Climate Change IQ Question 8: Are government-sponsored climate scientists the only credible sources of information relating to climate-change policy?

Answer: No, and government agencies are actually guilty of corrupting the data.

The constant repetition of the mantra that were having “the hottest two decades in recorded history,” as by self-anointed authorities such as “Bill Nye, the Science Guy,” relies on data from government agencies, NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) and NOAA (National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration). These agencies, however, rewrite history by “adjusting” data, consistently making the past cooler and the present warmer. The “adjustments” correlate almost perfectly with the rise in atmospheric CO2,, fitting the data to the theory. The graph below superimposes the surface temperatures, ostensibly based on the same data set, published by NASA in 1981, 2001, and 2017. [1] Continue reading “Climate Change IQ Question 8: Are government-sponsored climate scientists the only credible sources of information relating to climate-change policy?”

Climate Change IQ Question 7: Is the increase in atmospheric CO2 making wildfires worse?

Answer: No, much more forest burned in the 1930s. The recent increase compared with the 1960s through the 1980s is probably caused by poor forest management.

Northern California is being devastated by wildfires, with dozens of people losing their lives and property damage topping $3 billion. Dry conditions and wind have hampered efforts to control them. Huge amounts of pollution—10,000 tons of soot, PM2.5s (small particulates), and VOCs (volatile organic compounds)—are being released into the atmosphere. Mother Nature has no smokestack scrubbers. Continue reading “Climate Change IQ Question 7: Is the increase in atmospheric CO2 making wildfires worse?”

Climate Change IQ Question 6: Why can’t all States emulate California’s proposed “clean” energy standards?

Answer: Because they can’t all import one-third of their electricity. Somebody has to generate it.

California aspires to lead the world to a “clean, renewable” energy future by legislative fiat: 100% renewable by 2045.

That would be a gargantuan feat. As the table below [1] shows, 55% of the electricity California now uses comes from hydrocarbon (HC) sources: coal, petroleum and (mostly) natural gas. California generates only 68% of its own electricity, and half of that is from hydrocarbons. About one-third of its electricity comes from other states, and of that only 20% is from renewables. Continue reading “Climate Change IQ Question 6: Why can’t all States emulate California’s proposed “clean” energy standards?”

Climate Change IQ Question 5: What would happen if atmospheric CO2 concentration dropped by half, say to less than 200 ppm?

Answer: Mass starvation

Through photosynthesis, plants convert CO2 and water into the food that supports all life on earth. The benefits to plants from increased atmospheric CO2 include: increased growth, more flowers and fruit, better water-use efficiency, and better resistance to environmental stressors such as plant pathogens, macro and micronutrient excesses or deficiencies, high soil salinity, high/low air temperature, and high/low air temperature. Continue reading “Climate Change IQ Question 5: What would happen if atmospheric CO2 concentration dropped by half, say to less than 200 ppm?”

Climate Change IQ Question 4: Will Manhattan and Florida soon be under water if humans do not curtail use of “fossil fuels”?

Answer: No. For the past 150 years, sea level has been rising slowly at a rate unaffected by carbon dioxide level or the amount of fuel burned.

Some of the most memorable moments in Al Gore’s film An Inconvenient Truth show the effects of the sea level rising by 20 ft. This number was based on the assumption that half the ice on Greenland and Antarctica would melt. The ice in Greenland, in fact, made huge gains in the last year, and the gains in Antarctic ice exceed the losses. Continue reading “Climate Change IQ Question 4: Will Manhattan and Florida soon be under water if humans do not curtail use of “fossil fuels”?”

Climate Change IQ Question 3: Do 97% of climate scientists agree that catastrophic climate change will result if humans do not curtail use of “fossil fuels”?

Answer: No. The percentage is less than 0.3%.

Science is not consensus. A single experiment can destroy the most beautiful “settled” theory, no matter how many scientists believe in it. Actual temperature observations do not agree with the accelerated global warming predicted by the climate models, as shown below. [1]

Truth is sought by observation and experiment. Continue reading “Climate Change IQ Question 3: Do 97% of climate scientists agree that catastrophic climate change will result if humans do not curtail use of “fossil fuels”?”

Climate Change IQ Question 2: Is Arctic ice disappearing?

Answer: There is less ice now than in the 1970s or during the Little Ice Age, but more than in 2012 or the Medieval Warm Period. It has been increasing over the last few years.

While accusing the Trump Administration of “willful ignorance” and “insensitivity” to victims of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, manifested by denying “obvious climate change,” an article in the Sep 11 Washington Post links Continue reading “Climate Change IQ Question 2: Is Arctic ice disappearing?”

Climate Change IQ Question 1: Would lowering atmospheric CO2 prevent or mitigate hurricanes?

Answer: No

The Galveston hurricane and floods of 1900, half a century before humanity could have influenced climate to any measurable extent, killed 8,000-12,000 people and remains to this day the worst natural disaster in the history of the United States. [1] Continue reading “Climate Change IQ Question 1: Would lowering atmospheric CO2 prevent or mitigate hurricanes?”

DDP Climate Change IQ Project

After President Trump withdrew the U.S. from the Paris climate change accord, various state politicians, most prominently California Governor Jerry Brown, stepped forward to say that their state or city would fight “climate change” on its own. Also, a number of Republican congressmen have joined the Climate Solutions Caucus.

In an effort to spur some critical thinking, DDP has launched the Climate Change IQ Test. We intend to distribute a question of the week for 10 weeks.

You can help by Continue reading “DDP Climate Change IQ Project”

Register TODAY for DDP 35th Annual Meeting

Restoring Greatness in American Science and Health
Aug 11-13, 2017
Hyatt Regency 601 Loyola Ave. New Orleans, La. 70113 (504) 561-1234.

Click here for online registration to save your spot at this exciting event.

Don’t forget to make your hotel reservations TODAY at:
Group rate cutoff is July 14.



8:30 AM -12:30 PM World War II Museum Tour
7:00 PM – 9:00 PM Welcome Reception


7:45 AM Welcome. Jane Orient, M.D., DDP President

8:00 AM
The Big Bad Forces of Censorship and Intimidation in Climate Science.
Willie Soon, Ph.D. | Dr. Soon, an astrophysicist, authored The Maunder Minimum and The Variable Sun-Earth Connection.

9:00 AM
Expected Biospheric Impacts of Rising Atmospheric CO2.
Craig Idso, Ph.D. | Dr. Idso is chairman of the Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change, and coauthor of Climate Change Reconsidered.

Special Panel Presentations: EPA Scientific Misconduct and Junk Science
Plato’s Noble Lie, Codevilla’s Scientific Pretense, Gov’t Lying for “Justice.”
John Dale Dunn, M.D., J.D. | Dr. Dunn is an emergency physician, instructor at Fort Hood, TX, advisor to Heartland Institute and American Council on Science and Health.

Scientific Misconduct in PM2.5 Epidemiology.
James E. Enstrom. Ph.D., M.P.H. | Dr. Enstrom is a retired research professor at the University of California at Los Angeles and president of the Scientific Integrity Institute.

12:15 PM Lunch
“You May Die From This”: EPA and Its Gas Chamber of Horrors.
Steve Milloy | Mr. Milloy, founder of and author of Scare Pollution, Green Hell, and Junk Science Judo, served on Trump transition team.

2:00 PM
Quack Cures For What Doesn’t Ail Us.
William (“Matt”) Briggs, Ph.D. | Dr. Briggs, “the Statistician to the Stars,” authored Uncertainty: the Soul of Modeling, Probability, and Statistics. He blogs at

3:00 PM
The Next Great Influenza Pandemic—Problems in Preparedness.
Steven Hatfill, M.D. | Dr. Hatfill is an adjunct assistant professor at George Washington Univ and has done research involving Ebola, Marburg, and orthopox virus.

4:00 PM
Healing Traumatic Brain Injuries.
Carol L. Henricks, M.D. | Dr. Henricks, a neurologist, offers hyperbaric oxygenation therapy, with a special focus on veterans experiencing TBI from IEDs.

6:30 PM Reception, Banquet.
“Sustainable Development”: Perpetuating Energy Deprivation and Poverty.
Paul Driessen, J.D. | Mr. Driessen, a senior fellow with CFACT and the Congress of Racial Equality, is the author of Eco-Imperialism.


8:00 AM
12 Energy Numbers You Need to Know that Cocktail-Party Experts Don’t.
Howard Hayden, Ph.D. | Dr. Hayden is professor emeritus of physics, University of Connecticut, and publishes The Energy Advocate.

9:00 AM
Can the U.S. Dominate Energy? Update on Oil and Gas Development.
Joe Leimkuhler | Mr. Leimkuhler is VP of drilling for LLOG Exploration. He has 30 years experience in deepwater drilling with Shell and LLOG.

10:15 AM
De-mythologizing Chernobyl and Other Radioactive Fairytales.
Norbert Rempe | Mr. Rempe worked 23 years at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) near Carlsbad, NM. He is a DDP director.

11:15 AM
Disasters Involving the Inner Ear.
Gerard Gianoli, M.D. | Dr. Gianoli practices neuro-otology at the Ear and Balance Institute in Covington, La.

12:15 PM Lunch.
State Power and Shakespeare: Fake News Disguising Its True History.
Donald W. Miller, M.D. | Dr. Miller practiced and taught heart surgery for 40 years and has authored 3 books and numerous articles, many for

2:00 PM
Why Global Warming Models Fail; IPCC “Evidence” Is Phony.
Ken Haapala and S. Fred Singer, Ph.D. | Dr. Singer founded and Mr. Haapala is now president of the Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP).

3:00 PM
Data Capture, Information Terrorism, and Cyberterrorism. Jonathan Matusitz, Ph.D. Dr. Matusitz is associate professor of communication at the University of Central Florida.

4:00 PM
Vaccine Controversy: the Role of Adjuvants.
Arthur Robinson, Ph.D. | Art Robinson is founder and research professor of chemistry at Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine, and editor of Access to Energy.

5:00 PM Adjourn.

Registration Fee: $250 for the entire seminar includes a welcome reception, a banquet, and two luncheons ($200 for each additional family member). The tour of the National World War II Museum is $50 per person, including transportation. Meet in the hotel lobby at 8:30 A.M., Friday, Aug 11.

To make hotel reservations:
Use the online form at:
or call the Hyatt Regency at (800) 235-0839 and ask for the DDP annual meeting room block at the rate of $109, single; $119, double; $129, triple; or $139, quadruple.

ROOM RESERVATION CUT OFF DATE: July 13 (afterwards based on availability)
Make your reservations now!

The National World War II Museum, located in the heart of New Orleans, has collected more than 100,000 artifacts of the War. Museum exhibits also offer visitors an opportunity to experience the war through the eyes of the men and women who lived it, through interactives, oral histories, and personal vignettes. Donald W. Pullen, the father-in-law of Joe Leimkuhler, a veteran of the Mighty Eighth Air Force, has volunteered to be our guide.

The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) will supply a certificate of participation for CME credit. This is not accredited as AMA/ACCME Category 1, but is accepted in some states for at least part of the CME requirement for license renewal.