WW III? Reply to Glenn Beck on Nuclear War

Do you have insurance for the worst-case scenario?

This week on Glenn TV, Glenn Beck presented “How to Prepare for the HORRIFYING Reality of Nuclear War” (Ep 254), to awaken Americans to a threat they probably hadn’t thought about for a long time. “Mr. Beck has done a great service to our nation in his spell-binding account of the acute nuclear war danger facing our nation now,” states Doctors for Disaster Preparedness (DDP).

“Mr. Beck is correct in saying that the threat of nuclear war has never been so high, and Americans are totally unprepared,” states DDP president Jane M. Orient, M.D. “Still, he unwittingly promotes some dangerous myths that might discourage people from taking simple precautions.”

DDP offers the following factual information:

  • The “duck and cover drill” that Beck like so many others ridicules would save millions of lives in those areas far enough from the bomb where flying glass and debris would be the main hazard.
  • Any type of shadow or cover can prevent burns from the thermal flash. At Hiroshima, skin under white clothing was protected, while skin under dark colors was burned.
  • There is no fallout of significance if a nuclear warhead is air burst.
  • Fallout from a ground burst decays rapidly by the “7-10 rule.” At 7 hours after detonation, the radioactivity would be decreased to 10% of the initial level, and at 49 hours, to 1% of the initial level. It does not take 2 weeks to fall to that level.
  • Fallout is visible (it looks like sand or grit). Levels can be measured easily—unfortunately, the U.S. destroyed most of its appropriate instruments, but Beck does not mention that fact, or the alternatives available to or makeable by the public.
  • The nuclear winter theory was thoroughly debunked in 1986.

“We thank Mr. Beck for raising awareness and hope that Americans will be stimulated to increase their knowledge and level of preparedness,” stated Dr. Orient.

Doctors for Disaster Preparedness provides information to help save lives in the event of natural or man-made disasters.

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