The 39th annual meeting of Doctors for Disaster Preparedness will be in
Tucson, AZ at the Doubletree Tucson – Reid Park, July 31 and August 1, 2021.

Register for the meeting HERE
Make your hotel reservation HERE
Friday, July 30, 2021
9am to 3pm – Optional Tour to Mt. Lemmon SkyCenter (The tour is currently full, write for tour waiting list.)
7pm to 9pm – Welcome Reception. The meeting will officially kick off with the Friday evening welcome reception where you can eat, drink, meet, and network with speakers and attendees.
Saturday, Jul 31, 2021
7:45 am
Welcome. Jane Orient, M.D., DDP President
8:00 am
Sunspots: Hindcasting and Forecasting the Solar Cycle. Willie Soon, Ph.D.
Dr. Soon, an astrophysicist, authored The Maunder Minimum and The Variable Sun-Earth Connection.
9:00 am
Bloom Energy: the Theranos of Thermodynamics. David R. Legates, Ph.D.
Dr. Legates is professor of geography and spatial sciences at the University of Delaware and a former Delaware State Climatologist.
10:15 am
Cancer Risk Assessment: Rewriting Its History. Edward Calabrese, Ph.D.
For more than 20 years, Dr. Calabrese’s research has focused on the dose response to drugs and pollutants in the low-dose range.
11:15 am
Oil, Gas, and Renewables: 2022 and Beyond. Joseph Leimkuhler
Mr. Leimkuhler is chief operating officer of Beacon Offshore Energy.
12:15 pm
Lunch: Healing Arizona Veterans. Carol Henricks, M.D., Rosie Torres, Will Wisner, Micaela Bensko
Traumatic brain injury and toxic exposures are crippling veterans and contributing to 22 suicides per day.
2:00 pm
The Biden/AOC Green New Deal Scam. Paul Driessen, J.D.
Mr. Driessen is the author of Eco-Imperialism: Green Power, Black Death, and policy advisor to the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow
3:00 pm
The Magic Trick of Climate Science. Howard Hayden, Ph.D.
Dr. Hayden is professor emeritus of physics, University of Connecticut, and publishes The Energy Advocate.
4:00 pm
The Price of Panic and the Tyranny of Experts. Jay W. Richards, Ph.D.
Dr. Richards, a research professor at the Busch School of Business, Catholic University of America, is a bestselling author.
6:30 pm
Banquet: Global Reset: the Evil Twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism. Patrick Wood
Author of Technocracy Rising and other books, Mr. Wood studies trends that are transforming global politics, economics, and education.
Sunday, Aug 1, 2021
8:00 am
Civil Defense for 21st Century America, Stephen Jones
.Ex-nuclear arms technician, USN, civil defense activist since the Cuban Missile Crisis.
9:00 am
The Single Point Failure of the National Pandemic Plan. Steven Hatfill, M.D.
Dr. Hatfill is an adjunct assistant professor at George Washington Univ and has done research involving Ebola, Marburg, and orthopox virus.
10:15 am
Practical Aspects of Sheltering in Place in Prolonged Emergency.Hermann Børg, M.D.
Dr. Borg is a neuro endocrinologist, founder of ARCRO (Clinical Research Organization), and a researcher at the University of North Carolina.
11:15 am
DOA: Event 301 and the Decade of Action. Debbie Bacigalupi
Debbie Bacigalupi is a California cattle rancher and expert on the effects of environmental policy on rural America.
12:15 pm
Lunch. Is There Life Off Earth? Alan Korwin
An expert on gun laws, Mr. Korwin is working on his 15th book, Why Science May Be Wrong, with a chapter on the Sagan Assumption.
2:00 pm
The Corruption of STEM Education: Harvey Mudd College. James Enstrom, Ph.D., M.P.H
Dr. Enstrom, an epidemiologist, is a retired research professor at UCLA and founder of the Scientific Integrity Institute.
3:00 pm
Issues at Our Southern Border. Zach Taylor
Mr. Taylor is chairman, National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers
4:00 pm
Bringing Science into the Oregon State Legislature. Arthur Robinson, Ph.D.
Art Robinson is founder of the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine, and an Oregon state senator.
5:00 pm Adjourn.