Myths, Superstitions, and Real Threats Confronting America
July 31 – August 2, 2015
Doubletree by Hilton Ontario Airport
222 N. Vineyard Ave · Ontario, California
For hotel reservations, CALL (866) 445-4454 and mention DDP to get the group rate or book online HERE Hotel group room rate $99/night. Hotel cut-off extended to 7/6.
cosponsored by:
Access to Energy
Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine
Physicians for Civil Defense
Friday, July 31, 2015
Due to JPL security protocols, TOUR SIGN-UP CUT-OFF DATE IS July 10.
8 am-12:30 pm (optional) Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, CA (Tour limited to 50 people)
Tour attendees must be over 18 years old with photo ID. Non-US Citizens must present passport or resident visa.
Before NASA was formed, JPL was sponsored by the US Army to develop rocket technology and the Corporal and Sergeant missile systems. After 1958, JPL turned its attention from the rockets themselves to the scientific payloads they would carry. JPL is now dedicated to the robotic exploration of space.
7-9:30 pm Welcome Reception
Saturday, August 1, 2015
7:45 am
Welcome. Jane Orient, M.D., DDP President
8:00 am
How Clean is “Clean”? A Common-Sense Proposal – Willie Soon, Ph.D.
Dr. Soon, an astrophysicist, authored The Maunder Minimum and The Variable Sun-Earth Connection.
9:00 am
Hormesis: Its Scientific Foundations and Biochemical Regulatory Applications. Edward Calabrese, Ph.D.
For 20 years, Dr. Calabrese’s research has focused on the dose response to drugs and pollutants in the low-dose range.
10:15 am
The History of the Linear No-Threshold Theory – Edward Calabrese, Ph.D.
The Linear-No Threshold theory, which dominates radiation regulatory policy, is based on fraud and misrepresentation.
11:15 am
The Real Risks of Small Particulates (PM2.5s) – William Matthew (Matt) Briggs, Ph.D.
Dr. Briggs is a professor and consultant in statistics with an interest in philosophy of science and epistemology.
12:15 pm
Lunch: Replacing the EPA – Jay Lehr, Ph.D.
Dr. Lehr is Science Director at the Heartland Institute. He has authored more than 700 articles and coauthored and edited 35 books.
2:00 pm
NIPCC vs. IPCC; Natl Climate Assessment: Peeling the Speculative Onion – S. Fred Singer, Ph.D.; Ken Haapala
Dr. Singer founded and Mr. Haapala is now president of the Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP).
3:00 pm
The Myth of Species Extinction – Willis Eschenbach
Mr. Eschenbach, an independent climate researcher, was the first person to file a FOIA request for data from the Univ East Angliia CRU.
4:00 pm
Radiation Protection Superstitions Threaten Geologic Isolation of Radioactive Waste – Norbert Rempe
Mr. Rempe worked 23 years at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) near Carlsbad, NM. He holds an M.S. in geology.
6:30 pm
Reception and Banquet. How the UN’s Agenda 21 Influences Every Aspect of Society – Ileana Johnson Paugh
Born in Romania, Dr. Johnson is a columnist for Canada Free Press and author of Echoes of Communism and Liberty on Life Support.
Sunday, August 2, 2015
8:00 am
The War on Science – Paul Driessen
Mr. Driessen is the author of Eco-Imperialism: Green Power, Black Death, and policy advisor to the Committee for the Constructive Tomorrow.
9:00 am
Surviving the Coming Medical Meltdown – Lee D. Hieb, M.D.
Dr. Hieb is an orthopaedic surgeon specializing in spine surgery and a past president of the Assn of American Physicians and Surgeons.
10:15 am
Fallacies in Modern Medicine: HIV/AIDS – Donald W. Miller, M.D.
Dr. Miller practiced and taught heart surgery for 40 years and has authored three books and numerous articles, many for
11:15 am
Climate Change and the Energy Economy – Steve Goreham
Mr. Goreham is executive director of the Climate Science Coalition of America and author of The Mad, Mad, Mad World of Climatism.
12:15 pm
Lunch: Bitcoin, Gold, and the International Currency Trading Scam – George Gilder
Author of Knowledge and Power, The Israel Test, and Wealth and Poverty, Gilder will explain the information theory of money.
2:00 pm
The Enigma of Malaria Treatment – Mellie T. Gilder, M.D.
Dr. Gilder is a Family Medicine Doctor who has worked for years along the Thai-Myanmar border conducting malaria research through a Fogarty International Clinical Research Fellowship.
3:00 pm
The Growing Threat of Emerging Infectious Diseases – Steven Hatfill, M.D.
An expert in combat casualty care, Dr. Hatfill has done research on Ebola, HIV, Lyme disease, and served in numerous combat theaters.
4:00 pm
Metabolic Profiling and the Future of Medicine – Arthur Robinson, Ph.D. and Noah Robinson, Ph.D.
Art and Noah Robinson, professors of chemistry at the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine, have also authored articles on climate change.
5:00 pm Adjourn
The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) will supply a certificate of participation for up to 15 hours of CME credit for Monday’s course and 15 hours for the meeting. This is not accredited as AMA/ACCME “Category 1,” but is accepted in some states for at least part of the CME requirement for license renewal.
Registration Fee: $250 for the entire seminar includes a welcome reception, a banquet, and two luncheons ($200 for each additional family member).Jet Propulsion Lab tour is $50 each.

Complimentary Self-Parking
Driving Directions to Hotel
I-10 EAST OR WEST BOUND: Take the Vineyard Avenue exit. The hotel is on the south side of I-10 (one block south of the freeway) at the corner of Vineyard and Convention Center Way. The hotel is located approximately 35 miles East of I-5.
FROM HWY 60 EAST: Connect to I-10 East using Hwy 57 North. Take I-10 East to the Vineyard Avenue exit. The hotel is on the south side of I-10 (one block from the freeway).
FROM HWY 60 WEST: Connect to I-10 West using I-15 North.Take I-10 West to the Vineyard Avenue exit. The hotel is on the south side of I-10 (one block south of the freeway).
FROM I-15 NORTH OR SOUTH BOUND: Take the I-10 exit off of I-15. Take I-10 West to the Vineyard Avenue exit. The hotel is on the south side of I-10 (one block south of the freeway).
FROM HWY 57 NORTH OR SOUTH: Exit on to I-10 east bound. Take the Vineyard Avenue exit. The hotel is on the south side of I-10 (one block south of the freeway).
Directions to Hotel from Airports
From Ontario International Airport (ONT)
Distance from Hotel: 1.5 miles
Hotel Courtesy Bus:
Taxi: $10
From Los Angeles Internation Airport (LAX)
Distance from Hotel: 50 miles
Bus Service $30
Limousine $150
Super Shuttle $55
Rental Car $45
Taxi $110
From Burbank Airport (BUR)
Distance from hotel: 40 miles
Super Shuttle $45
Rental Car $45
Taxi $85