Embassy Suites Omaha Old Market
555 South 10th Street
Omaha, Nebraska

Group rate $119/night.
Room reservation
DEADLINE is June 6
CALL (402)346-9000 and mention DDP to get the group rate. or make your room reservation online HERE.
Can’t attend? Help send a student with a tax-deductible contribution to DDP.
cosponsored by:
Access to Energy
Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine
Physicians for Civil Defense
AGENDA SUMMARY (full speaker lineup coming soon…)
Friday, July 8, 2016
8:00am to 1:00pm Optional Group Tour of the Strategic Air and Space Museum
The Strategic Air & Space Museum, located between Lincoln and Omaha near Interstate 80, utilizes over 300,000 square feet of exhibit, education, and event space to educate, inspire, and entertain its guests who come from Nebraska, across the country, and around the world. The museum first opened in 1959 with the mission to commemorate the aircraft of the Strategic Air Command (SAC). The museum became well-known by giving the public the opportunity to visit an impressive array of aircraft that helped SAC preserve the peace during the Cold War.
Friday, July 8, 2016
7:00pm to 9:00 pm. Welcome Reception
Saturday, July 9, 2016
7:45 am Welcome. Jane Orient, M.D., DDP President
8:00 am Beethoven’s Ice Cream, Tolstoy’s Fire, Happer’s Picosecond Pedestal—and Climate. Willie Soon, Ph.D.
Dr. Soon, an astrophysicist, authored The Maunder Minimum and The Variable Sun-Earth Connection.
9:00 am Freedom of Information Act and Academic Freedom in Climate Science. David Legates, Ph.D.
Dr. Legates is professor of geography at the University of Delaware and a former Delaware State Climatologist.
10:15 am Rationality in Radiation Protection Standards. Mohan Doss, Ph.D., MCCPM
Dr. Doss, a medical physicist at Fox Chase Cancer Center, is one of the founding members of Scientists for Accurate Radiation Information.
11:15 am The Status of Radiation Monitoring in the U.S. Arthur Levy
Former asst fire chief, journalist, & producer, Mr. Levy of Apogee Communications Group is deploying fallout monitoring stations nationwide.
12:15 pm Lunch: Police, Fire, and Civilian Emergency Medical Preparedness. Geoffrey L. Shapiro
Mr. Shapiro directs EMS and Operational Medicine Training at George Washington Univ. Emergency Health Services Program.
2:00 pm An Update on Emerging Diseases. Steven Hatfill, M.D.
Dr Hatfill is an adjunct assistant professor at George Washington Univ and has done research involving Ebola, Marburg, and orthopox virus.
3:00 pm Paris COP-21 (S. Fred Singer, Ph.D.); Legal Actions of EPA, CPP, and SCOTUS (Ken Haapala)
Dr. Singer founded and Mr. Haapala is now president of the Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP).
4:00 pm The Analysis of Historical Climate Data. Tony Heller
Mr. Heller brings 40 years of engineering experience in government agencies and the private sector to the analysis and verification of data.
6:30 pm Reception, Banquet. The War Against Freedom. Robert Zubrin, Ph.D.
Dr. Zubrin, president of Pioneer Energy and the Mars Society, has authored 8 books, including Merchants of Despair and Energy Victory.
Sunday, July 10, 2016
GENERAL SESSION DAY 2 – Sunday includes lunch and another full day of speakers.
8:00 am No Certain Doom: On Physical Accuracy in Projected Global Air Temperatures. Patrick Frank, Ph.D.
Dr. Frank, a chemist at the Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource (SLAC) at Stanford University, has authored 68 peer-reviewed publications.
9:00 am Offshore Drilling: Current Status and Role in National Energy Security. Joe Leimkuhler
Mr. Leimkuhler is VP of drilling for LLOG Exploration. He has 30 years experience in deepwater drilling with Shell and LLOG.
10:15 am Combating Heart Disease: Statins, Supplements, Stem Cells, Hyperbaric O2? Donald W. Miller, M.D.
Dr. Miller practiced and taught heart surgery for 40 years and has authored 3 books and numerous articles, many for lewrockwell.com.
11:15 am A Geologic History of Climate: Why Correlated with CO2—or Not. Howard Hayden, Ph.D.
Dr. Hayden is professor emeritus of physics, University of Connecticut, and publishes The Energy Advocate.
12:15 pm Lunch. Living near Ground Zero (Lee Hieb, M.D.); Nuclear and Other Govt-Made Disasters (Yuri Maltsev)
Dr. Hieb, an an orthopaedic surgeon, grew up 25 mi from Omaha. Yuri Maltsev was part of the Academy of Science Task Force on Chernobyl.
2:00 pm Expedient Expedient Civil Defense: the Nuclear War Survival Skills Plan. Stephen Jones. Mr. Jones has distributed essential basic knowledge and expedient radiation detectors to thousands of 1st responders nationwide.
3:00 pm A Nuclear Power Supply for a Deep-Space Probe. Matthew Robinson, Ph.D.
Dr. Robinson developed an inherently safe nuclear reactor that works only under weightless conditions.
4:00 pm Prospects for America. Arthur Robinson, Ph.D.
Art Robinson is founder and research professor of chemistry at Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine, and editor of Access to Energy.
5:00 pm Adjourn.
Monday, July 11, 2016 – Optional Tour- Nebraska Biocontainment Patient Care Unit.
Space is limited to 15 people. Please register today to save your spot.
The United States Centers for Disease Control commissioned the Nebraska Biocontainment Patient Care Unit in 2005. It is a joint project involving Nebraska Medicine, Nebraska Health and Human Services, and the University of Nebraska Medical Center. It was designed to provide the first line of treatment for people affected by bio terrorism or extremely infectious naturally occurring diseases. It’s the largest facility of its kind in the U.S. The unit is equipped to safely care for anyone exposed to a highly contagious and dangerous disease.
Registration Fees: $250 for the entire seminar includes a welcome reception, a banquet, and two luncheons ($200 for each additional family member). Strategic Air and Space Museum Tour: $50/person. Nebraska Bio-Containment Facility Tour: $25/person.
Can’t attend? Help send a student with a tax-deductible contribution to DDP.
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