Entomophagy – A ‘Sustainable’ Diet?

DDP Newsletter, Vol. XXXVII, No. 6

Using insects as a main source of animal protein is a big part of the World Economic Forum’s plans for us. To sustain a continued growth of 75 million souls per year, they say all of us need to eat bugs, just as some people have for centuries.

In fact, you may already be eating them as deliberate ingredients and not just contaminants. It’s another reason to read the labels on your food carefully.

If you search on amazon for “crickets” you will find Hotlix along with the food for reptiles, birds, and fish. Hotlix candy is made from “real crickets” and is said to be ideal as stocking stuffers or gifts for Father’s Day, birthdays, or other occasions. A “raw power cricket protein bar” is available in a package labeled “Thank you for saving earth!” Cricket flour is being incorporated into all kinds of products from soups to pasta.

Raising insects is supposed to be much better for the Planet than raising livestock. Insects are said to require about 4% of the water and 10% of the amount of grain that a cow would require to produce the same amount of food biomass. Livestock emit methane and ammonia waste (a,k,a. fertilizer). “Livestock is the second largest contributor to the most serious environmental concerns and augments 18% of greenhouse gas emissions.” Termites produce only 5% of global methane emissions, compared with 28% by livestock (https://tinyurl.com/3wnzyhur). Livestock also take up space (which might be needed for solar and wind installations).

No part of the insect is wasted—you eat all of it, including the skeleton and whatever it ate, at all stages of the digestive process. Insects are commonly fed oatmeal before they are fed to humans to clean their intestinal tract. “Therefore, insects that are farmed and fed a reliable food source are typically safer than foraged insects. When eating insects, it is important to remain safe in order to reap the full benefits of these edible arthropods” (https://tinyurl.com/p44y4pc3).

Insects may help you lose weight. They have a high-protein, low-fat nutritional profile. When compared to beef, crickets had about half the calories and one-third the amount of fat for the same weight of meat (ibid.).

Public acceptance has been surprisingly high, especially if people are told they are saving the planet from global warming. Indoctrination is beginning early as children are fed insect snacks at school. Fitness studios are adding insect protein powders to their on-site food offerings. The market for edible insects is expected to grow by more than 26% per year, reaching $4.6 billion by 2027 (https://tinyurl.com/3djjfmvj).

Researchers have ground up insects and found the amino acid, mineral, and micronutrient content to be “highly nutritious.” I have been unable to find any long-term studies of the effects of an insect-based diet on health. Apparently, such evidence is not needed to promote—or force—a radical change in people’s lives.

Among the benefits touted by the New Yorker: “They are natural recyclers, capable of eating old cardboard, manure, and by-products from food manufacturing. And insect husbandry is humane: bugs like teeming, and thrive in filthy, crowded conditions” (https://tinyurl.com/yrd3pr97).

Some allergic problems are acknowledged. Persons with shellfish allergies might be allergic to chitin. Depending on what the insects ate, they might not be gluten-free.

Some humans can digest chitin, which forms insects’ exoskeleton, but the majority probably cannot. Some studies show evidence that chitin may be carcinogenic and trigger the immune system, writes Robert Malone, M.D. (https://tinyurl.com/mrycbv8y).

Chitin activates a variety of innate (eosinophils, macrophages) and adaptive immune cells (IL-4/IL-13 expressing T helper type-2 lymphocytes). Chitin induces cytokine production, leukocyte recruitment, and alternative macrophage activation. “The significance of chitin and its derivatives on immune responses has not been fully appreciated.” (https://tinyurl.com/yj3z88vv).

Other effects include potential interference with the absorption of dietary lipids from the gastrointestinal tract. Long-term consumption might lead to deficiency of fat-soluble vitamins A and E (https://tinyurl.com/yx8utpnn).

Breads made with powdered cricket flour may be loaded with potentially dangerous bacterial spores (ibid.). One study detected parasites in 81% of insect farms, and 30% of those could potentially affect humans (tinyurl.com/35kdu2m8). Studies of other risks such as bacterial pathogens are being compiled (https://tinyurl.com/34y8vfp5).

A search on “edible insects; safety” on Pubmed.gov found articles considering contamination with mycotoxins or heavy metals, transference of antibiotic resistance, insect viruses, pesticide residues, and changes in gut microbiota. As one abstract noted: “Further studies are needed to evaluate the possible effects of prolonged insect consumption on human health.” However, the plan apparently is like that for novel vaccines: implement globally, with a multimillion-dollar propaganda campaign (https://tinyurl.com/m64uwxhm), and constantly repeat “safe and effective.”

For example, PBS, which has received millions from the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation, recently aired a new documentary pushing the bug-eating agenda (https://tinyurl.com/468hc63h).


Why the emergency? Part of UN agenda 2030 is to cut 30% of land from farm production, Dr. Malone reports. Once gone, a farm is not immediately replaceable. Meeting zero-emission “climate” goals is said to require reducing meat consumption to 24 kg per person per year, from the current OECD average of 70 kg. The Dutch government is expropriating 3,000 farms based on a false “nitrogen crisis” (tinyurl.com/4nwnzht3).The Netherlands is the world’s second-largest food exporter.

Fertilizer shortages and high prices, partly due to the high price of natural gas, the feedstock for ammonia fertilizer, will cause serious decreases in crop yields (tinyurl.com/mtjp5jru) and likely widespread starvation (https://tinyurl.com/ydrxd48t).

Plant-derived fake meat and Israeli-based 3D-printed lab-grown meat from cultured animal fibroblasts are being promoted. Believer Meat is building the world’s largest facility in North Carolina (https://tinyurl.com/5xh5vznw).

The main commercial driver behind the push to use crickets as food in North America is Aspire Groups, “supported” by the UN, Dr. Malone writes. A single facility in Canada can immediately begin producing 9000 tons (18 million pounds) of crickets a year, with the help of artificial intelligence. Aspire Foods is listed as one of the top ten outstanding projects to advance UN sustainable food goals, particularly in North America. Will these gambles pay off for Bill Gates and other developers? Possibly. But how much world depopulation will result?

Civil Defense vs. Lockdown 2.0

DDP Newsletter Vol. XXXVIII, No. 6

World events are moving at a breakneck pace. The threat of nuclear weapons use is probably the highest it has been since the Cuban Missile Crisis in October 1962. The crisis was resolved when Nikita Khrushchev promised that that work on the missile sites would be halted and that the missiles already in Cuba would be returned to the Soviet Union. In return, President John F. Kennedy committed the U.S. to never invading Cuba. Kennedy also secretly promised to withdraw the nuclear-armed missiles that the U.S. had stationed in Turkey in previous years (https://tinyurl.com/45yx29vb). After this crisis, Kennedy started a nationwide civil defense program, with fallout shelters identified and stocked, and five million costly radiation detectors distributed to cities and town throughout the nation.

Stephen Jones, who has been involved in civil defense since 1979, writes: “The original purpose of our national Civil Defense was TO KEEP THE COUNTRY WORKING. The purpose of the detectors was to let people know when it was safe so recovery efforts and other essential work could begin. Now there are virtually no detectors out there dedicated to measuring nuclear fallout. In general, HAZMAT units are not equipped or trained for fallout danger.”

Continue reading “Civil Defense vs. Lockdown 2.0”

Klaus Schwab: The New Dr. Strangelove?

DDP Newsletter Vol. XXXVII, No. 5

Stanley Kubrick’s satirical nuclear apocalyptic movie Dr. Strangelove, Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb, starring Peter Sellers in three roles, is still available, but likely of less interest now. The fearmongers are focused on another type of apocalypse. Even Physicians for Social Responsibility (psr.org) seems to have paused its “bombing runs,” though it still has a Nuclear Weapons Abolition Program. The “gravest dangers to human health” featured on its home page include climate change and fracking.

Ever since the film’s release in 1964, Herman Kahn has been referred to as the real Dr. Strangelove. When quizzed about the comparison, Kahn would tell Newsweek, “Kubrick is a friend of mine. He told me Dr. Strangelove wasn’t supposed to be me.” But others would point out the many affinities between Stanley Kubrick’s classic character and the real-life Herman Kahn.

Continue reading “Klaus Schwab: The New Dr. Strangelove?”


DDP Newsletter Vol. XXXVII, No. 3

The new media disease crisis to follow COVID-19 is monkeypox, or whatever it will be called after its supposedly racist name is changed. The World Health Organization (WHO) is considering whether to call it a “public health emergency of international concern,” which could lead to “temporary” international measures to stem the spread.

The name is really a misnomer. The disease was discovered in 1958 in research monkeys, but its natural hosts are likely rodents and other small mammals. It was first diagnosed in humans in 1970 in what is now the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), causing fever, headaches, and lymph node swelling followed by an eruption of pus-filled blisters. The skin lesions can resemble those of shingles, chickenpox, or syphilis. The rash tends to start on the face and has the unusual feature that blisters can form on the palms (https://tinyurl.com/2p8t24ph).

Most people recover within 2–4 weeks, and outbreaks usually fizzle out on their own. The biggest known outbreak in the U.S. occurred in 2003, when 47 people were infected by pet prairie dogs that had picked up the virus from rodents imported from Ghana (Jon Cohen, Science 5/2/022, https://tinyurl.com/33pjenrk).

This outbreak is different because of the simultaneous appearance of around 2,500 cases by late June, in 20 countries on four continents, of a disease that has previously been mostly confined to Africa. Could a rave or two with international attendance explain it? Or does the simultaneous occurrence of widespread cases, and apparent increased human-to-human transmission, suggest it was spread deliberately and may have been engineered, asks Dr. Meryl Nass (tinyurl.com/yc2rp2rm).

The outbreak seems to be tightly associated with two large European dance party events (“raves”), a “Madrid sauna” and a “Gay Pride” event in the Canary Islands on May 5–15, which drew some 80,000 people. Recalling the early history of AIDS, someone who was seeking to introduce a pathogen into a highly mobile international population might see this as an ideal opportunity, writes Robert Malone, M.D. (https://tinyurl.com/pjsby78p).

Monkeypox is not generally considered to be a sexually transmitted infection, but it is transmitted by close contact and victims have so far been mostly gay or bisexual men. The way to stop the spread would be for people to stop having sex with men who have sex with men, for about two-to-three weeks. Public health officials had no trouble telling people not to go outside, not to visit their family, not to go to church, etc. for two weeks stretching into years to stop COVID-19. But the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) apparently believes that a few weeks of abstinence is too much to ask. On its website, it suggests some ways to be a little safer if you must go to a rave, party, club, festival, or gay bathhouse (https://tinyurl.com/y3a8r89b).

An amazing coincidence is that the Canary Island rave occurred on the same date as a hypothetical bioterror attack modeled in an Event 201-style wargame exercise about release of an engineered monkeypox virus, “a pathogen engineered in a laboratory with inadequate biosafety and biosecurity provisions and weak oversight.” This tabletop exercise was conducted in March 2021 by the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) (tinyurl.com/5b4zfcra). The modeling predicted 3.2 billion cases and 271 million deaths by Dec 1, 2023. As Dr. Malone points out, the predictive accuracy of the simplistic public health models such as that used to support this scenario have repeatedly proven to be abysmal, as in the initial catastrophic predictions for COVID-19.

In another “bizarre coincidence,” writes Cohen (op. cit.), Bavarian Nordic held a meeting in May with David Heymann of the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and nine other public health leaders from around the world, planned 6 months earlier, to discuss the need for more countries to stockpile its vaccine, given the increase in monkeypox cases over the past few years. This vaccine (JYNNEOS) uses a nonreplicating form of vaccinia, and has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use against both smallpox and its cousin monkeypox.

Conveniently, JYNNEOS was approved in 2019, when there had been only about 50 human cases of monkeypox diagnosed in the U.S. over a period of 60 years. It could not be tested for efficacy against either disease; so, FDA relied on neutralizing antibody titers.

Another interesting coincidence is that Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID) was funding research to study treatments for monkeypox beginning in September 2020, well before the outbreak (https://tinyurl.com/245uzdfc).

The U.S. government has reportedly stockpiled enough smallpox vaccine for the entire population in the event of a biowarfare attack, and has recently ordered $113 million worth of vaccine from Bavarian Nordic, with an option to buy $180 million more for a total of 13 million doses (https://tinyurl.com/4x6s4hp5). Should you rush out to get a shot as soon as possible?

Myocarditis/pericarditis is a well-known side effect of smallpox vaccination. FDA acknowledges a rate of 5.7 per 1,000 (1 in 175) in persons given the ACAM2000 vaccine, the other US-licensed smallpox vaccine. The incidence might be higher with JYNNEOS; two studies showed elevated troponin (cardiac enzyme) levels in 11–18% of recipients (https://tinyurl.com/3hkz74kc). Moreover, use of replicating smallpox vaccines can cause disseminated vaccinia infections in immunocompromised persons (tinyurl.com/ydvuu24v). Some worry that COVID-19 vaccines can cause immunocompromise.

Could the virus be engineered? The first full genome showed that the strain most closely resembles viruses carried by travelers from Nigeria to Singapore, Israel, and the UK in 2018 and 2019. However, as Dr. Malone writes, the outbreak virus differs from the 2018 and 2019 viruses by a mean of 50 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), which is far more than one would expect considering the estimated substitution rate for Orthopoxviruses. (DNA viruses evolve slowly.) Monkeypox virus is the subject of gain-of-function research in many labs, including the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Although the pox viruses are unrelated to the varicella-zoster virus, the monkeypox rash can be confused with shingles. The CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) has processed more than 18,000 reports of herpes/shingles outbreaks in association with COVID-19 vaccines (https://tinyurl.com/yvr62th9).

Monkeypox might be just the latest cause for fear porn, but it raises more questions than answers at present.

Remember the Italian saying: Niente e lasciato al caso (nothing happens by chance).


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Color Revolutions

DDP Newsletter Vol. XXXVII, No. 4

A color revolution is said to be a “mostly peaceful” anti-regime protest movement that may result in regime change. In its initial 14 years of independent existence, Ukraine has experienced two. In December 2004, The Atlantic called the Orange Revolution “a genuine outpouring of popular sentiment for freedom and justice,…a media-savvy revolution, almost like a democracy festival, aimed at winning the sympathy of Europeans and Americans” (https://tinyurl.com/2s4e8bhm).

Another view is that the term refers to CIA-led regime-change operations developed by RAND Corporation, “democracy” NGOs (non-governmental organizations), and other groups, according to journalist Gina Aveni (https://tinyurl.com/yn4j58ap). Brant Turbeville writes that these movements are the method by which “the destinies of seemingly independent nations are controlled by a world oligarchy” (https://tinyurl.com/3drrtar2).

Color revolutions, Turbeville states, may supplant or be combined with direct military action (Iraq, Afghanistan) or the “Brzezinski method” (death squads as in Libya) to destabilize governments. The wide participation of genuine local activists gives them the façade of a popular pro-democracy movement.

 “The operation—engineering democracy through the ballot box and civil disobedience—is now so slick that the methods have matured into a template for winning other people’s elections” (Guardian 11/25/2004, https://tinyurl.com/2p8exm7v).

Oliver Stone’s documentary Ukraine on Fire: Russian Aggression or American Interference? You Decide, banned from YouTube but available as a DVD and on Rumble (https://tinyurl.com/nhk57b84), describes the common features of money, media, and method in events in Georgia, Yemen, Libya, Syria, Moldova, Venezuela, Lebanon, and elsewhere. Symbolism is critical; the clenched fist is ubiquitous. Funding sources include the U.S. and Dutch Embassies and George Soros’s International Renaissance Foundation.

The 2004 Ukraine protests followed a hotly contested election and runoff in which Viktor Yanukovych, who was favored by Vladimir Putin, was declared elected. But a second runoff after the protests resulted in victory for Viktor Yushchenko, whose U.S. State Department connections are noted by Stone. Yushchenko’s wife had worked in the White House. When his promised reforms did not occur, Yushchenko’s popularity quickly plummeted, and Yanukovych was elected in 2010.

One of Yanukovych’s first actions was to repeal the Hero of Ukraine award that Yushchenko had conferred on the Nazi collaborator and war criminal Stepan Bandera (https://tinyurl.com/bdf7sf8u), hero of the extremist battalions who were deeply involved in the 2014 Maidan putsch that ousted Yanukovych.

In his interview with Stone for the documentary, Yanukovych explained that the Maidan protests were initially peaceful but were infiltrated by provocateurs, including neo-Nazi extremists. U.S. officials—Victoria Nuland, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), and Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT)—appeared at the protest. Stone states that the U.S. Embassy appeared to be in charge of the process. Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt, Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland, and Vice President Joe Biden had had discussions about how to “restructure” the Ukrainian government. Three new television stations broadcast the events, and the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) helped make them go viral.

The pillars of a color revolution are (tinyurl.com/2e6pkwxs): 1) a semi-autocratic rather than fully autocratic regime; 2) an unpopular incumbent; 3) a united and organized opposition; 4) an ability quickly to drive home the point that voting results were falsified; 5) compliant independent media to inform citizens about the falsified vote; 6) a political opposition capable of mobilizing tens of thousands or more demonstrators to protest electoral fraud; and 7) divisions among the regime’s coercive forces (police and military).

Demonizing the target is crucial, Stone explains—as was done with Yanukovych and Putin. And what about Donald Trump?

In June 2020, former Secretary of State John Kerry warned of a revolution if Trump won the election (https://tinyurl.com/3vkeuxa4). “Cheat by mail” ballots might have had a dual purpose—to increase votes for Biden, or if Trump won, to discredit the results. “Allowing mail-in ballots to be counted as many as 6 days after the election [is] setting the stage so that Americans will doubt the outcome and Biden’s 600+ lawyers will contest the results anywhere possible to further this confusion,” writes Aveni.

The U.S. is not immune to color revolution tactics. “If you understand and see what is really happening across the nation then you know [Black Lives Matter] and Antifa are not reacting to Floyd or injustice of any kind. Thousands of these younger Americans are being used to topple the United States President and the Constitution,” Aveni states. The riots for some reason miraculously fizzled away after Biden was declared the winner.

AFTER 2014

Ukraine and Russia have been on a road to war since 2014, writes retired Swiss military-intelligence officer Jacques Baud. “The first legislative act of the new government resulting from the American-sponsored overthrow of [the democratically-elected] President Yanukovych, was the abolition, on February 23, 2014, of the Kivalov-Kolesnichenko law of 2012 that made Russian an official language in Ukraine. A bit like if German putschists decided that French and Italian would no longer be official languages in Switzerland.”

This decision caused a storm in the Russian-speaking population, followed by fierce repression, with horrific massacres, most notably in Odessa and Mariupol. Over eight years, some 2 million Ukrainians from the Donbass region sought refuge in Russia. Ukrainian autonomists resisted, and the army subdued them without being able to prevail. The rebels were armed thanks to the defection of Russian-speaking Ukrainian units that went over to the rebel side. Tank, artillery, and anti-aircraft battalions swelled the ranks of the autonomists, pushing the Ukrainians to commit to the Minsk Agreements, which called for Kiev to negotiate an internal settlement with representatives of the republics seeking autonomy (not independence), but they were not implemented.

With the Ukrainian army in deplorable condition, the Ukrainian government resorted to paramilitary militias. In 2020, they constituted about 40% of the Ukrainian forces and numbered about 102,000 men. They were armed, financed, and trained by the U.S., UK, Canada, and France. Even if one argues that the term “Nazi” is Russian propaganda, these militias are brutal, fanatical, and virulently anti-Semitic. The emblem of the Azov Regiment contains notorious Nazi symbols: the Wolfsangel (Wolf Hook) (tinyurl.com/4fkckupy) superimposed on the Schwarze Sonne (Black Sun) (https://tinyurl.com/bdd8m9na).

So, Baud writes, “the West supported and continued to arm militias that have been guilty of numerous crimes against civilian populations since 2014: rape, torture and massacres” (https://tinyurl.com/4avm53eb). No sanctions, no press.

Crisis and Narratives

DDP Newsletter Vol. XXXVIII, No. 2

On Feb 24, Russia invaded Ukraine, a major escalation of a prolonged conflict. Immediately, this new crisis displaced the nonstop COVID coverage in the media. Conveniently for global elites, these crises have distracted attention from ongoing financial and societal collapse, and are probably accelerating progress toward the World Economic Forum’s intended Great Reset.

The meme for these times is the NPC or non-player character in video games. The narrator pops open the identical robotic heads and installs the Narrative-of-the-day chip.

The official Narrative for COVID is that the worst pandemic in world history threatens everyone and may surge any time if we let up on control measures such as face masks and distancing. The only hope is from “safe and effective” warp-speed vaccines in every arm, boosted as the CDC recommends. Dissenters are anti-science and pro-disease and death.

For Ukraine, the Narrative is that evil Putin has launched an unprovoked invasion of Ukraine as the first step in achieving his ambition to re-establish the Soviet empire. Ukraine is a peaceful, independent democracy. Dissenters are traitors and “Russian assets.” Since Ukraine is not (yet) a member of NATO, we do not yet have a full-scale war involving U.S. and other NATO troops. However, weapons and ammunition are pouring in, even from once-neutral Switzerland, so that NATO can fight, as some say, to the last heroic Ukrainian soldier. The Woke West has also launched economic warfare against Russia.

In the old, pre-Woke America, there was no need for Narratives to obscure painful reality. Citizens had inalienable rights and an opportunity to achieve personal and economic prosperity—the American dream. Reality could be harsh, but Americans were generally optimistic freemen who were laboring hard, in an as-fair-as-possible world of their own. Then the world started to change. Few noticed as their rights were incrementally eroded. Independent Americans might interfere with the agendas of various elites, so a culture of carefully curated lies coalescing into the Narratives was developed.

Elites use Narratives to gain and keep power. Left-wing Narratives appealing to the Woke “Brahmin” professional managerial class include Climate Change, Critical Race Theory, and LGBTQ “rights.” Right-wing Narratives appealing to part of the upper middle class that is highly dependent on government include naïve Free Trade ideas inapplicable in today’s world and War on Terror. The Ukraine issue overlaps both sides. Ukrainians are “Woke” (thus, to the left, good); Russians are not (thus, evil). Both are authoritarians. Neither is a friend of American conservatives, but Ukrainians are good allies of Wokeism.


Those who advocate for playing at war should reread Rudyard Kipling’s 1898 poem “The Truce of the Bear” (https://tinyurl.com/27ezvrt7), written at a time of prolonged tension over Russian activities in Manchuria, and after his experience as a journalist during the Afghan Border Crisis of 1884-5. This had left Kipling with a lasting mistrust of Russia and its territorial ambition. In 1890, in the short story “The Man Who Was,” Kipling had described Russia as belonging to Asia and “not going to be civilized after the methods of the West” (https://tinyurl.com/m3a4z2ah).

“Truce of the Bear” can be read as a universal allegorical warning about dealing with a savage beast like Adam-zad, the deceptive bear that is able to fake a woeful, docile behavior to induce pity in the white hunter—only to kill him, or rip off his face. According to historians, this poem was specifically written as an allegory about Czarist Russia’s convincing British modernists that it was a friend of the British Empire, while it was not.

What would Kipling think today? He was a staunch defender of Victorian common-sense philosophy and was concerned about modernism, which was starting to replace Victorianism. Modernism is a grandfather of Wokeism. Putin deplores Western decadent Wokeism, in particular the LGBTQ agenda, while Ukraine is a haven for Wokeism as well as for money-laundering globalists. Actor president Volodymyr Zelenskyy has actually performed in drag. Ukraine has long been part of Russia, and was its birthplace.

It appears that Adam-zad the Greater is at war with Adam-zad the Lesser. Why would NATO want to side with one of two savage beasts that are trying to destroy each other? Yet both the Democrat regime and “conservative” commentators such as Sean Hannity and R. Emmett Tyrrell are glorifying Ukraine.

What is the desired outcome? “Regime change”—with a weakened Russia, compliant with the New World Order? Ukraine as effectively a satrapy of a Woke EU and U.S., with or without formal membership in NATO? Western control of Ukraine’s resources?

What are possible outcomes? Nuclear war, triggered by accident or desperate action by a cornered bear? The collapse of the world financial system as Russia retaliates against sanctions? The emergence of a strong Sino-Russian alliance? U.S. poverty and even starvation due to loss of Russian and Ukrainian grain and fertilizer? Massively increased energy prices, with consequent increases in all prices? The demise of the petrodollar and thus the dollar as the world reserve currency?

Before assigning guilt for war crimes, or even determining what is happening, one needs an objective assessment, not war propaganda. Concerning the alleged Bucha atrocities, Putin asked the UN Security Council to investigate—but the UK government refused to convene it. A standard forensic examination would show the time and manner of deaths—and whether bodies had been moved. Commentary by former UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter countered the Narrative, but @realScottRitter was suspended from Twitter, reinstated, then re-suspended. The Russian response to the accusations is in the Monthly Review, “an independent socialist magazine” (https://tinyurl.com/mpmypx2p). Truth or propaganda? The same publication also provides background on the “road to war” (https://tinyurl.com/ycyd78ur), as does Gravitas Plus (https://tinyurl.com/ye26jc3x).

If America is to be restored, Americans must deal with reality. Those who cherish freedom must resist the Narratives with all their strength. Assuming that Russians are totally evil and inferior, while the West is good and superior, while making no effort to know ourselves or the enemy, will lead to disaster. Russians may have worn-out equipment bogged down in mud, but they are relentless and can “fight like gods,” as described in the video “The American’s Verse about the Russians” (https://tinyurl.com/4mnrz7uk).

It is possible that Russia, through war or response to U.S. sanctions, will implement Kipling’s conclusion to the triumph of Modernism:

“And that after this is accomplished, and the brave new world begins

“When all men are paid for existing and no man must pay for his sins,

“As surely as Water will wet us, as surely as Fire will burn,             “The Gods of the Copybook Headings with terror and slaughter return

COVID Medical Kit

Doctors for Disaster Preparedness Newsletter – Vol. XXXVIII, No. 1

A COVID-19 medical kit also needs to be a general medical kit, because after two years, we not only still have COVID, but worsening shortages of essential items owing to supply-chain breakdown—and of available medical personnel.

Our May 2020, September 2020, and May 2021 issues are still pertinent, and our updated medical kit (https://ddponline.org/medkit/) very much needed. The government and medical establishment’s hostility to early off-label treatments and physicians who prescribe them has only intensified. Gene-therapy vaccines are the only accepted and often mandated option aside from monoclonal antibodies (now being rationed) or the new, still mostly unavailable Pfizer and Merck “wonder drugs” Paxlovid and molnupiravir.

Diagnostic supplies every household should have include a blood pressure monitor, preferably the kind that goes on the upper arm. Check its accuracy at the doctor’s office. Get a clinical thermometer and be sure that it works before you get sick. Some digital thermometers don’t, and the old mercury thermometer, which lasted forever and needed no batteries, may be unobtainable. Have at least two pulse oximeters so you can compare questionable readings, and check your baseline oxygen saturation.

It is good to have a nebulizer, preferably one that plugs into the wall unless you need a portable one for travel. One internet source is https://justnebulizers.com/. Many pharmacies have them, but some require a prescription. It is better to have an unused one in the closet, along with mouthpieces and tubing for multiple users, than not be able to get one if you need it.

A very large number of drugs and nutraceuticals have been recommended. Most have not been evaluated in large randomized controlled studies, particularly not in combinations. In sick patients, one may want to use a combination of drugs with different mechanisms of action, guided by how the patient is doing instead of by a meta-analysis. Note that much “expert” guidance comes from “in silica” (computer) models, not from in vitro (laboratory) or in vivo experiments or from real-world patients.

As Dr. Richard Urso pointed out at a recent meeting (tinyurl.com/mvt92963), “We are always going to be faced with new and untreatable disorders, and often the answers are already in our toolbox.” Although an ophthalmologist, he previously worked in tissue-culture laboratories, has successfully used repurposed drugs to prevent scarring in eye procedures, and has treated more than 1,000 COVID patients.

Dr. Urso’s “new favorite drug” is cyproheptadine (Periactin), an H1 histamine antagonist commonly used to treat allergy symptoms. It also has anti-platelet actions and blocks serotonin more quickly than fluvoxamine. This may be important for cells in the lung that may be responsible for the hypersensitivity pneumonia. Another favorite is fenofibrate, most commonly used to lower cholesterol and triglycerides. It also has antiviral, antithrombotic, and antitumor effects. Other repurposed drugs that Dr. Urso discussed at the 2021 annual meeting of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (https://tinyurl.com/2p9btabd) include montelukast (Singulair), dutasteride (Avodart), colchicine, and melatonin. (https://tinyurl.com/23kyzn32, seeaaps-21-urso.pdf).

AAPS has posted many videos pertaining to COVID (rumble.com/c/AAPS).


Dr. Peter McCullough’s COVID preparedness kit contains zinc tablets (50 mg), vitamin D3 (5,000 iu), vitamin C (3,000 mg), quercetin (500 mg), and a home-made gargle/ mouth rinse/ nasal spray. To prepare this, add 2 tsp of 10% povidone iodine (Betadine), or hydrogen peroxide if allergic to iodine, plus a pinch of salt, to 6 oz water, preferably distilled. Nasal atomizer spray bottles are available on amazon. Or you can use a Q-tip to apply some to the nasal mucosa. Use twice daily for pre-exposure prophylaxis or every 4 hours for post-exposure prophylaxis or treatment. In one study, this regimen reduced hospitalization and death rates by more than 80%. Dr. McCullough suggests following with Listerine or Scope mouthwash (https://tinyurl.com/274da77k). Others have suggested adding the 10% Betadine to the mouthwash, 3 Tbsp per 1 liter bottle.

Nebulized hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is used or recommended by a number of physicians, in varying concentrations from 0.04% to 3% (it should not irritate your nose), and is condemned by the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (https://tinyurl.com/yz965brc). Start with 3% food-grade peroxide, and dilute with normal saline, which you can prepare by adding 1 tsp unprocessed salt (e.g., Himalayan salt) to 1 pint distilled water. Half and half peroxide and saline would give a concentration of 1.5%. When the nebulizer is filled with the diluted peroxide solution, you might add 2 drops of Lugol’s solution. Some do about four treatments a day when feeling sick with a respiratory virus, and one treatment after being in a high-risk environment (tinyurl.com/84p7un6j).

Drxmd.com suggests considering nebulized vitamin C and N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) as a less harsh alternative to peroxide, and offers commentary on nutritional measures and off-label drugs. The FDA has made it much more difficult to obtain NAC. It may still be available online, though not from amazon.com, and grocery stores such as Natural Grocers in Tucson may carry it. It is a precursor to glutathione, which is depleted by Tylenol—keep this in mind when treating COVID symptoms.

A small series showed safety and possible benefit (https://tinyurl.com/2p9dvk2y). Thomas Levy, M.D., describes anecdotal success in Colombia (tinyurl.com/5n7yfn29).

The idea of inhaling warm moist air as a way to denature respiratory viruses, presented by Dan Lee Dimke, was considered so dangerous that it was disappeared from popular internet sites, but still can be found (tinyurl.com/wrydz8r). In a rare comment from an independent physician that appeared in the July 2021 e-newsletter of the Pima County (Arizona) Medical Society, Tucson oncologist Suresh Katakkar writes: “Since the COVID-19 pandemic started I have been using the fabric steamer [to steam my face, nose, and throat] for two minutes after coming home from an outside trip, such as shopping, etc. I have asked my neighbors who are also elderly like me to do the same. We all have had no infection despite the outdoor essential trips in the crowded areas.” He also uses an ultraviolet wand to disinfect his clothing (https://tinyurl.com/yfrhrcs5).


Ozone has many therapeutic applications, including in viral diseases, seldom considered by mainstream physicians (https://tinyurl.com/yc88bnzy), but as a disinfecting agent it is well established in the wine, food-processing, and other industries. It deserves consideration for rapid, safe disinfection of airplanes, trains, buses, hospital rooms, and many other areas (https://tinyurl.com/4jhkstj7).

A Bioterrorist Attack?

DDP Newsletter Vol. XXXVII, No. 2

Biological warfare is one of the “really big threats,” as Lowell Wood pointed out at our 2002 annual meeting, “intelligently designed to destroy Western civil societies” (http://www.ddponline.org/wood02.pdf). The robust preparedness that he recommended was never implemented—despite the anthrax scare of September 2001. The expected scenario was of a rapidly fatal disease like smallpox causing mass casualties.

Another way to destroy society and drastically reduce world population could use slower-acting methods that often cripple instead of killing. What if people from the areas remotest from aerosols or mass human contact could be induced to willingly accept an injected pathogen? What if certain genotypes were more or less vulnerable?

Americans may be most frightened of foreign terrorists or Woke mobs or rogue nations utilizing the “poor man’s atomic bomb.” But suppose the real enemy might be globalist elites, who fund and use (then discard) disaffected extremists?

DDP has no inside information but can simply make some observations. First, the world has clearly been terrorized. People have willingly relinquished their normal activities and civil liberties and accepted “expert” pronouncements without question. 

Second, development of the “warp speed vaccine” began long before 2020. A universal vaccine platform was envisioned for influenza or emerging diseases, using messenger RNA that could be rushed into production as soon as a pathogen was identified and the genetic sequence for a target antigen determined. When a pandemic was declared for SARS-CoV-2, a wealth of pertinent research results was available. It was a stupendous opportunity to cash in on patents and launch a vast human trial of the concept. Billions in profits could be made without the danger of product liability.

A widely circulated document lists some 4,000 possibly relevant patent applications filed between 1999 and 2019, compiled by David Martin, Ph.D., founder and CEO of M-CAM International Risk Management (“The Fauci/COVID-19 Dossier,” tinyurl.com/8dtszsmt). An interview of Dr. Martin by attorney Reiner Füllmich is also widely discussed tinyurl.com/2fwxse3v); a partial transcript is available (tinyurl.com/ym5m6y79).

At time point 9:50 of this video Martin states: “ In other words, we made SARS and we patented it on April 19th 2002 before there was ever an alleged outbreak in Asia, which followed that by several months. This US patent 7279327 clearly lays out in very specific gene sequencing that we knew of the ACE receptor, the ACE-2 binding domain, the S1 spike protein and other elements of Covid-19.”

The actual patent application (patents.google.com/patent/US7279327B2/en), however, states that this “invention is a method of making infectious, replication defective, nidovirus particles” and contains no wording that can be construed to mean what Martin claims. The purpose was to develop a veterinary vaccine against porcine transmissible gastroenteritis (TGE), a plague that kills pigs en masse. Members of the order Nidovirales include the family Coronaviridae, which has many members.

Other assertions made in a summary of the interview are not true, highly inaccurate, or liberally misinterpreted. Is Martin simply out of his depth in trying to interpret highly technical material? Neither he nor Füllmich is a scientist. Füllmich made his reputation in lawsuits against Volkswagen and Deutsche Bank.

A leading suspect named in the dossier is Dr. Ralph Baric of the University of North Carolina. According to his associates, Baric is a friendly, modestly compensated, hard-working scientist who “writes boring virology papers”—414 are indexed in PubMed. Unlike the NIH, his office is located in an unsecured area of a public university and is open to visitors. A disguise for an evil character who is plotting to destroy humanity? This seems as unlikely as openly filing a publicly available patent application for a bioterror weapon.

The dossier might call attention to the fact that scientists are now capable of making custom viruses for variety of uses, including military or political purposes. The awesome capability of genetic engineering with potential for healing or catastrophic misuse is discussed in the 2017 book A Crack in Creation: Gene Editing and the Unthinkable Power to Control Evolution, by Jennifer A. Doudna and Samuel H. Sternberg. Doudna, together with Emmanuelle Charpenteire, received the 2020 Nobel Prize in chemistry “for the development of a method for genome editing,” based on CRISPR, which is a bacterial immune system. There are now far more capable methods.

It is quite possible that SARS-CoV-2 is a bioengineered virus that may have been released from a laboratory deliberately or accidentally, as email exchanges involving National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) head Anthony Fauci suggest (https://tinyurl.com/7r2fbbeb). It appears to be a poor candidate as a bioweapon; the mortality rate is not high enough, and most victims are old and sick. The mortality rate from lockdowns will probably be much greater. Many people, especially those in remote areas, will escape exposure, and those who develop natural immunity will serve as a firebreak.

For causing terror, however, SARS-CoV-2 has excelled, aided by daily reports on numbers of “cases,” amplified by false positive polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests, and deaths, an unknown percentage “with,” rather than from COVID. People at first were clamoring for vaccination, and public authorities are now becoming increasingly aggressive about trying to get a “shot in every arm”—even if the patient is very low risk, already immune, or very unlikely to be exposed. What if the vaccination campaign is not really about the virus—but the virus is about getting people injected?

Adverse reactions from COVID jabs are accumulating on the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) at a rate vastly exceeding that for all vaccines combined since 1990 (https://tinyurl.com/zjtzd4yx). These include death, disability, heart attacks, inflammation of the heart muscle leading to heart failure, miscarriages, and bleeding and clotting problems (openvaers.com/covid-data). The British Yellow Card system, far more user friendly, breaks down the results by product (https://tinyurl.com/344skhcx). Long-term effects such as infertility, autoimmune disease, or antibody-dependent enhancement, with severe or fatal disease on later virus exposure, cannot be known yet.

If another pharmaceutical product caused a fraction of this death and disability, it would be withdrawn from the market, as the 1976 swine flu vaccine was, based on an excess incidence of about 1 in 100,000 cases of Guillain-Barré, and failure of the dreaded epidemic to appear. Some argue that this was an overreaction, justifiable “when lives are at stake” (https://tinyurl.com/r2rza8mf). But with COVID-19, reports of adverse reactions are censored as “harmful misinformation.” People die or become paralyzed every day, and a causal relationship to the recent jab cannot be “scientifically” proved.            

The dangers of the spike protein may have been unforeseen, and the deaths collateral damage from the vaccination frenzy, which may be related to decades of research on genetic engineering (https://tinyurl.com/ypk3f7av). Motives and agenda aside, the results might look like a bioterrorist attack by pathogen, vaccine, or both.

Scientism is the New Road to Serfdom

DDP Newsletter Vol. XXXVI, No. 6

Today’s great threat to capitalist prosperity, personal liberty, and constitutional government is not Marxism, socialism or any other variant of traditional left-wing ideology, states David Stockman, in a five-part series in David Stockman’s Contra Corner, written in February 2021. Stockman was Director of the Office of Management and Budget (1981-1985) under President Ronald Reagan.

The threat is scientism, which he defines as “the false claims that economic science, public health science and climate science, among others, require sweeping increases in state intervention and control.” Real-time instances include John Kerry’s recent proclamation that we have just 9 years until irreversible climate disaster and the on-going depredations of the Virus Patrol (https://tinyurl.com/3ak2vyba).

Continue reading “Scientism is the New Road to Serfdom”

COVID Treatment Reports

DDP Newsletter Vol. XXXVII, No. 3

After 2 years of government suppression of early treatment for COVID-19, and with world spending on COVID vaccines expected to reach $157 billion through 2025 (https://tinyurl.com/2ekbkw7w), the Biden Administration plans to invest $3 billion in an antiviral development strategy (https://tinyurl.com/dc2wrd2). Perhaps some of these agents (https://tinyurl.com/tajruwwj) will work out, but what can we do in the meantime?

There is a large body of evidence supporting hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, and other agents, summarized at c19study.com. In many countries it maybe difficult to obtain HCQ or IVM owing to governmental restrictions, or in the U.S. mostly because of physicians’ reluctance to prescribe. For treatment protocols proposed by various physicians, see c19protocols.com, which also lists resources including telehealth.

Continue reading “COVID Treatment Reports”