Letter from DDP to Senator Ron Johnson on Screening for Vax Damage

March 31, 2022

Hon. Ron Johnson
U.S. Senate
328 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Senator Johnson:

We are very grateful for your heroic work on informing Americans about early treatment for COVID-19 and safety concerns about COVID-19 vaccines.

We are sure you are aware of the controversy concerning the alarming reports of enormous increases in serious illness in our military forces, followed by the statement that prior years’ statistics understated the risks, so that comparisons may be invalid.

We urge Congress to expeditiously investigate the procedures for collecting this vital information, and direct appropriate agencies to determine true disease prevalence and trends as accurately as possible.

Our immediate concern, however, is for the health of our servicemembers. Might they be harboring subclinical disease that could cause serious consequences, especially if the member is deployed? Early discovery might permit preventive treatment.

As part of fitness-for-duty assessments, we urge that servicemembers have screening blood tests for abnormalities that may presage conditions that have apparently increased. We suggest inclusion of D-dimers, C-reactive protein, and troponin levels, to check for signs of blood clotting and inflammation. Additionally, a significant fraction of members, particularly pilots and divers, should have a cardiac ultrasound to check for signs of peri- or myocarditis. Summary statistics should be made available to the public promptly.

Such a program could be implemented immediately at minimal expense and could result in tremendous medical benefits as well as cost savings from preventing serious disability or illness.

Doctors for Disaster Preparedness is an organization of physicians and scientists, founded in 1984, to provide life-saving information concerning natural and man-made disasters. We recently filed an amicus brief in the SCOTUS cases challenging vaccine mandates.

Thank you for your consideration.

Jane M. Orient, M.D.
President, Doctors for Disaster Preparedness

Doctors for Disaster Preparedness Responds to Biden’s Warning of Food Shortages

Last week President Biden warned that global food shortages were going to be “real,” because of the war in Ukraine. Russia and Ukraine together supply about a fourth of the world’s wheat exports.

“The price of [U.S.] sanctions is not just imposed upon Russia, it’s imposed upon an awful lot of countries as well, including European countries and our country,” Biden said.

Russia’s exports of fertilizers—18 percent of the potash market, 20 percent of ammonia exports—are also off market. It is unclear how much the West will want to buy, or how much Russia will be willing to sell, and on what terms, now that its foreign exchange reserves have been frozen, effectively invalidating all previous economic contracts.

Doctors for Disaster Preparedness (DDP) also notes that natural gas is a key ingredient in nitrogen-based fertilizers, so shortages affect food production, not just heating and electricity generation. At present, 41 percent of Europe’s natural gas comes from Russia.

DDP has long advocated that Americans stockpile food as an insurance policy against all kinds of natural and man-made disasters. Many convenient forms of survival foods are offered. Buckets of unprocessed wheat, corn, and beans are the most economical. Salt, sugar, and oil are also needed. Methods of storage and field-tested preparation are detailed in the book Nuclear War Survival Skills, available free on line.

“Americans are once again stocking up on toilet paper,” stated DDP president Jane Orient, M.D., “but they should first make sure they have at least a minimum of staples, salt, and canned goods in their pantry.”

Doctors for Disaster Preparedness is a group of scientists (including physicians) founded in 1984, which provides information to help save lives in the event of natural or man-made disasters.

Ukraine Is as Close as Your Bank Account, Warns Doctors for Disaster Preparedness

As Russian troops enter Ukraine, Vladimir Putin warns other nations of “consequences you have never seen” if they interfere in his plans.

Joe Biden threatens additional economic sanctions on Russia, and EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen stated: “We will freeze Russian assets in the European Union and stop the access of Russian banks to European financial markets.”

German chancellor Olaf Sholz said Germany would suspend its agreement with Russia to use the Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline.

The Russian attack is not confined to conventional troops and bombs. Ukraine’s government sites have already been hit with a massive cyber attack.

Russia’s U.S. ambassador Anatoly Antonov responded to Biden’s threat: “I don’t remember a single day when our country lived without any restrictions from the Western world. We have learned to work in such conditions. And not only to survive, but also to develop our state.”

Americans will not be unaffected, Antonov said. “There is no doubt that the sanctions introduced against us will hit global financial and energy markets…. The United States will not be left out, with its ordinary citizens feeling the consequences of the price increase in full.”

Dmitry Medvedev, deputy chairman of Russia’s security council, warned that Germany’s decision to suspend authorizing Russia’s Nord Stream 2 pipeline means it will be paying more than double for natural gas.

“America’s currency, financial infrastructure, and energy supply are also extremely vulnerable,” states Doctors for Disaster Preparedness president Jane Orient, M.D. “Whatever happens in Ukraine will affect you.”

Some prudent measures that DDP recommends include:

  • Don’t depend on constant availability of ATMs; keep some cash on hand to cover emergencies as well as predictable needs.
  • Since inflation is only likely to worsen, and supply chains are already stretched, stock up on food, medicines, and other essentials.
  • Be aware of the potential for false flags, civil unrest, and unreliable media reports; don’t rely solely on one official source.

Doctors for Disaster Preparedness provides information to help save lives in the event of natural or man-made disasters.

Biden Supports Early COVID Treatment: Too Little, Too Late?

In his Jan 19 press conference, President Joe Biden pushed for vaccinating everyone against COVID-19, including babies as soon as the science shows it to be safe, as it presumably will. But he also mentioned treatment for patients who nonetheless become infected, observes Doctors for Disaster Preparedness (DDP) president Jane Orient, M.D.

Additionally, we’re increasing the availability of new medicines recommended by real doctors, not conspir—conspiracy theorists.” At the press conference, he specifically named monoclonal antibodies and alluded to new pills.

Previously, Biden stated that he had doubled the government’s order of Pfizer’s Paxlovid, from 10 million to 20 million doses, while noting that it takes months to make a pill.

The federal government has been rationing monoclonal antibodies, which in any event are probably ineffective against the omicron variant, notes DDP.

The State of New York has received Paxlovid doses for treating only about 20,000 people. Its Health Commissioner Dr. Mary Bassett observed that that is insufficient.

Paxlovid is authorized by the FDA under an emergency use authorization (EUA). It contains a protease inhibitor, nirmatrelvir, to prevent viral replication plus the HIV drug ritonavir to prevent the protease inhibitor from being broken down. According to Pfizer press releases, Paxlovid has been effective in early treatment of mild to moderate COVID.

The Merck drug molnupiravir, which also has an EUA, could be available sooner. But because it results in genetic mutations, it is feared that it could lead to new viral variants or result in cancer or birth defects in humans.

Meanwhile, the government is hoarding in the Strategic National Stockpile some 60 million doses of hydroxychloroquine, which were donated by generous pharmaceutical companies to treat COVID-19. Hydroxychloroquine was FDA approved in 1955 and has been safely used by hundreds of millions of people for a variety of indications.

“Why is President Biden touting a medication that is mostly unavailable?” asks Dr. Orient. “And why is the government authorizing and recommending a medication that may be unsafe for many, while affordable, long-established drugs such as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin are discouraged or suppressed?”

Doctors for Disaster Preparedness is a group of scientists (including physicians) founded in 1984, which provides information to help save lives in the event of natural or man-made disasters.

COVID Medical Kit

Doctors for Disaster Preparedness Newsletter – Vol. XXXVIII, No. 1

A COVID-19 medical kit also needs to be a general medical kit, because after two years, we not only still have COVID, but worsening shortages of essential items owing to supply-chain breakdown—and of available medical personnel.

Our May 2020, September 2020, and May 2021 issues are still pertinent, and our updated medical kit (https://ddponline.org/medkit/) very much needed. The government and medical establishment’s hostility to early off-label treatments and physicians who prescribe them has only intensified. Gene-therapy vaccines are the only accepted and often mandated option aside from monoclonal antibodies (now being rationed) or the new, still mostly unavailable Pfizer and Merck “wonder drugs” Paxlovid and molnupiravir.

Diagnostic supplies every household should have include a blood pressure monitor, preferably the kind that goes on the upper arm. Check its accuracy at the doctor’s office. Get a clinical thermometer and be sure that it works before you get sick. Some digital thermometers don’t, and the old mercury thermometer, which lasted forever and needed no batteries, may be unobtainable. Have at least two pulse oximeters so you can compare questionable readings, and check your baseline oxygen saturation.

It is good to have a nebulizer, preferably one that plugs into the wall unless you need a portable one for travel. One internet source is https://justnebulizers.com/. Many pharmacies have them, but some require a prescription. It is better to have an unused one in the closet, along with mouthpieces and tubing for multiple users, than not be able to get one if you need it.

A very large number of drugs and nutraceuticals have been recommended. Most have not been evaluated in large randomized controlled studies, particularly not in combinations. In sick patients, one may want to use a combination of drugs with different mechanisms of action, guided by how the patient is doing instead of by a meta-analysis. Note that much “expert” guidance comes from “in silica” (computer) models, not from in vitro (laboratory) or in vivo experiments or from real-world patients.

As Dr. Richard Urso pointed out at a recent meeting (tinyurl.com/mvt92963), “We are always going to be faced with new and untreatable disorders, and often the answers are already in our toolbox.” Although an ophthalmologist, he previously worked in tissue-culture laboratories, has successfully used repurposed drugs to prevent scarring in eye procedures, and has treated more than 1,000 COVID patients.

Dr. Urso’s “new favorite drug” is cyproheptadine (Periactin), an H1 histamine antagonist commonly used to treat allergy symptoms. It also has anti-platelet actions and blocks serotonin more quickly than fluvoxamine. This may be important for cells in the lung that may be responsible for the hypersensitivity pneumonia. Another favorite is fenofibrate, most commonly used to lower cholesterol and triglycerides. It also has antiviral, antithrombotic, and antitumor effects. Other repurposed drugs that Dr. Urso discussed at the 2021 annual meeting of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (https://tinyurl.com/2p9btabd) include montelukast (Singulair), dutasteride (Avodart), colchicine, and melatonin. (https://tinyurl.com/23kyzn32, seeaaps-21-urso.pdf).

AAPS has posted many videos pertaining to COVID (rumble.com/c/AAPS).


Dr. Peter McCullough’s COVID preparedness kit contains zinc tablets (50 mg), vitamin D3 (5,000 iu), vitamin C (3,000 mg), quercetin (500 mg), and a home-made gargle/ mouth rinse/ nasal spray. To prepare this, add 2 tsp of 10% povidone iodine (Betadine), or hydrogen peroxide if allergic to iodine, plus a pinch of salt, to 6 oz water, preferably distilled. Nasal atomizer spray bottles are available on amazon. Or you can use a Q-tip to apply some to the nasal mucosa. Use twice daily for pre-exposure prophylaxis or every 4 hours for post-exposure prophylaxis or treatment. In one study, this regimen reduced hospitalization and death rates by more than 80%. Dr. McCullough suggests following with Listerine or Scope mouthwash (https://tinyurl.com/274da77k). Others have suggested adding the 10% Betadine to the mouthwash, 3 Tbsp per 1 liter bottle.

Nebulized hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is used or recommended by a number of physicians, in varying concentrations from 0.04% to 3% (it should not irritate your nose), and is condemned by the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (https://tinyurl.com/yz965brc). Start with 3% food-grade peroxide, and dilute with normal saline, which you can prepare by adding 1 tsp unprocessed salt (e.g., Himalayan salt) to 1 pint distilled water. Half and half peroxide and saline would give a concentration of 1.5%. When the nebulizer is filled with the diluted peroxide solution, you might add 2 drops of Lugol’s solution. Some do about four treatments a day when feeling sick with a respiratory virus, and one treatment after being in a high-risk environment (tinyurl.com/84p7un6j).

Drxmd.com suggests considering nebulized vitamin C and N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) as a less harsh alternative to peroxide, and offers commentary on nutritional measures and off-label drugs. The FDA has made it much more difficult to obtain NAC. It may still be available online, though not from amazon.com, and grocery stores such as Natural Grocers in Tucson may carry it. It is a precursor to glutathione, which is depleted by Tylenol—keep this in mind when treating COVID symptoms.

A small series showed safety and possible benefit (https://tinyurl.com/2p9dvk2y). Thomas Levy, M.D., describes anecdotal success in Colombia (tinyurl.com/5n7yfn29).

The idea of inhaling warm moist air as a way to denature respiratory viruses, presented by Dan Lee Dimke, was considered so dangerous that it was disappeared from popular internet sites, but still can be found (tinyurl.com/wrydz8r). In a rare comment from an independent physician that appeared in the July 2021 e-newsletter of the Pima County (Arizona) Medical Society, Tucson oncologist Suresh Katakkar writes: “Since the COVID-19 pandemic started I have been using the fabric steamer [to steam my face, nose, and throat] for two minutes after coming home from an outside trip, such as shopping, etc. I have asked my neighbors who are also elderly like me to do the same. We all have had no infection despite the outdoor essential trips in the crowded areas.” He also uses an ultraviolet wand to disinfect his clothing (https://tinyurl.com/yfrhrcs5).


Ozone has many therapeutic applications, including in viral diseases, seldom considered by mainstream physicians (https://tinyurl.com/yc88bnzy), but as a disinfecting agent it is well established in the wine, food-processing, and other industries. It deserves consideration for rapid, safe disinfection of airplanes, trains, buses, hospital rooms, and many other areas (https://tinyurl.com/4jhkstj7).

DDP Files an Amicus Brief against EPA Overreach

On Dec 20, 2021 Doctors for Disaster Preparedness filed an amicus brief with the U.S. Supreme Court in the biggest energy case in a decade, West Virginia v. EPA, No. 20-1530. DDP urges the Court to end the interference with affordable energy by the Environmental Protection Agency, which was never authorized by Congress.

The question presented in the brief is whether an administrative agency can unilaterally issue rules so far-reaching as to reshape the nation’s electricity grids and “decarbonize” any sector of the economy, with virtually no limit.

“Misuse of science for an agenda of political control is dangerous, and the sort of tyranny by factionalism that the Constitution safeguards against,” DDP argues. The faction of climate change activists seeks broad control of our entire energy sector without authorization by Congress.

“If current trends continue, a handful of unelected bureaucrats could virtually prohibit use of the combustion engine…, and average Americans will become dependent on government allowance of electric charging stations in order to merely travel from point A to B.” Americans would also be dependent on government for access to heating, refrigeration, and lighting, the brief notes.

“Today there is no greater factional ‘zeal’, as James Madison put it, than the demand for increased government control over energy under a theory of a cataclysmic man-made climate change,” DDP argues, urging the Court to “embrace the Constitution and affirm that Congress exists to deal with such factions.”

Under EPA’s expansive interpretation of the Clean Air Act, it could control the lives of more than 300 million Americans under the guise of improving air quality. It is unlikely that even Congress has such power, DDP notes, and “it would be unconstitutional for Congress to delegate such sweeping power to an unaccountable administrator.”

“Continued unfettered delegation to administrative agencies leaves a cavernous hole in the constitutionally balanced structure of checks and balances because agencies are prone to be arbitrary and unaccountable,” DDP writes.

Allowing the administrative state to overstep these boundaries is perilous to liberty, states DDP.

Doctors for Disaster Preparedness is a group of independent scientists founded in 1984.

A Bioterrorist Attack?

DDP Newsletter Vol. XXXVII, No. 2

Biological warfare is one of the “really big threats,” as Lowell Wood pointed out at our 2002 annual meeting, “intelligently designed to destroy Western civil societies” (http://www.ddponline.org/wood02.pdf). The robust preparedness that he recommended was never implemented—despite the anthrax scare of September 2001. The expected scenario was of a rapidly fatal disease like smallpox causing mass casualties.

Another way to destroy society and drastically reduce world population could use slower-acting methods that often cripple instead of killing. What if people from the areas remotest from aerosols or mass human contact could be induced to willingly accept an injected pathogen? What if certain genotypes were more or less vulnerable?

Americans may be most frightened of foreign terrorists or Woke mobs or rogue nations utilizing the “poor man’s atomic bomb.” But suppose the real enemy might be globalist elites, who fund and use (then discard) disaffected extremists?

DDP has no inside information but can simply make some observations. First, the world has clearly been terrorized. People have willingly relinquished their normal activities and civil liberties and accepted “expert” pronouncements without question. 

Second, development of the “warp speed vaccine” began long before 2020. A universal vaccine platform was envisioned for influenza or emerging diseases, using messenger RNA that could be rushed into production as soon as a pathogen was identified and the genetic sequence for a target antigen determined. When a pandemic was declared for SARS-CoV-2, a wealth of pertinent research results was available. It was a stupendous opportunity to cash in on patents and launch a vast human trial of the concept. Billions in profits could be made without the danger of product liability.

A widely circulated document lists some 4,000 possibly relevant patent applications filed between 1999 and 2019, compiled by David Martin, Ph.D., founder and CEO of M-CAM International Risk Management (“The Fauci/COVID-19 Dossier,” tinyurl.com/8dtszsmt). An interview of Dr. Martin by attorney Reiner Füllmich is also widely discussed tinyurl.com/2fwxse3v); a partial transcript is available (tinyurl.com/ym5m6y79).

At time point 9:50 of this video Martin states: “ In other words, we made SARS and we patented it on April 19th 2002 before there was ever an alleged outbreak in Asia, which followed that by several months. This US patent 7279327 clearly lays out in very specific gene sequencing that we knew of the ACE receptor, the ACE-2 binding domain, the S1 spike protein and other elements of Covid-19.”

The actual patent application (patents.google.com/patent/US7279327B2/en), however, states that this “invention is a method of making infectious, replication defective, nidovirus particles” and contains no wording that can be construed to mean what Martin claims. The purpose was to develop a veterinary vaccine against porcine transmissible gastroenteritis (TGE), a plague that kills pigs en masse. Members of the order Nidovirales include the family Coronaviridae, which has many members.

Other assertions made in a summary of the interview are not true, highly inaccurate, or liberally misinterpreted. Is Martin simply out of his depth in trying to interpret highly technical material? Neither he nor Füllmich is a scientist. Füllmich made his reputation in lawsuits against Volkswagen and Deutsche Bank.

A leading suspect named in the dossier is Dr. Ralph Baric of the University of North Carolina. According to his associates, Baric is a friendly, modestly compensated, hard-working scientist who “writes boring virology papers”—414 are indexed in PubMed. Unlike the NIH, his office is located in an unsecured area of a public university and is open to visitors. A disguise for an evil character who is plotting to destroy humanity? This seems as unlikely as openly filing a publicly available patent application for a bioterror weapon.

The dossier might call attention to the fact that scientists are now capable of making custom viruses for variety of uses, including military or political purposes. The awesome capability of genetic engineering with potential for healing or catastrophic misuse is discussed in the 2017 book A Crack in Creation: Gene Editing and the Unthinkable Power to Control Evolution, by Jennifer A. Doudna and Samuel H. Sternberg. Doudna, together with Emmanuelle Charpenteire, received the 2020 Nobel Prize in chemistry “for the development of a method for genome editing,” based on CRISPR, which is a bacterial immune system. There are now far more capable methods.

It is quite possible that SARS-CoV-2 is a bioengineered virus that may have been released from a laboratory deliberately or accidentally, as email exchanges involving National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) head Anthony Fauci suggest (https://tinyurl.com/7r2fbbeb). It appears to be a poor candidate as a bioweapon; the mortality rate is not high enough, and most victims are old and sick. The mortality rate from lockdowns will probably be much greater. Many people, especially those in remote areas, will escape exposure, and those who develop natural immunity will serve as a firebreak.

For causing terror, however, SARS-CoV-2 has excelled, aided by daily reports on numbers of “cases,” amplified by false positive polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests, and deaths, an unknown percentage “with,” rather than from COVID. People at first were clamoring for vaccination, and public authorities are now becoming increasingly aggressive about trying to get a “shot in every arm”—even if the patient is very low risk, already immune, or very unlikely to be exposed. What if the vaccination campaign is not really about the virus—but the virus is about getting people injected?

Adverse reactions from COVID jabs are accumulating on the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) at a rate vastly exceeding that for all vaccines combined since 1990 (https://tinyurl.com/zjtzd4yx). These include death, disability, heart attacks, inflammation of the heart muscle leading to heart failure, miscarriages, and bleeding and clotting problems (openvaers.com/covid-data). The British Yellow Card system, far more user friendly, breaks down the results by product (https://tinyurl.com/344skhcx). Long-term effects such as infertility, autoimmune disease, or antibody-dependent enhancement, with severe or fatal disease on later virus exposure, cannot be known yet.

If another pharmaceutical product caused a fraction of this death and disability, it would be withdrawn from the market, as the 1976 swine flu vaccine was, based on an excess incidence of about 1 in 100,000 cases of Guillain-Barré, and failure of the dreaded epidemic to appear. Some argue that this was an overreaction, justifiable “when lives are at stake” (https://tinyurl.com/r2rza8mf). But with COVID-19, reports of adverse reactions are censored as “harmful misinformation.” People die or become paralyzed every day, and a causal relationship to the recent jab cannot be “scientifically” proved.            

The dangers of the spike protein may have been unforeseen, and the deaths collateral damage from the vaccination frenzy, which may be related to decades of research on genetic engineering (https://tinyurl.com/ypk3f7av). Motives and agenda aside, the results might look like a bioterrorist attack by pathogen, vaccine, or both.

Scientism is the New Road to Serfdom

DDP Newsletter Vol. XXXVI, No. 6

Today’s great threat to capitalist prosperity, personal liberty, and constitutional government is not Marxism, socialism or any other variant of traditional left-wing ideology, states David Stockman, in a five-part series in David Stockman’s Contra Corner, written in February 2021. Stockman was Director of the Office of Management and Budget (1981-1985) under President Ronald Reagan.

The threat is scientism, which he defines as “the false claims that economic science, public health science and climate science, among others, require sweeping increases in state intervention and control.” Real-time instances include John Kerry’s recent proclamation that we have just 9 years until irreversible climate disaster and the on-going depredations of the Virus Patrol (https://tinyurl.com/3ak2vyba).

Continue reading “Scientism is the New Road to Serfdom”

COVID Treatment Reports

DDP Newsletter Vol. XXXVII, No. 3

After 2 years of government suppression of early treatment for COVID-19, and with world spending on COVID vaccines expected to reach $157 billion through 2025 (https://tinyurl.com/2ekbkw7w), the Biden Administration plans to invest $3 billion in an antiviral development strategy (https://tinyurl.com/dc2wrd2). Perhaps some of these agents (https://tinyurl.com/tajruwwj) will work out, but what can we do in the meantime?

There is a large body of evidence supporting hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, and other agents, summarized at c19study.com. In many countries it maybe difficult to obtain HCQ or IVM owing to governmental restrictions, or in the U.S. mostly because of physicians’ reluctance to prescribe. For treatment protocols proposed by various physicians, see c19protocols.com, which also lists resources including telehealth.

Continue reading “COVID Treatment Reports”

The Virus of Mass Destruction

DDP Newsletter, Vol XXXVII, No. 1

The SARS-CoV-2 virus has certainly been associated with mass destruction of human lives and livelihoods—without directly killing more than other viruses that have not shut down economies and forced people into house arrest. The “emergency” goes on and on. Who can make plans for the future of a business if it could be shut down by a report of a couple cases within the company’s ZIP code? A semblance of “normalcy” will possibly return IF everyone gets the needle in the arm—at least for people with the “Green Pass.”

Daily reports of COVID deaths lack all perspective. As David Stockman pointed out in August 2020, “we are in the midst of a full on public hysteria that has empowered that statist proclivities of present-day American politicians…to erupt in a brutal attack on the economy, personal liberty and the very notion of government via constitutional due process.” He challenges the “underlying predicate…that the Covid presents a Black Plague level threat to life and limb, …an alleged once-in-a-hundred-years existential threat.”

Continue reading “The Virus of Mass Destruction”