Climate Watch: Is CO2 Reaching a Crisis Level?

Are you worried about your carbon footprint?

“My Carbon” apps are under development. The World Economic Forum states: “Finally, it is significant that all stakeholders across the value chain come together and contribute towards achieving a net-zero future by leaving no one behind.”

Major medical journals urge physicians to consider the climate, as in choosing what kind of anesthesia to give you.

As shown in the graph, atmospheric CO2 is indeed approaching a red line.

In his film An Inconvenient Truth, Al Gore acknowledged that CO2 levels have been much higher—ice cores provide indisputable evidence. He did not say where it came from before there were humans burning coal, oil, and natural gas, or why the extremely high levels did not cause the oceans to boil.

Greenpeace cofounder Patrick Moore explains where it went: into ocean sediments in the calcium carbonate shells of marine organisms that sank when the organism died: natural sequestration.

Detailed analysis of recent papers on atmospheric CO2 and temperature by Willis Eschenbach and others concludes: “For the past 66 million years, atmospheric CO2 can be understood as a neutral spectator molecule, right up through the present.”

Why then would we want, at great expense, to remove CO2 and get closer to the red line of death?

Additional Information:

Saving the World from CO2 Starvation, Civil Defense Perspectives, July 2019

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