Ukraine: What about a Dirty Bomb?

Procrastination is easy, especially in preparing for events you don’t want to think about.

But since we told you about the New Jersey bus ads on radiation emergencies, new happenings might make you want to step up your preparedness efforts.

The British Daily Mail ran an Oct 19 article on New York City’s Cold War fallout shelters. It provided information on how New Yorkers could find the nearest shelter, while showing many photos of the shelters’ deplorable condition. There are no supplies, and no radiation measuring instruments such as Geiger counters.

Russian defense minister Sergei Shoigu made phone calls to his counterparts in the U.S., UK, France, and Turkey, warning that Ukraine was planning to explode a “dirty bomb” (radiological dispersal device) and blame it on Russia. Ukraine denies this. Ukraine has the ability to make a dirty bomb, and Zelensky has mentioned it, but the significance of various officials’ statements is unclear.

Continue reading “Ukraine: What about a Dirty Bomb?”

What if Ukraine War Goes Nuclear?

As pandemic fears are somewhat quieted, another threat is gaining attention. New Jersey transit buses are bearing the message below:

These appeared days after similar ads were placed in New York City subways, two months after the message appeared on poster boards in New Jersey shopping malls, and just before New York City Emergency Management created a TV Public Service Announcement telling New Yorkers what to do if a nuclear bomb hits. It is unlikely that officials are doing this for no reason.

Continue reading “What if Ukraine War Goes Nuclear?”

Hurricane Ian Has Lessons about Electric Vehicles

As California and additional states contemplate banning the internal combustion engine (ICE), we need to watch what is happening in Florida, states DDP president Jane M. Orient, M.D.

“Most Floridians have a car with an ICE,” she states, “and they had enough warning to fill their gas tank before they were ordered to evacuate.”

Power lines are down, and millions are without electricity, she notes. “Renewables” will be producing zero electricity and may be destroyed by the high winds. Even if you find a roadside charging station, it will probably have no power.

Continue reading “Hurricane Ian Has Lessons about Electric Vehicles”

Power and Money: What’s Really Behind the Climate Agenda

Bonner Cohen 2022 Speech at DDP



As you may notice we Human beings are fallible and we make mistakes. One such mistake was having a man named Harare as a futurist advisor to the World Economic Forum. He told the forum that we must become the majority and leave the rest behind. He was saying we don’t need regular folks. We don’t need carpenters, plumbers, hairdressers, mechanics automobile workers, farmers and ranchers. They are all lesser lights. What we want to accomplish on this planet is all for us.

Those at the WEF and other related organizations in making that statement, Mr Harare was actually acknowledging his and globalist elites desire to activate the eugenics introduced in the latter part of the 19th century and early part of the 20th century in Russia which set that nation back decades.  Eugenics disregards all science it does not agree with.

Continue reading “Power and Money: What’s Really Behind the Climate Agenda”

DDP Issues Statement about New York City’s Nuclear Attack Public Service Announcement

New York City’s emergency management agency has released a 90-second public service announcement (PSA) about what to do if the “big one” hits, stating there was no specific reason for the timing. The message is simple: 1. Get inside, fast. 2. Stay inside. 3. Stay tuned to media for official announcements, and don’t go outside until officials say it’s safe.

“Awareness is prudent, but this PSA lacks vital information,” states Doctors for Disaster Preparedness (DDP) president Jane Orient, M.D. DDP refers people to the 60-second nuclear detonation training card, which has been distributed to thousands of first responders, and has issued the following statement:

  • In the event of a nuclear detonation, the most important life-saving measure is to drop and cover immediately if you see a bright flash. A blast wave will follow, with hurricane-force winds, turning windows into shards of glass. Survival is much more likely if you are lying flat on the ground.
  • Fallout looks like sand, ash, or grit. If there is fallout, you need to take cover for several days. If a building has no basement, get as close to the middle of the building as possible.
  • Fallout loses 90% of its radioactivity in the first 7 hours, and an additional 90% for each sevenfold increase in time.
  • Official communications are likely to be unavailable, and officials may lack appropriate radiation monitoring instruments. Citizens can acquire detection devices now, or instructions and common materials for making an expedient instrument (Kearny Fallout Meter).
  • If not within the zone of complete destruction, most people could survive if they do not panic and have some basic knowledge.

Doctors for Disaster Preparedness provides information to help save lives in the event of natural or man-made disasters.

Klaus Schwab: The New Dr. Strangelove?

DDP Newsletter Vol. XXXVII, No. 5

Stanley Kubrick’s satirical nuclear apocalyptic movie Dr. Strangelove, Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb, starring Peter Sellers in three roles, is still available, but likely of less interest now. The fearmongers are focused on another type of apocalypse. Even Physicians for Social Responsibility ( seems to have paused its “bombing runs,” though it still has a Nuclear Weapons Abolition Program. The “gravest dangers to human health” featured on its home page include climate change and fracking.

Ever since the film’s release in 1964, Herman Kahn has been referred to as the real Dr. Strangelove. When quizzed about the comparison, Kahn would tell Newsweek, “Kubrick is a friend of mine. He told me Dr. Strangelove wasn’t supposed to be me.” But others would point out the many affinities between Stanley Kubrick’s classic character and the real-life Herman Kahn.

Continue reading “Klaus Schwab: The New Dr. Strangelove?”


DDP Newsletter Vol. XXXVII, No. 3

The new media disease crisis to follow COVID-19 is monkeypox, or whatever it will be called after its supposedly racist name is changed. The World Health Organization (WHO) is considering whether to call it a “public health emergency of international concern,” which could lead to “temporary” international measures to stem the spread.

The name is really a misnomer. The disease was discovered in 1958 in research monkeys, but its natural hosts are likely rodents and other small mammals. It was first diagnosed in humans in 1970 in what is now the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), causing fever, headaches, and lymph node swelling followed by an eruption of pus-filled blisters. The skin lesions can resemble those of shingles, chickenpox, or syphilis. The rash tends to start on the face and has the unusual feature that blisters can form on the palms (

Most people recover within 2–4 weeks, and outbreaks usually fizzle out on their own. The biggest known outbreak in the U.S. occurred in 2003, when 47 people were infected by pet prairie dogs that had picked up the virus from rodents imported from Ghana (Jon Cohen, Science 5/2/022,

This outbreak is different because of the simultaneous appearance of around 2,500 cases by late June, in 20 countries on four continents, of a disease that has previously been mostly confined to Africa. Could a rave or two with international attendance explain it? Or does the simultaneous occurrence of widespread cases, and apparent increased human-to-human transmission, suggest it was spread deliberately and may have been engineered, asks Dr. Meryl Nass (

The outbreak seems to be tightly associated with two large European dance party events (“raves”), a “Madrid sauna” and a “Gay Pride” event in the Canary Islands on May 5–15, which drew some 80,000 people. Recalling the early history of AIDS, someone who was seeking to introduce a pathogen into a highly mobile international population might see this as an ideal opportunity, writes Robert Malone, M.D. (

Monkeypox is not generally considered to be a sexually transmitted infection, but it is transmitted by close contact and victims have so far been mostly gay or bisexual men. The way to stop the spread would be for people to stop having sex with men who have sex with men, for about two-to-three weeks. Public health officials had no trouble telling people not to go outside, not to visit their family, not to go to church, etc. for two weeks stretching into years to stop COVID-19. But the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) apparently believes that a few weeks of abstinence is too much to ask. On its website, it suggests some ways to be a little safer if you must go to a rave, party, club, festival, or gay bathhouse (

An amazing coincidence is that the Canary Island rave occurred on the same date as a hypothetical bioterror attack modeled in an Event 201-style wargame exercise about release of an engineered monkeypox virus, “a pathogen engineered in a laboratory with inadequate biosafety and biosecurity provisions and weak oversight.” This tabletop exercise was conducted in March 2021 by the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) ( The modeling predicted 3.2 billion cases and 271 million deaths by Dec 1, 2023. As Dr. Malone points out, the predictive accuracy of the simplistic public health models such as that used to support this scenario have repeatedly proven to be abysmal, as in the initial catastrophic predictions for COVID-19.

In another “bizarre coincidence,” writes Cohen (op. cit.), Bavarian Nordic held a meeting in May with David Heymann of the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and nine other public health leaders from around the world, planned 6 months earlier, to discuss the need for more countries to stockpile its vaccine, given the increase in monkeypox cases over the past few years. This vaccine (JYNNEOS) uses a nonreplicating form of vaccinia, and has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use against both smallpox and its cousin monkeypox.

Conveniently, JYNNEOS was approved in 2019, when there had been only about 50 human cases of monkeypox diagnosed in the U.S. over a period of 60 years. It could not be tested for efficacy against either disease; so, FDA relied on neutralizing antibody titers.

Another interesting coincidence is that Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID) was funding research to study treatments for monkeypox beginning in September 2020, well before the outbreak (

The U.S. government has reportedly stockpiled enough smallpox vaccine for the entire population in the event of a biowarfare attack, and has recently ordered $113 million worth of vaccine from Bavarian Nordic, with an option to buy $180 million more for a total of 13 million doses ( Should you rush out to get a shot as soon as possible?

Myocarditis/pericarditis is a well-known side effect of smallpox vaccination. FDA acknowledges a rate of 5.7 per 1,000 (1 in 175) in persons given the ACAM2000 vaccine, the other US-licensed smallpox vaccine. The incidence might be higher with JYNNEOS; two studies showed elevated troponin (cardiac enzyme) levels in 11–18% of recipients ( Moreover, use of replicating smallpox vaccines can cause disseminated vaccinia infections in immunocompromised persons ( Some worry that COVID-19 vaccines can cause immunocompromise.

Could the virus be engineered? The first full genome showed that the strain most closely resembles viruses carried by travelers from Nigeria to Singapore, Israel, and the UK in 2018 and 2019. However, as Dr. Malone writes, the outbreak virus differs from the 2018 and 2019 viruses by a mean of 50 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), which is far more than one would expect considering the estimated substitution rate for Orthopoxviruses. (DNA viruses evolve slowly.) Monkeypox virus is the subject of gain-of-function research in many labs, including the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Although the pox viruses are unrelated to the varicella-zoster virus, the monkeypox rash can be confused with shingles. The CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) has processed more than 18,000 reports of herpes/shingles outbreaks in association with COVID-19 vaccines (

Monkeypox might be just the latest cause for fear porn, but it raises more questions than answers at present.

Remember the Italian saying: Niente e lasciato al caso (nothing happens by chance).


Registration is open for our meeting in Las Vegas, Aug 14-16 (Sun–Tues). Note hotel deadline of July 21. See enclosed flyer or sign up at

DDP, 1601 N. Tucson Blvd. Suite 9, Tucson, AZ 85716, 520.325.2680, Follow us on Twitter @d4dp.

DDP 2022 Annual Meeting

Registration Now Open!

The 40th annual meeting of Doctors for Disaster Preparedness will be in
Las Vegas, NV at the South Point Hotel and Casino located at 9777 S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89183, August 14-16, 2022.

You may register for the meeting HERE
Make your hotel reservation HERE

Deadline for this group rate ends July 15.

Monday and Tuesday (August 15 & 16) will be two days full of presentations you won’t want to miss, from an all-star lineup of speakers. (Click here for a draft of the program agenda.)

Sunday evening (August 14) from 7pm to 9pm the meeting will officially kick off with the welcome reception where you can eat, drink, meet, and network with speakers and attendees. The meeting will adjourn by 5pm on Tuesday, August 16.

 Please take note that we are deviating from our normal Saturday & Sunday meeting format to take advantage of significantly lower hotel room rates in Las Vegas during the week.

Virtual registration option: This year we will also offer a virtual attendance option (via Zoom). All registrants (both in-person and virtual) will receive access to archived video of the meeting presentations for 1-month following the event. For registration options, visit our meeting sign-up form

Group tour: We are not arranging an optional group tour in conjunction with the meeting this year.

Hotel room rates: The room rate for the DDP annual meeting room block is $65 on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. A few rooms are available Saturday for $125 and for $80 Wednesday and Thursday. The discounted $14 daily “resort fee” includes free WiFi, fitness center, coffee maker, and complimentary airport shuttle. To make your room reservation online, click here. If you prefer to call hotel room reservations, dial (866) 791-7626 and mention code DOC0811.

                                 We look forward to seeing you all in Las Vegas!

Color Revolutions

DDP Newsletter Vol. XXXVII, No. 4

A color revolution is said to be a “mostly peaceful” anti-regime protest movement that may result in regime change. In its initial 14 years of independent existence, Ukraine has experienced two. In December 2004, The Atlantic called the Orange Revolution “a genuine outpouring of popular sentiment for freedom and justice,…a media-savvy revolution, almost like a democracy festival, aimed at winning the sympathy of Europeans and Americans” (

Another view is that the term refers to CIA-led regime-change operations developed by RAND Corporation, “democracy” NGOs (non-governmental organizations), and other groups, according to journalist Gina Aveni ( Brant Turbeville writes that these movements are the method by which “the destinies of seemingly independent nations are controlled by a world oligarchy” (

Color revolutions, Turbeville states, may supplant or be combined with direct military action (Iraq, Afghanistan) or the “Brzezinski method” (death squads as in Libya) to destabilize governments. The wide participation of genuine local activists gives them the façade of a popular pro-democracy movement.

 “The operation—engineering democracy through the ballot box and civil disobedience—is now so slick that the methods have matured into a template for winning other people’s elections” (Guardian 11/25/2004,

Oliver Stone’s documentary Ukraine on Fire: Russian Aggression or American Interference? You Decide, banned from YouTube but available as a DVD and on Rumble (, describes the common features of money, media, and method in events in Georgia, Yemen, Libya, Syria, Moldova, Venezuela, Lebanon, and elsewhere. Symbolism is critical; the clenched fist is ubiquitous. Funding sources include the U.S. and Dutch Embassies and George Soros’s International Renaissance Foundation.

The 2004 Ukraine protests followed a hotly contested election and runoff in which Viktor Yanukovych, who was favored by Vladimir Putin, was declared elected. But a second runoff after the protests resulted in victory for Viktor Yushchenko, whose U.S. State Department connections are noted by Stone. Yushchenko’s wife had worked in the White House. When his promised reforms did not occur, Yushchenko’s popularity quickly plummeted, and Yanukovych was elected in 2010.

One of Yanukovych’s first actions was to repeal the Hero of Ukraine award that Yushchenko had conferred on the Nazi collaborator and war criminal Stepan Bandera (, hero of the extremist battalions who were deeply involved in the 2014 Maidan putsch that ousted Yanukovych.

In his interview with Stone for the documentary, Yanukovych explained that the Maidan protests were initially peaceful but were infiltrated by provocateurs, including neo-Nazi extremists. U.S. officials—Victoria Nuland, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), and Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT)—appeared at the protest. Stone states that the U.S. Embassy appeared to be in charge of the process. Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt, Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland, and Vice President Joe Biden had had discussions about how to “restructure” the Ukrainian government. Three new television stations broadcast the events, and the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) helped make them go viral.

The pillars of a color revolution are ( 1) a semi-autocratic rather than fully autocratic regime; 2) an unpopular incumbent; 3) a united and organized opposition; 4) an ability quickly to drive home the point that voting results were falsified; 5) compliant independent media to inform citizens about the falsified vote; 6) a political opposition capable of mobilizing tens of thousands or more demonstrators to protest electoral fraud; and 7) divisions among the regime’s coercive forces (police and military).

Demonizing the target is crucial, Stone explains—as was done with Yanukovych and Putin. And what about Donald Trump?

In June 2020, former Secretary of State John Kerry warned of a revolution if Trump won the election ( “Cheat by mail” ballots might have had a dual purpose—to increase votes for Biden, or if Trump won, to discredit the results. “Allowing mail-in ballots to be counted as many as 6 days after the election [is] setting the stage so that Americans will doubt the outcome and Biden’s 600+ lawyers will contest the results anywhere possible to further this confusion,” writes Aveni.

The U.S. is not immune to color revolution tactics. “If you understand and see what is really happening across the nation then you know [Black Lives Matter] and Antifa are not reacting to Floyd or injustice of any kind. Thousands of these younger Americans are being used to topple the United States President and the Constitution,” Aveni states. The riots for some reason miraculously fizzled away after Biden was declared the winner.

AFTER 2014

Ukraine and Russia have been on a road to war since 2014, writes retired Swiss military-intelligence officer Jacques Baud. “The first legislative act of the new government resulting from the American-sponsored overthrow of [the democratically-elected] President Yanukovych, was the abolition, on February 23, 2014, of the Kivalov-Kolesnichenko law of 2012 that made Russian an official language in Ukraine. A bit like if German putschists decided that French and Italian would no longer be official languages in Switzerland.”

This decision caused a storm in the Russian-speaking population, followed by fierce repression, with horrific massacres, most notably in Odessa and Mariupol. Over eight years, some 2 million Ukrainians from the Donbass region sought refuge in Russia. Ukrainian autonomists resisted, and the army subdued them without being able to prevail. The rebels were armed thanks to the defection of Russian-speaking Ukrainian units that went over to the rebel side. Tank, artillery, and anti-aircraft battalions swelled the ranks of the autonomists, pushing the Ukrainians to commit to the Minsk Agreements, which called for Kiev to negotiate an internal settlement with representatives of the republics seeking autonomy (not independence), but they were not implemented.

With the Ukrainian army in deplorable condition, the Ukrainian government resorted to paramilitary militias. In 2020, they constituted about 40% of the Ukrainian forces and numbered about 102,000 men. They were armed, financed, and trained by the U.S., UK, Canada, and France. Even if one argues that the term “Nazi” is Russian propaganda, these militias are brutal, fanatical, and virulently anti-Semitic. The emblem of the Azov Regiment contains notorious Nazi symbols: the Wolfsangel (Wolf Hook) ( superimposed on the Schwarze Sonne (Black Sun) (

So, Baud writes, “the West supported and continued to arm militias that have been guilty of numerous crimes against civilian populations since 2014: rape, torture and massacres” ( No sanctions, no press.

Crisis and Narratives

DDP Newsletter Vol. XXXVIII, No. 2

On Feb 24, Russia invaded Ukraine, a major escalation of a prolonged conflict. Immediately, this new crisis displaced the nonstop COVID coverage in the media. Conveniently for global elites, these crises have distracted attention from ongoing financial and societal collapse, and are probably accelerating progress toward the World Economic Forum’s intended Great Reset.

The meme for these times is the NPC or non-player character in video games. The narrator pops open the identical robotic heads and installs the Narrative-of-the-day chip.

The official Narrative for COVID is that the worst pandemic in world history threatens everyone and may surge any time if we let up on control measures such as face masks and distancing. The only hope is from “safe and effective” warp-speed vaccines in every arm, boosted as the CDC recommends. Dissenters are anti-science and pro-disease and death.

For Ukraine, the Narrative is that evil Putin has launched an unprovoked invasion of Ukraine as the first step in achieving his ambition to re-establish the Soviet empire. Ukraine is a peaceful, independent democracy. Dissenters are traitors and “Russian assets.” Since Ukraine is not (yet) a member of NATO, we do not yet have a full-scale war involving U.S. and other NATO troops. However, weapons and ammunition are pouring in, even from once-neutral Switzerland, so that NATO can fight, as some say, to the last heroic Ukrainian soldier. The Woke West has also launched economic warfare against Russia.

In the old, pre-Woke America, there was no need for Narratives to obscure painful reality. Citizens had inalienable rights and an opportunity to achieve personal and economic prosperity—the American dream. Reality could be harsh, but Americans were generally optimistic freemen who were laboring hard, in an as-fair-as-possible world of their own. Then the world started to change. Few noticed as their rights were incrementally eroded. Independent Americans might interfere with the agendas of various elites, so a culture of carefully curated lies coalescing into the Narratives was developed.

Elites use Narratives to gain and keep power. Left-wing Narratives appealing to the Woke “Brahmin” professional managerial class include Climate Change, Critical Race Theory, and LGBTQ “rights.” Right-wing Narratives appealing to part of the upper middle class that is highly dependent on government include naïve Free Trade ideas inapplicable in today’s world and War on Terror. The Ukraine issue overlaps both sides. Ukrainians are “Woke” (thus, to the left, good); Russians are not (thus, evil). Both are authoritarians. Neither is a friend of American conservatives, but Ukrainians are good allies of Wokeism.


Those who advocate for playing at war should reread Rudyard Kipling’s 1898 poem “The Truce of the Bear” (, written at a time of prolonged tension over Russian activities in Manchuria, and after his experience as a journalist during the Afghan Border Crisis of 1884-5. This had left Kipling with a lasting mistrust of Russia and its territorial ambition. In 1890, in the short story “The Man Who Was,” Kipling had described Russia as belonging to Asia and “not going to be civilized after the methods of the West” (

“Truce of the Bear” can be read as a universal allegorical warning about dealing with a savage beast like Adam-zad, the deceptive bear that is able to fake a woeful, docile behavior to induce pity in the white hunter—only to kill him, or rip off his face. According to historians, this poem was specifically written as an allegory about Czarist Russia’s convincing British modernists that it was a friend of the British Empire, while it was not.

What would Kipling think today? He was a staunch defender of Victorian common-sense philosophy and was concerned about modernism, which was starting to replace Victorianism. Modernism is a grandfather of Wokeism. Putin deplores Western decadent Wokeism, in particular the LGBTQ agenda, while Ukraine is a haven for Wokeism as well as for money-laundering globalists. Actor president Volodymyr Zelenskyy has actually performed in drag. Ukraine has long been part of Russia, and was its birthplace.

It appears that Adam-zad the Greater is at war with Adam-zad the Lesser. Why would NATO want to side with one of two savage beasts that are trying to destroy each other? Yet both the Democrat regime and “conservative” commentators such as Sean Hannity and R. Emmett Tyrrell are glorifying Ukraine.

What is the desired outcome? “Regime change”—with a weakened Russia, compliant with the New World Order? Ukraine as effectively a satrapy of a Woke EU and U.S., with or without formal membership in NATO? Western control of Ukraine’s resources?

What are possible outcomes? Nuclear war, triggered by accident or desperate action by a cornered bear? The collapse of the world financial system as Russia retaliates against sanctions? The emergence of a strong Sino-Russian alliance? U.S. poverty and even starvation due to loss of Russian and Ukrainian grain and fertilizer? Massively increased energy prices, with consequent increases in all prices? The demise of the petrodollar and thus the dollar as the world reserve currency?

Before assigning guilt for war crimes, or even determining what is happening, one needs an objective assessment, not war propaganda. Concerning the alleged Bucha atrocities, Putin asked the UN Security Council to investigate—but the UK government refused to convene it. A standard forensic examination would show the time and manner of deaths—and whether bodies had been moved. Commentary by former UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter countered the Narrative, but @realScottRitter was suspended from Twitter, reinstated, then re-suspended. The Russian response to the accusations is in the Monthly Review, “an independent socialist magazine” ( Truth or propaganda? The same publication also provides background on the “road to war” (, as does Gravitas Plus (

If America is to be restored, Americans must deal with reality. Those who cherish freedom must resist the Narratives with all their strength. Assuming that Russians are totally evil and inferior, while the West is good and superior, while making no effort to know ourselves or the enemy, will lead to disaster. Russians may have worn-out equipment bogged down in mud, but they are relentless and can “fight like gods,” as described in the video “The American’s Verse about the Russians” (

It is possible that Russia, through war or response to U.S. sanctions, will implement Kipling’s conclusion to the triumph of Modernism:

“And that after this is accomplished, and the brave new world begins

“When all men are paid for existing and no man must pay for his sins,

“As surely as Water will wet us, as surely as Fire will burn,             “The Gods of the Copybook Headings with terror and slaughter return