The Virus of Mass Destruction

DDP Newsletter, Vol XXXVII, No. 1

The SARS-CoV-2 virus has certainly been associated with mass destruction of human lives and livelihoods—without directly killing more than other viruses that have not shut down economies and forced people into house arrest. The “emergency” goes on and on. Who can make plans for the future of a business if it could be shut down by a report of a couple cases within the company’s ZIP code? A semblance of “normalcy” will possibly return IF everyone gets the needle in the arm—at least for people with the “Green Pass.”

Daily reports of COVID deaths lack all perspective. As David Stockman pointed out in August 2020, “we are in the midst of a full on public hysteria that has empowered that statist proclivities of present-day American politicians…to erupt in a brutal attack on the economy, personal liberty and the very notion of government via constitutional due process.” He challenges the “underlying predicate…that the Covid presents a Black Plague level threat to life and limb, …an alleged once-in-a-hundred-years existential threat.”

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Doctors for Disaster Preparedness Newsletter | Vol. XXXVI, No. 5

No, Doctors for Disaster Preparedness does not recommend do-it-yourself medicine.

You should have a physician who knows you and is available to advise you—confidentially. Fewer and fewer people are so fortunate. Most are enrolled in a “health plan” and have an assigned “healthcare provider.” Even if the provider has an M.D., evaluation and management may be determined by the drop-down menus in the electronic health record. The EHR will follow you everywhere, tracking your history and compliance—some even have electronic “sticky notes” to flag potentially disruptive patients who have a politically incorrect attitude.

Corporate medicine has been adamantly opposed to early home treatment of COVID-19, and employed physicians deviate from that policy at their peril. Hospitals, clinics, and most of “organized medicine,” including the AMA and the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA), will cite “the science” as determined by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

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Expedient Medicine

Doctors for Disaster Preparedness Newsletter | Vol. XXXVI, No. 4

Between the date on the masthead and the time of this writing (January 2021), events have moved at a breathtaking speed. With a foot-high pile of selected articles on COVID-19 waiting to be read, I’d like to pause for historical perspective.

DDP was founded in the early 1980s, when medical journals were full of articles on the “bomb run,” the effects of a nuclear attack on one or more American cities: death and destruction, the few remaining medical facilities overwhelmed, environmental contamination, panic, and despair (hope to be at Ground Zero, kiss yourself good-by, etc.).

At that time, during the Cold War, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) still had an Office of Civil Defense and remnants of a civilian nuclear defense program. DDP and The American Civil Defense Association (TACDA) promoted these programs, and FEMA officials spoke at our meetings. There were home shelter displays.

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Radiation Treatment for COVID

DDP Newsletter – Vol. XXXVI, No. 2

The “silver bullet” of antibiotics seemed to herald the conquest of infectious diseases, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shifted its focus to noninfectious “epidemics” such as cancer and heart diseases. But with the rise of multiply resistant bacteria as well as the ever-present threat of viral diseases, we might soon be living in the post-antibiotic era. We need to review methods from the pre-antibiotic era, which rapidly lost favor after the discovery of penicillin.

In 1892, William Osler wrote that lobar pneumonia “is a self-limited disease and runs its course uninfluenced in any way by medicine. It can be neither aborted, nor cut short by any known means at our disposal.” By 1913, leaders at the Rockefeller Institute initiated equine serum therapy for the treatment of pneumonia. Two decades later, mortality from lobar pneumonia was 25%–40% in patients not receiving serum, but 10%–20% in those who received this therapy. While the treatment was a major advance, it was expensive, time-consuming, needed to be matched to the serotype of the bacteria, and limited by allergic reactions to horse or other serum. Serum therapy was soon eliminated after the introduction of sulfonamides in 1939.

X-irradiation began to emerge as an alternative to the therapeutic monopoly of serum treatments in the 1930s. Edward Calabrese and Gaurav Dhawan (Yale J Biol Med 2013;86:555-570, trace its history, beginning with the first report in 1905. Radiotherapy (RT) was broadly accepted early in the 20th century, with notable successes in the treatment of many inflammatory and infectious diseases such as gas gangrene, carbuncles, sinusitis, arthritis, and inner ear infections.

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DDP News – Vol. XXXVI, No. 1

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, face masks for the public have been advocated or required in various places in the world, but the demands to force everybody, even children, to comply in the U.S. have become frenzied as this is being written in early July.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) floated the thought that the epidemic might be over, as all-cause mortality had peaked and returned to normal. But then surges of “cases” were reported in Florida and the border states of California, Arizona, and Texas—along with a surge in testing. A “case” is a person with a positive test, even if apparently well. Governors were criticized for re-opening too soon, and began forcing still-surviving businesses such as gyms to close. And various jurisdictions began to impose mask requirements.

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COVID-19 Protection

DDP Newsletter – May, 2020, Vol. XXXVI, No. 3

Many people’s lives are dominated these days by concerns about the coronavirus pandemic. Many refuse to go anywhere if not absolutely necessary. Some “quarantine” or disinfect their groceries, and shower and wash their clothing after doing an errand. Are the masks, “social distancing,” and obsessive-compulsive behaviors necessary—or protective?   Evidence for benefit from the drastic measures is nonexistent to thin. There are many unknowns, but some observations can be made:

If there is coronavirus in the vicinity, you have some on you. In an unpublished experiment, a harmless chemical compound resembling material found in viral coats was radioactively tagged and applied near the mouth or on the palm of two “spreaders.” They carried on normal social interactions with several test subjects who were doing library research—talking, looking at papers, etc. The subjects washed their hands frequently. At the end of several hours, all had radioactively tagged material on face, hands, and clothing.

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Threats for the 2020s

DDP Newsletter November 2019, Vol. XXXV, No. 6

China: Military and Economic Dominance

Celebrating the 70th anniversary of Communist Party rule, advanced Chinese weaponry paraded through Tiananmen Square in October 2019. The message to the world is that Beijing has no intention of ceding military leadership to America or any other country.

High-tech innovations, many stolen from the U.S., include stealth combat aerial drones, unmanned underwater vehicles, hypersonic missiles, and the road-mobile DF-41 intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), with a 7,500-mile range. The Pentagon has identified hypersonic missiles and systems to defend against them as among its highest priorities, writes Larry Bell. Lockheed Martin expects to test flight its first prototype missiles in 2020. China has reportedly completed seven successful tests ( These “unstoppable” missiles  are “igniting a new global arms race,” writes R. Jeffrey Smith (New York Times 6/23/19,

The Chinese seek to dominate by other means as well. Under the Obama Administration, China’s state-owned Cosco Shipping Holdings signed a 40-year lease with the City of Long Beach in 2012 for control of America’s second largest and most automated container-handling operation. In 2017, the Trump Administration put a national security hold on Cosco’s acquisition of a former U.S. Navy port facility. As of May 2019, the Communists are no longer in control of the Port of Long Beach ( Still, China operates six of the world’s ten busiest container ports, and the Chinese government has also funded the construction and operations of 43 ports in 35 countries under its “One Belt and One Road” (OBOR) strategy (

The State of California under Governor Jerry Brown and now Gov. Gavin Newsom is partnering with China on “climate change” research, such as battery storage, despite concerns about intellectual property theft (

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Pandemic Preparedness

DDP Newsletter, September 2019, Vol. XXXV, No. 5

Of all the potential mass casualty events that could affect the United States, the most devastating cause is biologic. Biologic agents, unlike radioactive fallout, have a  doubling time, not a half-life. Whether the agent comes from a deliberate biologic warfare attack, or the natural emergence of a novel virus, the results could be devastating.

In 1918, more people died in the first 11 months of the influenza pandemic than in 4 years of the Black Death in the 1300s. Yet despite spending $80 billion on a National Biologic Defense, the U.S. is arguably no better prepared than it was in 1918, state Steven Hatfill, M.D., Robert J. Coullahan, and John J. Walsh, Jr., Ph.D., in their new book Three Seconds until Midnight, available on

Because of air travel, more people packed into dense urban areas, and greater dependence on technological infrastructure and just-in-time inventories, the population may be even more vulnerable now. There could be mass casualties even among uninfected people because of lack of essential services.

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Vaccine Nation

DDP Newsletter July 2019 Vol. XXXV, No. 4

As the number of  parents who decline to follow the CDC’s “recommended” schedule of mandatory vaccines creeps upward, the pressure to remove exemptions is growing. More than 100 bills are being pushed in 30 states that would strip out religious, philosophical, and medical exemptions.

California leads the nation in removing all except rare medical exemptions. Until this year, physicians could write medical exemptions at their discretion. However, because a few “rogue” physicians were allegedly writing too many or “illegitimate” exemptions, it is becoming virtually impossible to obtain one, so that parents of children with risk factors will now have the choice of risking a serious adverse reaction or removing their child from public or private school. The full impact of the law will not be seen until it is implemented in 2020, but parents are already receiving messages like this one:

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Drug Dependence

DDP Newsletter May 2019 Vol. XXXV, No. 3

Drug addiction is devastating. Drug dependence may be unavoidable—as with insulin-dependent diabetics. Modern medicine depends on the availability of life-saving drugs. And the U.S. now depends on China for most drugs. The U.S. even lacks the capacity to produce penicillin, as Rosemary Gibson reveals in her book China Rx: Exposing the Risks of America’s Dependence on China for Drugs.

In 1988, Oak Ridge National Laboratory published Expedient Antibiotic Production: A Final Report. This includes a how-to guide to build/rebuild antibiotic production facilities if they were damaged or destroyed. It has a map of the location of such production facilities in relation to a possible nuclear attack on industrial or military facilities.

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