abortions: Holly Gruhl provided a summary from the May 4 Catholic Physicians Guild meeting. Points included: 60% of abortions are done in specialized clinics, and that’s all that is provided, no real health care. A chemical abortion is used in 50% of first trimester abortions. FDA guidelines include/should include (not sure which) mitigation of harm to women and a post-abortion exam by a physician. Anti-coagulants are contraindicated. In 2016, physicians were no longer required to see patients, but could do telemed abortions. Side effects are required to be recorded, but not a death. With a chemical abortion, it is easy to avoid reporting, even though the risk of needing an ER visit is four times as high as with a surgical abortion. Complications of a chemical abortion are pain, intense cramping, bleeding, and infection. Young women frequently experience these side effects while at home alone.
  • Transgenderism issue: The Washington Post featured an article headlined “Most Americans support anti-trans policies favored by GOP, poll shows.” ( It shows that from 30-40% of respondents favor ideas that recently would have been called unthinkable. Legislatures are pushing back.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI): Dr. Gruhl commented on the tremendous advances in ChatGPT. This can provide better answers to patients’ questions and even convey more empathy than physicians, according to one study. AI can mimic the style of various writers and even stuttering and human errors. Possibly it could pass the Turing test. Someday, a computer application will be everybody’s “best friend.” AI incorporates the biases of its developers. Dr. Gruhl’s suggests that it would be extremely valuable to have a program that would present minority views with references to support them. “Could this make mainstream media obsolete?”, Holly Gruhl asks. AI will not create consciousness, Dr. Gruhl states. The two aspects of the universe are informational (nonmaterial) and physical (material). Computers are composed 100% of physical entities, and consciousness is 100% in the information domain.

WW III? Houston Nuclear Exercise

The FBI and the military are holding a week-long nuclear exercise in Houston “to learn how best to deal with a nuke dropped on a US city,” according to the British newspaper the Daily Mail. But what about you?

The article resembles the “bombing runs” that used to be featured periodically in American medical publications: U.S. target maps, casualty counts, and zones of destruction overlaid on city maps.

People are warned that they will see military aircraft and personnel in protective gear during the Houston exercise. Apparently, no public educational events are included.

The civilian preparedness situation in the U.S. is no better now than it was at the time of the false warning in Hawaii in 2018, and far worse than in the 1950s—although the threat level is much higher.

Nevertheless, most people will not be in the zone of complete destruction and will have an excellent chance of survival if they know what to do. Most important: drop and cover if you see a bright flash. Seek the best available shelter if there is warning or if you see fallout (it looks like sand or grit). Be aware of ways to construct expedient shelter and radiation monitoring instruments. You need distance or mass (e.g., earth, concrete, or water) between yourself and the radiation source.

The most important preparation is mental and spiritual. Your life is a precious gift from your Creator. People depend on you—your family, your community, your nation. Humanity has survived the direst catastrophes before—but only if they have not lost the will to live.

Additional information:

Jane M. Orient, M.D.,

WW III? Tucker Carlson Reports

There is much speculation about why Tucker Carlson suddenly “parted ways” with Fox News. He has said many things that offended important people, but here’s one that directly affects you, if true: Leaked intelligence documents on Ukraine reportedly show that the U.S. is at war with Russia, now, and Russia is not losing.

The bipartisan Narrative is that Ukraine is valiantly fighting for freedom and democracy, while the U.S. and NATO are simply providing support. The incompetent Russians will surely be defeated in the anticipated spring offensive IF the West just sends them the needed weapons and ammunition.

Tucker stated that American soldiers themselves are fighting Russian soldiers—according to intelligence briefing slides. It’s a hot war between the two primary nuclear superpowers. Seven Ukrainian soldiers are killed for every Russian killed, and Ukrainian air defenses have been “utterly degraded,” Carlson stated.

The news media are focused mostly on the “criminal” (not a whistleblower), a 21-year old Air National Guardsman who posted the documents.

It is claimed that the “leaked” documents were altered, and that Russian casualties are much higher than Ukrainian.

So, what do we believe?

Ordinary Americans cannot count on learning the true situation from government or mainstream media. But it is highly likely that the danger of all-out war is extreme. In the fog of war, or when one side is desperate, accidents or preemptive launches can occur. Your first notification of an attack may be the power going out or bright flashes in the sky.

Do you have the basic knowledge of how to increase your chance of surviving a nearby nuclear detonation? Have you made some minimal preparations to survive if you can’t leave your home? Don’t place all your hope in the arrival of government aid!

Additional information:

Medical News Discussion Group, April 2023

  • The transgenderism issue is rapidly gaining importance. Jim and Holly Gruhl reported on an interview by Jordan Peterson of Dr. Miriam Grossman. The number of young persons claiming to be trans or nonbinary has rapidly climbed to 20% and with the pervasive influence of social media could reach 40%. Dr. Grossman states that the transgender ideology is based on the fraudulent work of John Money. While children may be pushed into treatment by therapists who threaten that the child may commit suicide if not “transitioned,” those who do transition are also at risk. In addition, parents, children, and other family members are deeply affected and may also commit suicide, a problem that is largely being ignored. Legal and legislative pushback is growing, along with strong challenges in public forums, as by Matt Walsh. TG activists are increasingly advocating violence.

    Dr. Money’s foundational study involved twin boys, one of whom was severely injured by a botched circumcision. He was castrated and raised as a girl. Despite claims about “success,” the patient did not identify as a girl and eventually committed suicide.

    Dr. Gruhl added that while 20% of high schoolers now claim they are nonbinary, only one in ten of those has ever dated someone of the same biological birth gender. This would suggest the claim may represent “virtue sIgnaling.” Jordan Peterson discusses the most important transitions in growing up are ages 2 to 4 and ages 16 to 20. In the 16-to-20 group, youth are “burying their youth to become adult” and are looking for heroic causes, which they often find in music, protests, and rebellions. Previous cultures used this growth period to instill patriotism.
  • Holly Gruhl commented on the increasing difficulty that patients, especially Medicare patients, have in finding medical care, including physicians’ willingness to respond promptly to questions about abnormal lab tests. She attended a talk by Li Schmidt, M.D., of Tucson, who presented interesting thoughts on wellness. She also provided information about new services and subscription plans with Dr. Pierre Kory, who is working with certified tribal healers. The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons has been interested in potential “medical tourism” to tribal lands to find physicians and methods that are disfavored by establishment medicine and Big Pharma.
  • Post-COVID situation: Holly Gruhl, who frequently attends Tucson Symphony Orchestra performances, observed that there were many new musicians. TSO conductor Jose Gomez commented from the podium that there had been many deaths. Also, the audience was much diminished—half the seats were empty. TSO requires vaccination to attend. This anecdotal evidence suggest that the vaccine rollout has not been accompanied by a “return to normality.”
  • Mortality rates: Dr. Gruhl presented information from financial analyst Ed Dowd, author of ‘Cause Unknown’: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 & 2022, who used data provided by Josh Stirling, concerning an alarming increase in excess deaths associated with the COVID-19 vaccine rollout. Dr. Orient asked a retired Arizona actuary about this. He provided the appended report from the Society of Actuaries, and the following comments:

    “The Society of Actuaries regularly does several life insurance mortality studies for different purposes, such as Group Term Life, Group Conversion life, Individual Term Life, Individual Whole Life, Disabled Lives, and the U. S. population overall. Each of these studies are usually replicated by counting (a) Reported Claims – based on when the claim was received by the insurer, (b) Incurred Claim – based on the date of death, and (c) Claim Amounts – i.e., based on how much each life was insured for. Usually, these data are also adjusted based on the age of the respective population. While you may not want to bother reading the attached (and I only briefly skimmed through it to see where things stand), let me draw your attention to tables 2.1 – 2.4, 3.1, 3.3, 4.1 and 4.3. Each of these tables shows a large mortality impact in 2020, followed by a larger impact in 2021, falling in Q1 2022, and almost back to the normal baseline by Q2 2022 (April – June 2022).”

    Dr. Gruhl noted that he looked through the SOA report and, probably for political reasons, they did not break out any vaccinated/unvaccinated data. They have that data, as insurance companies collect HIPAA Privacy information, and there is every reason to believe people would be glad to report their “virtuous” vaccinated status. Josh Stirling broke out that vaccinated data, which Ed Dowd used. They reported that insurance companies strongly pushed, or mandated, vaccines and it would be 25 years before they broke out those vaccinated for higher premiums because of higher risk—so, everyone would have to bear those increases.

    Dr. Gruhl also said that he was not sure what the swing up and then back down in SOA death rates implies about vaccine deaths. World death rates are continually up about 20% beginning late 2020. Plus, birth rates are down about 20%, with mechanisms directly associated with vaccines. There is also evidence from the UK and Israel that excess mortality is occurring.

    Hospitals have claimed that death rates are nine times higher in the unvaccinated. However, Dr Gruhl notes that hospitals know that a person is vaccinated if the hospital gave the vaccine, but otherwise the patient may be lumped into the unvaccinated category.

Regarding the Ukraine war, Dr. Gruhl provided a link to a Jordan Peterson’s interview of Sen. Mike Lee, discussing the problem of lack of a clear objective and the enormous expenditure ($113 billion) with little oversight: 173) Russia/Ukraine, ESG, Gigantism and the West | Senator Mike Lee | EP 346 – YouTube.

Doctors for Disaster Preparedness (DDP) Reviews New WHO Advice on COVID Vaccines

Updated guidance on COVID vaccination by the World Health Organization (WHO) states that only high-risk groups should receive ongoing booster doses because they offer little impact in the general population. Instead, efforts should focus on high-risk populations.

Notably, WHO assigns the lowest priority to healthy children and adolescents aged six months to 17 years, states Doctors for Disaster Preparedness (DDP) president Jane M. Orient, M.D.

In low-to-medium risk groups, the benefit of additional boosters is “actually quite marginal, based on what we know of the immune status of these people,” stated Hanna Nohynek, chair of WHO’s Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization (SAGE).

Priority groups, according to SAGE, are principally defined based on risk of severe disease and death. Considerations include vaccine performance, cost-effectiveness, programmatic factors, and community acceptance. The high priority group includes older persons, pregnant persons, and frontline health workers.

WHO’s assumption about effectiveness against severe disease and death has been challenged on the basis of inadequate evidence, Dr. Orient points out. Pregnant persons were excluded from vaccine trials, and SAGE does not comment on pregnancy outcomes. Some physicians consider safety signals significant enough to warrant withdrawal of COVID-19 vaccines from the market.

SAGE considers both the primary series and boosters to be safe. It urges countries to base their decisions on “contextual factors, such as the disease burden, cost effectiveness, and other health or programmatic priorities and opportunity costs.”

DDP urges decisionmakers to review WHO’s revised guidance, as well as other views, in making risk-to-benefit assessments.Doctors for Disaster Preparedness provides information to help save lives in the event of natural or man-made disasters.