
DDP Newsletter March 2016 Vol. XXXIII, No. 2

During a recent desert windstorm, with gusts up to 60 mph, the cell phone tower in a small new community near Tucson went down. This was a wake-up call to an associate of mine. There are no land lines there, and all his world news comes through an internet connection. He did not even own a radio. He found this so distressing that he drove to a nearby fire station to find out what was going on. The next day he resolved to buy a battery-powered shortwave radio. (You do have one, don’t you?)

It could be much worse, of course, if power lines were also down.

In our modern world we are constantly able to communicate with people even on the other side of the earth. But this depends on a high-technology array of satellites and of course electricity. Without electricity, most of us would be instantly disconnected. There would be no answer at 911. In fact, we might not be able to call. Continue reading “Disconnected”

DDP 34th Annual Meeting – July 2016

July 8-11, 2016
Embassy Suites Omaha Old Market
555 South 10th Street
Omaha, Nebraska

THE OLD MARKET is Omaha’s most historic, most entertaining neighborhood. The cobblestone streets are home to a diverse mix of shopping, galleries, restaurants, taverns and people-watching.

Group rate $119/night.
Room reservation
DEADLINE is June 6
CALL (402)346-9000 and mention DDP to get the group rate. or make your room reservation online HERE.

Can’t attend? Help send a student with a tax-deductible contribution to DDP.

cosponsored by:
Access to Energy
Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine
Physicians for Civil Defense

AGENDA SUMMARY (full speaker lineup coming soon…)
Friday, July 8, 2016
8:00am to 1:00pm
Optional Group Tour of the Strategic Air and Space Museum

The Strategic Air & Space Museum, located between Lincoln and Omaha near Interstate 80, utilizes over 300,000 square feet of exhibit, education, and event space to educate, inspire, and entertain its guests who come from Nebraska, across the country, and around the world.  The museum first opened in 1959 with the mission to commemorate the aircraft of the Strategic Air Command (SAC).  The museum became well-known by giving the public the opportunity to visit an impressive array of aircraft that helped SAC preserve the peace during the Cold War.

Friday, July 8, 2016
7:00pm to 9:00 pm. Welcome Reception

Saturday, July 9, 2016

7:45 am          Welcome.  Jane Orient, M.D., DDP President

8:00 am         Beethoven’s Ice Cream, Tolstoy’s Fire, Happer’s Picosecond Pedestal—and Climate. Willie Soon, Ph.D.
Dr. Soon, an astrophysicist, authored The Maunder Minimum and The Variable Sun-Earth Connection.

 9:00 am         Freedom of Information Act and Academic Freedom in Climate Science. David Legates, Ph.D.
Dr. Legates is professor of geography at the University of Delaware and a former Delaware State Climatologist.

10:15 am        Rationality in Radiation Protection Standards. Mohan Doss, Ph.D., MCCPM
Dr. Doss, a medical physicist at Fox Chase Cancer Center, is one of the founding members of Scientists for Accurate Radiation Information.

11:15 am        The Status of Radiation Monitoring in the U.S. Arthur Levy
Former asst fire chief, journalist, & producer, Mr. Levy of Apogee Communications Group is deploying fallout monitoring stations nationwide.

12:15 pm        Lunch: Police, Fire, and Civilian Emergency Medical Preparedness. Geoffrey L. Shapiro
Mr. Shapiro directs EMS and Operational Medicine Training at George Washington Univ. Emergency Health Services Program.

 2:00 pm         An Update on Emerging Diseases. Steven Hatfill, M.D.
Dr Hatfill is an adjunct assistant professor at George Washington Univ and has done research involving Ebola, Marburg, and orthopox virus.

 3:00 pm        Paris COP-21 (S. Fred Singer, Ph.D.); Legal Actions of EPA, CPP, and SCOTUS (Ken Haapala)  
Dr. Singer founded and Mr. Haapala is now president of the Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP).

 4:00 pm         The Analysis of Historical Climate Data. Tony Heller
Mr. Heller brings 40 years of engineering experience in government agencies and the private sector to the analysis and verification of data.

 6:30 pm         Reception, Banquet. The War Against Freedom. Robert Zubrin, Ph.D.
Dr. Zubrin, president of Pioneer Energy and the Mars Society, has authored 8 books, including Merchants of Despair and Energy Victory.

Sunday, July 10, 2016
GENERAL SESSION DAY 2 – Sunday includes lunch and another full day of speakers.

8:00 am          No Certain Doom: On Physical Accuracy in Projected Global Air Temperatures. Patrick Frank, Ph.D.
Dr. Frank, a chemist at the Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource (SLAC) at Stanford University, has authored 68 peer-reviewed publications.

 9:00 am         Offshore Drilling: Current Status and Role in National Energy Security. Joe Leimkuhler
Mr. Leimkuhler is VP of drilling for LLOG Exploration. He has 30 years experience in deepwater drilling with Shell and LLOG.

10:15 am        Combating Heart Disease: Statins, Supplements, Stem Cells, Hyperbaric O2? Donald W. Miller, M.D.
Dr. Miller practiced and taught heart surgery for 40 years and has authored 3 books and numerous articles, many for lewrockwell.com.

11:15 am        A Geologic History of Climate: Why Correlated with CO2—or Not. Howard Hayden, Ph.D.
Dr. Hayden is professor emeritus of physics, University of Connecticut, and publishes The Energy Advocate.

12:15 pm        Lunch. Living near Ground Zero (Lee Hieb, M.D.); Nuclear and Other Govt-Made Disasters (Yuri Maltsev)
Dr. Hieb, an an orthopaedic surgeon, grew up 25 mi from Omaha. Yuri Maltsev was part of the Academy of Science Task Force on Chernobyl.

 2:00 pm         Expedient Expedient Civil Defense: the Nuclear War Survival Skills Plan. Stephen Jones. Mr. Jones has distributed essential basic knowledge and expedient radiation detectors to thousands of 1st responders nationwide.

 3:00 pm         A Nuclear Power Supply for a Deep-Space Probe. Matthew Robinson, Ph.D.
Dr. Robinson developed an inherently safe nuclear reactor that works only under weightless conditions.

 4:00 pm         Prospects for America. Arthur Robinson, Ph.D.
Art Robinson is founder and research professor of chemistry at Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine, and editor of Access to Energy.

 5:00 pm         Adjourn.

Monday, July 11, 2016 – Optional Tour- Nebraska Biocontainment Patient Care Unit.
Space is limited to 15 people.  Please register today to save your spot.

The United States Centers for Disease Control commissioned the Nebraska Biocontainment Patient Care Unit in 2005. It is a joint project involving Nebraska Medicine, Nebraska Health and Human Services, and the University of Nebraska Medical Center. It was designed to provide the first line of treatment for people affected by bio terrorism or extremely infectious naturally occurring diseases. It’s the largest facility of its kind in the U.S. The unit is equipped to safely care for anyone exposed to a highly contagious and dangerous disease.

Registration Fees:  $250 for the entire seminar includes a welcome reception, a banquet, and two luncheons ($200 for each additional family member).  Strategic Air and Space Museum Tour: $50/person. Nebraska Bio-Containment Facility Tour: $25/person.


Can’t attend? Help send a student with a tax-deductible contribution to DDP.

Prophecies, Errors, and Lies

DDP Newsletter November 2015 Vol. XXXII, No. 6 [published March 7, 2016]

The whole global warming/climate change furor is based on predictions of a computer model, which only a select few are deemed qualified to understand, and based  on which a world government is to determine diet, land use, energy use, population targets, housing, anything related to carbon emissions—which is virtually everything.

How reliable are the predictions? Sherwood Idso and Craig Idso document a total of 2,418 failures of today’s top-tier climate models to hindcast a whole host of climatologic phenomena (Mathematical Models vs. Real-World Data: Which Best Predicts Earth’s Climatic Future? CO2 Science 9/24/15, http://tinyurl.com/h7lc63b). Continue reading “Prophecies, Errors, and Lies”

The Home Front

DDP Newsletter September 2015 Vol. XXXII, No. 5

War is not going to stay “over there” this time. Even as Russia is pounding ISIS bases in the Middle East, the threat of Islamist jihad proliferates both from infiltration of terrorists with other illegal immigrants and with refugees, and from “home-grown” Westerners seeking meaning in their lives by joining the jihad.

The waves of “refugees” from Syria and elsewhere in the Middle East are causing havoc in Europe. Migrants are breaking through a razor-wire fence that Hungary erected on its border with Serbia, and causing riots—behavior not characteristic of true war refugees. According to UN statistics, 75% of migrants swarming into Europe are men, and only 51% are Syrian. Police are finding caches of Syrian passports. Continue reading “The Home Front”

Climatist Jihad

DDP Newsletter May 2015 Vol. XXXIII, No. 3

At the 10th annual meeting of DDP in 1992, Petr Beckmann spoke about “The Dangers of the (Green) Established Church” (http://tinyurl.com/pwcgl6h). This increasingly powerful religion is waging the equivalent of holy war on all who dare dissent from its dogma.

Upon resigning as chairman of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) because of charges of sexual harassment, Rajendra Pachauri wrote: “For me the protection of Planet Earth, the survival of all species and sustainability of our ecosystems is more than a mission. It is my religion and my dharma” (http://tinyurl.com/lqzcwav). Continue reading “Climatist Jihad”

DDP 33rd Annual Meeting

Myths, Superstitions, and Real Threats Confronting America
July 31 – August 2, 2015
Doubletree by Hilton Ontario Airport
222 N. Vineyard Ave · Ontario, California

For hotel reservations, CALL (866) 445-4454 and mention DDP to get the group rate or book online HERE Hotel group room rate $99/night. Hotel cut-off extended to 7/6.


cosponsored by:
Access to Energy
Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine
Physicians for Civil Defense

Friday, July 31, 2015

Due to JPL security protocols, TOUR SIGN-UP CUT-OFF DATE IS July 10.  

8 am-12:30 pm (optional) Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, CA (Tour limited to 50 people)
Tour attendees must be over 18 years old with photo ID. Non-US Citizens must present passport or resident visa.


Before NASA was formed, JPL was sponsored by the US Army to develop rocket technology and the Corporal and Sergeant missile systems. After 1958, JPL turned its attention from the rockets themselves to the scientific payloads they would carry. JPL is now dedicated to the robotic exploration of space.

7-9:30 pm Welcome Reception

Saturday, August 1, 2015

7:45 am
Welcome.  Jane Orient, M.D., DDP President

8:00 am        
How Clean is “Clean”? A Common-Sense Proposal – Willie Soon, Ph.D.
Dr. Soon, an astrophysicist, authored The Maunder Minimum and The Variable Sun-Earth Connection.

9:00 am        
Hormesis: Its Scientific Foundations and Biochemical Regulatory Applications. Edward Calabrese, Ph.D.
For 20 years, Dr. Calabrese’s research has focused on the dose response to drugs and pollutants in the low-dose range.

10:15 am       
The History of the Linear No-Threshold Theory – Edward Calabrese, Ph.D.
The Linear-No Threshold theory, which dominates radiation regulatory policy, is based on fraud and misrepresentation.

11:15 am        
The Real Risks of Small Particulates (PM2.5s) – William Matthew (Matt) Briggs, Ph.D.
Dr. Briggs is a professor and consultant in statistics with an interest in philosophy of science and epistemology.

12:15 pm
Lunch: Replacing the EPA – Jay Lehr, Ph.D.
Dr. Lehr is Science Director at the Heartland Institute. He has authored more than 700 articles and coauthored and edited 35 books.

2:00 pm        
NIPCC vs. IPCC; Natl Climate Assessment: Peeling the Speculative Onion – S. Fred Singer, Ph.D.; Ken Haapala
Dr. Singer founded and Mr. Haapala is now president of the Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP).

3:00 pm        
The Myth of Species Extinction – Willis Eschenbach
Mr. Eschenbach, an independent climate researcher, was the first person to file a FOIA request for data from the Univ East Angliia CRU.

4:00 pm
Radiation Protection Superstitions Threaten Geologic Isolation of Radioactive Waste – Norbert Rempe
Mr. Rempe worked 23 years at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) near Carlsbad, NM. He holds an M.S. in geology.

6:30 pm
Reception and Banquet. How the UN’s Agenda 21 Influences Every Aspect of Society – Ileana Johnson Paugh
Born in Romania, Dr. Johnson is a columnist for Canada Free Press and author of Echoes of Communism and Liberty on Life Support.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

8:00 am        
The War on Science – Paul Driessen
Mr. Driessen is the author of Eco-Imperialism: Green Power, Black Death, and policy advisor to the Committee for the Constructive Tomorrow.

9:00 am         
Surviving the Coming Medical Meltdown – Lee D. Hieb, M.D.
Dr. Hieb is an orthopaedic surgeon specializing in spine surgery and a past president of the Assn of American Physicians and Surgeons.

10:15 am       
Fallacies in Modern Medicine: HIV/AIDS – Donald W. Miller, M.D.
Dr. Miller practiced and taught heart surgery for 40 years and has authored three books and numerous articles, many for lewrockwell.com.

11:15 am        
Climate Change and the Energy Economy – Steve Goreham
Mr. Goreham is executive director of the Climate Science Coalition of America and author of The Mad, Mad, Mad World of Climatism.

12:15 pm
Lunch: Bitcoin, Gold, and the International Currency Trading Scam – George Gilder
Author of Knowledge and Power, The Israel Test, and Wealth and Poverty, Gilder will explain the information theory of money.

2:00 pm        
The Enigma of Malaria Treatment – Mellie T. Gilder, M.D.
Dr. Gilder is a Family Medicine Doctor who has worked for years along the Thai-Myanmar border conducting malaria research through a Fogarty International Clinical Research Fellowship.

3:00 pm        
The Growing Threat of Emerging Infectious Diseases – Steven Hatfill, M.D.
An expert in combat casualty care, Dr. Hatfill has done research on Ebola, HIV, Lyme disease, and served in numerous combat theaters.

4:00 pm
Metabolic Profiling and the Future of Medicine – Arthur Robinson, Ph.D. and Noah Robinson, Ph.D.
Art and Noah Robinson, professors of chemistry at the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine, have also authored articles on climate change.

5:00 pm         Adjourn


The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) will supply a certificate of participation for up to 15 hours of CME credit for Monday’s course and 15 hours for the meeting. This is not accredited as AMA/ACCME “Category 1,” but is accepted in some states for at least part of the CME requirement for license renewal.

Registration Fee:  $250 for the entire seminar includes a welcome reception, a banquet, and two luncheons ($200 for each additional family member).Jet Propulsion Lab tour is $50 each.

View of palm trees and the San Gabriel mountains in Los Angeles.
View of palm trees and the San Gabriel mountains in Los Angeles.


Complimentary Self-Parking
Driving Directions to Hotel
I-10 EAST OR WEST BOUND: Take the Vineyard Avenue exit. The hotel is on the south side of I-10 (one block south of the freeway) at the corner of Vineyard and Convention Center Way. The hotel is located approximately 35 miles East of I-5.
FROM HWY 60 EAST: Connect to I-10 East using Hwy 57 North. Take I-10 East to the Vineyard Avenue exit. The hotel is on the south side of I-10 (one block from the freeway).
FROM HWY 60 WEST: Connect to I-10 West using I-15 North.Take I-10 West to the Vineyard Avenue exit. The hotel is on the south side of I-10 (one block south of the freeway).
FROM I-15 NORTH OR SOUTH BOUND: Take the I-10 exit off of I-15. Take I-10 West to the Vineyard Avenue exit. The hotel is on the south side of I-10 (one block south of the freeway).
FROM HWY 57 NORTH OR SOUTH: Exit on to I-10 east bound. Take the Vineyard Avenue exit. The hotel is on the south side of I-10 (one block south of the freeway).

Directions to Hotel from Airports
From Ontario International Airport (ONT)
Distance from Hotel: 1.5 miles
Hotel Courtesy Bus:
Taxi: $10

From Los Angeles Internation Airport (LAX)
Distance from Hotel: 50 miles
Bus Service $30
Limousine $150
Super Shuttle $55
Rental Car $45
Taxi $110

From Burbank Airport (BUR)
Distance from hotel: 40 miles
Super Shuttle $45
Rental Car $45
Taxi $85


Is It An Emergency Yet?

DDP Newsletter March 2015 Vol. XXXIII, No. 2

While Ferguson or Paris or Baltimore or some other city burns, most Americans continue to live in a virtual world of “reality” television. They assume that ATMs will continue to work, that obesity will remain our most pressing public health problem, and that emergency rooms will remain open. DDP seems to be crying wolf.

Some, however, seem to know that trouble is imminent—such as those who built a new emergency room in Moline, Illinois. In the blog of the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ASCRS), Eileen Wayne, M.D., reports on a tour of a new addition: The 22-room Emergency Department (for a town of only 50,000) “was built in anticipation of the ‘decreased use’ of the ED as purported by the ACA [Affordable Care Act].” It is “accessible” only by electronic card reader, and the codes can be changed to lock people in. There is a huge garage capable of decontaminating military vehicles and controlling mobs of contaminated people through forced showers. “Shoes & clothes can be vaporized in the incinerator area.” Patients have cell phones confiscated; they can make [recorded] calls, only with permission, from a phone booth with one-inch-thick glass walls. Staff members are given “deployment” schedules. Surveillance cameras in every room, bulletproof glass everywhere, special plumbing—all must have cost a fortune. Continue reading “Is It An Emergency Yet?”

Lethal At Any Dose?

DDP Newsletter January 2015 Vol. XXXIII, No. 1

The linear no-threshold (LNT) hypothesis, which declares that there is no safe dose of ionizing radiation, is being applied to other things regulators would like to control, such as chemicals and small particulates (dust). With radiation and chemicals, a 50% lethal dose (LD50) can generally be determined. Harm can accumulate at lower doses, especially cancer with a latency period of years to decades. By extrapolating the dose-response graph linearly to zero, a harm proportional to dose can be calculated. Continue reading “Lethal At Any Dose?”